Scared of Other Anime Fans

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Scared of Other Anime Fans

Postby Alice » Mon Jun 20, 2005 9:15 pm

I'm kinda... scared of other anime fans.

Well, not you people on CAA. At least not most of you. :grin:

But in real life... well, at the video store, there are three anime fans. (One guy has a tattoo of cat rabbits from Tenchi, so you know he's a fan.) Sometimes these fans talk to my brother. I generally pretend to be invisible when this happens. One of the reasons is because... I fear men!!!!!


Actually, these guys kinda creep me out. The one who looks "normal" proudly announced he owns 1000s of anime titles. Frankly, I find that a little scary. 1) I didn't know there was that much anime. 2) I bet a lot of it's dirty. (Yeah, maybe I'm too suspicious. :grin: )

Also, I swear I saw one of these guys wearing a pro-hentai shirt.

Well, my question (in a round-about manner):

Is it normal for me to feel this way? I mean, kinda frightened of these guys.

Also, if it's not, should I be trying to talk to them? Right now I'd rather let them draw their own conclusions and think I'm either the little sister or the girlfriend. (Either one puts me out of their sights!)

Does anyone know what I'm talking about? I know this isn't the most coherant post ever.
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Postby Arnobius » Mon Jun 20, 2005 9:23 pm

I think there are people who take it too far. People where it goes from being a hobby to an obsession. I was there for awhile. A narrow little existence
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Postby Ingemar » Mon Jun 20, 2005 9:27 pm

Alice, don't be afraid. I mean, rather, don't be afraid of being afraid. So in a way, be afraid--but not of being afraid.

OK OK OK, let me back up. A guy with PERMANENT MARKINGS OF CATRABBITS THAT CAN ONLY BE REMOVED BY MUTILATION OR DEATH is pretty worrisome. A guy who claims to own 1000's of titles is pretty worrisome. First, if they're official DVD's, he's spent maybe $20,000 (assuming $20/DVD, after the days when Ghost in the Shell would have cost him $34). If those copies are bootlegs, he's contributing at least to illegal business practices, and at most to many unspeakable crimes in South Asia. Either way, 1000's of titles means hundreds of thousands of hours wasted which could have been used for "finer" pursuits.

Generally speaking, anime fans are... let's just say... fringe. I really am not surprised or offended that so many "normal" people are surprised and offended by our hobby. Which segways perfectly into our next subject--Hentai Shirt Man. I will confess that though I have never watched Hentai or played H games, I have read reviews of said games on Something Awful (and looked at the *ahem* NSFW pics). The subject matter of your typical H is... very warped. Normally this is where I would say "I'll leave it to your imagination" but I really wouldn't feel good letting you imagine "those kinds of things." Just avoid H and people who like H like the plague.
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Postby Lyren » Mon Jun 20, 2005 9:34 pm

Yep, I agree the above replies. Alot of anime fans can be really messed up. Many use an anime hobby as a form of avoiding an already wretched life. From your description of them, I wouldn't feel terribly comfortable holding extensive conversation with them either.
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Postby true_noir_chloe » Mon Jun 20, 2005 9:40 pm

It's normal to be afraid of some guys. I mean, some are creepy to women. I'm not sure why you would title this thread to point out those who are into anime. These creepy guys just happened to be into anime. Sometimes I find some of the guys here on CAA kind of creepy. I won't name any names. <.< >.>

I mean, yes it's wrong to be obsessed, but overall most of the anime fans I've met are pretty laid back and cool. Maybe I just live in a different area of the country where a lot of anime fans are actually "normal" human beings. *looks over to Ash and HikariChan, my fellow Texans* :D

Anyway, yeah if you're getting a creeped out vibe please stay away from them. There is usually a reason why a woman gets a creeped out vibe from some guys. Thank the Lord you get these warnings and stay away from them. ^^

[size=84][color=seagreen]YOU SEE

You see into the deepest part of me ---

beyond the fog I hide behind.

You cast your light upon the shadows

that stretch like cobwebs in my mind.

You ease the pain when I am hurting,

and morbid visions from my past

pierce into the realm of Reason

as though I danced on blades of glass.

You grant me strength when I have fallen

and, once again, I've lost my way.

You take my hand in Yours and lead me

into the promise of a brand new day.

You bring order to all my chaos,

yet set my well-laid plans awry.

You place me on a firm foundation ---

then give me wings so I can fly.

