He doesn't need us...but he wants us to be with him...isn't that awesome? I mean it is hard to believe that THE GOD OF EVERYTHING wants to hang out with ME! That just floors my mind!
So, we all have a choice don't we? We can either choose to live our own way, or we can choose to live God's way...
We can worship the world and it's Temporary treasures, or we can Worship God, for all eternity.
They say happiness can last forever. But I truly believe that TRUE happiness will only last forever when one TRULY decides to follow God...
Steeltemplar wrote:Great insight on all that, CR-chan
I think that you said most of what needs to be.
The one thing which stands out to me that remains would be this bit:
"Let us break their chains," they say,
"and throw off their fetters."
Those who stand against God and Christianity often portray the faith as being something which oppresses. People say that Christianity is "too restrictive" that they don't think religion should "have all of those rules", etc. Basically, society preaches that we may do whatever we want to so long as we don't hurt other people (unless said other person is an unborn child, apparently). And it's popular, so people like politicians and even some supposed religious leaders buy into it because it's more popular to say "do what you want, it's okay" than it is to say "this is the way that God wishes you to act".
So people ironically think they are "freed" of Christianity when in fact they have placed themselves under the oppression of their own sin.
Hey CR-chan! Awesome, thanks so much for starting this ^^ and thank you Ashley letting her create it.
He doesn't need us...but he wants us to be with him...isn't that awesome? I mean it is hard to believe that THE GOD OF EVERYTHING wants to hang out with ME! That just floors my mind!
So, we all have a choice don't we? We can either choose to live our own way, or we can choose to live God's way...
We can worship the world and it's Temporary treasures, or we can Worship God, for all eternity.
They say happiness can last forever. But I truly believe that TRUE happiness will only last forever when one TRULY decides to follow God...
Yep!! ^^ It does sadden Him, when we turn away, and when we could spend time with Him, but choose to do our own thing, or we say we are too busy...we should never be to busy to spend time with our Heavenly Father, He's never too busy for us...NEVER. He's always waiting and wanting to talk to us, sometimes we ignore Him or dont want to hear what He has to say, because what He has to say may be telling us to stop whatever we are doing, and we dont want to, its not until later do we realize...we should have listened to His still small voice. Anyway! getting back on subject haha.
Like you said, we can live in this life and enjoy everything it has to offer...and that will be our reward...if you ask me..its not worth it. Or, we can worship God and live for Him, and have eternal life where we will never ever be separated from Him. My pastor was talking about hell one sunday...he said "Some people get it in their heads that hell is just fire and brim stone burning flesh, and gnashing of teeth, and thats all true, but what it also is, is total and complete separation from God...Him turning His back on you and walking away, because you turned you're back on Him, and lived the way you wanted in life." I dont know about you..but...having God...just turn His back on me...is the most scariest thing I can think of..because without Him, I am nothing. But, thankfully I am His child and that will never happen to me. Right now though, I want to learn all I can about Him, and spend time reading His word, talking and praying to Him. He always listens...thats one of the many things I love about God, when it seems like no one cares...like no one will listen to you, He always will ^^
And like you CR-chan, it floors my mind that He wants to spend time with me as well...me...a sinner..imperfect. And, like you said...He dosnt need us..but He wants us to be with Him, when I think about that, I think of how much love He must have for me, can't I find atleast 10 minutes a day just to sit down and read His word?? So, thats what im trying to do.
He truly is an Awesome God ^^
ChristianRonin wrote:EXACTLY! I agree with you, ST...society today, fools some into thinking it is OK to move away from God...it is ok to do what you want...when in reality...it is only hurting them in the long run..because when this life is over...what will there be for them?
You are welcome Sakura, thanks for posting!! ^-^ (Btw...you guys CAN post what you read and learn too...^^ in fact i encourage it!!)
Hell is seperation...which in my opinion would be the ULTIMATE toture...
and yesh..he is AN AWESOME GOD!! ^____^
AnimeHeretic wrote:Don't worry. At this level there is no conflict... sounds like something I'd see in my Church
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