desperado wrote: ignore the yaoi freaks
rusty789 wrote:Thanks, anyadvice on how much money to bring? All of your advice was good, and I will remeber it if I go.
rusty789 wrote:Thanks, anyadvice on how much money to bring? All of your advice was good, and I will remeber it if I go.
Joan of Arc wrote:At Anime Expo, I got an anime advertising fan, a J rock poster I'm not crazy about, a couple of small pins, and a sample ADV CD which I have no idea what is on it.
rusty789 wrote:By the way are there freebies? If so, like what kind of things?
Wingzero22 wrote:Yes, mostly posters and stuff like that. But if you go to some of the anime panels will give out free stuff too.
Locke wrote:Free Stuff = 90% of the things I brought home from AX.
They gave away free mangas too ( which my friends stole by the truckload.)
Fans, Pins, inflateble swords, anything that wasent nailed down my friends took >.>
Kokoro Daisuke wrote:Snacks = good. Camera = good. If you're cosplaying an attractive male character, running shoes = good. You'd be surprised at how fast those fangirls can run.
Also, never overestimate how much time you have. If you plan on attending events that make you stand in line, then make sure you've got plenty of time to see everything you want to see. Always plan ahead and know what you're going to do in advance. ^_^
rusty789 wrote:Lol, I will keep the fan girl advice in mind. lol. But do you have any tips on being safe, cause I am a little worried about going.
Mr. SmartyPants wrote:Deoderant.... LOTS of Deoderant
either cause you'll be stinkin like mad crazy... or other people there will be stinkin like mad crazy
maybe rub a little deoderant... or other fragrant smelling substance under your nose
Wingzero22 wrote:Just keep an eye out for anything. I'm very watchful when I'm in the dealer rooms or so, because you have so many people in there. I don't want to lost my wallet. Also, if you start to feel that you are not safe in area, let one of the con personal know. I know that the con that I go to, If a person doesn't feel safe walking to their car or some people. A con personal will go with you if you ask.
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