You sand away my roughened edges

and polish all the dullest parts

until I stand before Your presence...

a newly-sculpted work of art.

You see into the heart within me,

right through my motives and selfish will.

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Postby Alice » Mon Jun 20, 2005 9:47 pm

Darth Mom: Thanks. I feel this way about most anime fans I've met, though.

EDIT: Urg, I meant to say, "in person."
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Postby Kkun » Mon Jun 20, 2005 9:47 pm

Creepy guys scare even me, and I'm a...well, a guy. You can just tell when one has "PERVERT" stamped across his forehead. Definitely avoid these guys if you're feeling creeped out. Especially that one wearing a pro-hentai shirt, I bet his mother is very, very proud of him.
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Postby Warrior 4 Jesus » Mon Jun 20, 2005 9:49 pm

I'm afraid of some guys too and I'm a guy myself. I don't see anything wrong with you be creeped out by the aforementioned guys. The guy does sound obessed with anime and doesn't sound like the most pleasant of fellows.

Chloe, I'm not one of the creepy ones am I? XD Just checking.
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Postby Ashley » Mon Jun 20, 2005 9:51 pm

Agreed, a lot of anime fans are definately considered fringes of society. And yes, there are some very scary people in this world, the least of which could be considered anime fans.

As guilty as I am of doing this...we definately have to be careful about judging people. Sometimes those that are in the most hurt, are in the most need of love and affection are those that are on the fringes of society like that. They're crying out for love and attention, and we need to bring it to them. Jesus didn't hang out with the best of people--He was, to quote Brave Saint Saturn here, "savior of the prostitutes, drunkards, rapists, and the gays" too. So if our Lord of the entire universe could love them ...we need to love them too. And that means learning to see from God's perspective, which "judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart." (Hebrews 4:12), not just the outside.

By the way, I'm still working on this a lot too. ^^;;
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Postby Alice » Mon Jun 20, 2005 9:54 pm

Yeah. Sometimes I do pray for people like this, who frighten me. But that doesn't mean I'm good at talking to them. Or want to try....

*doesn't talk to many people in real life*
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Postby Warrior 4 Jesus » Mon Jun 20, 2005 9:55 pm

That's true Ashley, we are all sinful and need Jesus saving Grace, sometimes it hard to remember that. The Lost are calling.
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Postby Kagan » Tue Jun 21, 2005 3:46 am

I'd err on the side of caution in this case. I've seen another thread in another forum about people who were upset because people judged them about their choice and possession of anime. They exhibited anger and expressed their desire to cause violence to the people who confronted them. Show them respect and dignity and prove that you think of them as equals. People on the fringe really don't need that extra incentive for them to go crazy.
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Postby Alice » Tue Jun 21, 2005 9:11 am

So do you mean talk to them or don't talk to them, Kagan?

Although when you tell me that, I really don't want to.

Thanks, everyone, for your replies. :)

I just hate the horrible rudeness of ignoring people (after talking and joking with my brother in the video store, which they could almost certainly hear if they wanted to), but I also don't think I can change myself into the outgoing person who could hold conversations with these people who unnerve me.

Although I may get in a plug for buying the third DVD of Giant Robo, after I've seen it myself...
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Postby c-girl » Tue Jun 21, 2005 9:34 am

>^^<;; Well I have been scared of another anime fan before, but mostly I get wierded out by others. I can understand if you are creeped out, I would be to. >^^< I don't think you need to talk to them or anything of the sort. Personally I just think these people are obsessed with anime period, and there's no need to make to big of an issue out of it. Just act like ya usually Alice, kind and quiet. >^.^<
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Postby Alice » Tue Jun 21, 2005 11:43 am

I guess I just need to pray about this more. I don't feel right about ignoring them, but I don't feel right about talking to them, either. : (
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Postby agasfas » Tue Jun 21, 2005 11:52 am

I guess what really bugs me are the ones how are so obsessed with anime it runs their lives. Like for me, it's just a hobby... I've been to 2 conventions and I watch it now and then and I own some dvd's. Perhaps more then I should, but I've only watched them like once.

But then there are people like my friend next door... All conversations revolve around anime. That gets a bit annoying after awhile because there is more to life then sitting infront of a tv and watching anime. Then there are people who have to prove they are the biggest fan out there. Like I know people who think they are the biggest fan because they only watch subtitles or fansubs... umm.... okay that proves nothing.

But yeah, too many take things to the extreme. But what annoys me the most are the people who talk about certain series, then start mimicing (badly) random anime characters and their voices.

But I notice, at least here in austin that most of those kind of people also revolve their lives around video games too. Which can get a bit annoying and boring too.

I guess the same can be said about anything... like Lord of the Ring fans or Star Wars fans who revolve their lives around a movie. They may be good, but it's just a movie.

So yeah, I know what you mean. Some people take things to the extreme. Moderation is where its at :P
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Postby mitsuki lover » Wed Jun 22, 2005 1:18 pm

agasfas wrote:I guess what really bugs me are the ones how are so obsessed with anime it runs their lives. Like for me, it's just a hobby... I've been to 2 conventions and I watch it now and then and I own some dvd's. Perhaps more then I should, but I've only watched them like once.

But then there are people like my friend next door... All conversations revolve around anime. That gets a bit annoying after awhile because there is more to life then sitting infront of a tv and watching anime. Then there are people who have to prove they are the biggest fan out there. Like I know people who think they are the biggest fan because they only watch subtitles or fansubs... umm.... okay that proves nothing.

But yeah, too many take things to the extreme. But what annoys me the most are the people who talk about certain series, then start mimicing (badly) random anime characters and their voices.

But I notice, at least here in austin that most of those kind of people also revolve their lives around video games too. Which can get a bit annoying and boring too.

I guess the same can be said about anything... like Lord of the Ring fans or Star Wars fans who revolve their lives around a movie. They may be good, but it's just a movie.

So yeah, I know what you mean. Some people take things to the extreme. Moderation is where its at :P

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Postby Kisa » Wed Jun 22, 2005 3:12 pm

I know what you mean and sometimes feel the same way. There are some people who get too into it and make it the focus of their life, and then others who like all the bad animes. I never know what type each fan is until I get to know them like here on CAA.... but I don't think youre alone here ^^
Then again, you can always look at it as a way in to show them Christ.
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Postby ChristianKitsune » Thu Jun 23, 2005 8:30 pm

I will admit..I like anime..A LOT! I have been guilty of mimicing some characters...(embarrased sigh)

but anyways..I am kinda afraid of some aniime fans too...It is hard to believe that some are more obsessed with it than I am...(I would say I am border line obsessed..and I am working on not being so ga ga over anime...I amgetting better!)

but the people who like anything with big eyes and odd colored hair that comes from asia really freak me out...I mean I have this friend who will buy ANYTHING anime when ever he gets money...he doesn't even research it before he buys it...

Also the anime fan who are into yaoi or hentai freak me out as well.I was in my bookstore a few months ago and there was this thirteen year old girl and she starts talking to me...and I am like ok..she likes mangas too...great! but then she asks me if I knew if there were any Yaoi mangas there...I turned to her..and I was like.."Ooh.I see my mom! uh...gotta go!" and then I zipped out of that area...

Rude I know..but yah...ppl who like that kinda shtuff really freak me out...O.o
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Postby EireWolf » Thu Jun 23, 2005 9:18 pm

[quote="Ashley"]Agreed, a lot of anime fans are definately considered fringes of society. And yes, there are some very scary people in this world, the least of which could be considered anime fans.

As guilty as I am of doing this...we definately have to be careful about judging people. Sometimes those that are in the most hurt, are in the most need of love and affection are those that are on the fringes of society like that. They're crying out for love and attention, and we need to bring it to them. Jesus didn't hang out with the best of people--He was, to quote Brave Saint Saturn here, "savior of the prostitutes, drunkards, rapists, and the gays" too. So if our Lord of the entire universe could love them ...we need to love them too. And that means learning to see from God's perspective, which "judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart." (Hebrews 4:12), not just the outside.

By the way, I'm still working on this a lot too. ^^]
That's all true, but what to do when we get a really bad, scary vibe from someone? Jesus knew people's hearts, but we do not. Jesus knew when people were about to stone him; all we have to go on is gut feelings. I've learned to respect those gut feelings and be very cautious around certain people and situations. That is not to say that we should be judgmental, just that we should not dismiss gut feelings as such. I believe sometimes a "bad vibe" or a gut feeling is a prompting from the Holy Spirit to be careful.
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Postby *Hope* » Thu Jun 23, 2005 9:36 pm

Alice, if you feel uncomfortable around these guys, then maybe it's a good idea just to stay away from them. I'm not saying to give them the cold shoulder. If you run into them, say hi, be nice, but you don't have to take it beyond there. No one likes to be around someone who makes them feel uncomfortable, especially if that someone has a H shirt. That doesn't mean that you shouldn't care for them. People like that, poeple who have obsession or are into hentai, they need your prayers. It's hard not to judge, and it's something I personally need to work on. It's hard to love some people becuase our human love is so incomplete and falls short. Ask God to give you his love, and then you can love them with the love of Christ, even if they scare you. (Okay, how many times did I use the word love in that sentence?) And pray for protection. I'm not trying to scare you or anything, but praying for protection is always a good idea, no matter what situations you're in.

Yeah, some anime fans really are too hard core. And sometimes that just means they are really silly, but then there are the people who are into hentai. Stay away from those ones. You can be cordial and stuff, but don't feel bad for not wanting to be around someone who scares you. And pray a lot too. God has a miraculous way of giving us the answers we need. :hug:
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Postby Lochaber Axe » Thu Jun 23, 2005 10:47 pm

All I would say is to give it to God as others have said, train your thoughts and emotions in doing his will, and maybe just being a kind person to them will plant a seed. It happens that way a lot... God doesn't intend to put you in danger or beyond your strength.

Also, DEFINITELY ask God of how far you should witness to the H shirt guy. For a woman or girl, STAY FAR AWAY FROM ANYONE INVOLVED WITH ANY TYPE OF PORNOGRAPHY. No matter if it is animated or not, Porn and sexual immorality is the highest corrupter of the human mind. There are countless interviews with inmates convicted of sexual crimes such as rape, who attest to starting with Porn.

God also gave us instincts for a reason. Like Eirewolf said, trust them, but also keep God's will for you in mind.
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Postby Yojimbo » Thu Jun 23, 2005 11:26 pm

Yeah I agree with Hope. Be curtious to them, say hello, and whatnot but you don't have to go out on the limb and have a meaty conversation with them. Still we should all try to exemplify Jesus as Christians and not give people the cold shoulder because of what we see on the exterior.
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Postby kazekami » Fri Jun 24, 2005 8:54 am

I've met too creepy guys. One was into anime I met him in Anime club. He was a stalker. First he stalked my friend Renee, then me, and when I took a year break from school he started stalking my friend Jess. He was pretty creepy. Then there was this guy who hit on me. I just got bad vibes from him. I talked to them and was polite at first before i realized how scary they were. Stalker boy would call my house all the time and i'd hang up on him. The ohter one got mad cause some lady could see I was uncomfortable with his attention and talked to me. The next time I saw him I ran the other way.

If you get bad vibes from somone don't go near them. Just pray for them. Stalker boy didn't like christianity brought up. He didn't believe and didn't want to even listen. I bet he's found a new girl to cling to by now. One day someones going to have him arrested.

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Postby Fsiphskilm » Fri Jun 24, 2005 11:03 am

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Postby Tsukuyomi » Fri Jun 24, 2005 11:21 am

I think u have a reason to fear them. Well, unless they're lechers like Miroku (giggles inside). You should try to strike up a conversation with them. Who knows, u might even find a very good friend in one of them. Aww, I think that's kinda cute. I never seen a man with a tatoo of Ryo-oki (ignore spelling)!!!
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Postby mitsuki lover » Fri Jun 24, 2005 1:04 pm

I think everyone would agree to first be careful and second don't be too
quick to judge.
As far as hentai is too bad that that is all some people think of
when they think of anime.The guy who was wearing the H t'shirt might
not have been too bad of a guy but he was,by wearing it,supporting a
definite stereotype of anime and anime fans. :(
On the other hand porn in general dehumanizes women and ends up
making those who watch or read it to dehumanize and depreciate women
as well.
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Postby Fsiphskilm » Fri Jun 24, 2005 2:20 pm

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Postby Kaligraphic » Fri Jun 24, 2005 6:05 pm

Still, I don't think it is necessarily normal to be afraid of random people. I wouldn't necessarily go watching random H stuff just because they might, but that's a matter of knowing that certain things you simply don't want to know about. (for instance, if someone sends you a link or has you google anything starting with, say, "goat" or "tub", don't do it.) That doesn't mean that you can't be friendly with people.

A lot of people in the world think that Christians are a bunch of scared, whiny crybabies with a lame god who just tells people what not to do. Why reinforce that stereotype?
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Postby Alice » Fri Jun 24, 2005 6:21 pm

I haven't started talking to them more. I did pray for them some. Not sure I'm going to change myself into a friendly person who can dispell myths about Christianity, Kaligraphic.
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