They try to teach you C++ in 20 Days, Calulus, Physics, and Linear Algebra in 6 days each. It's insane, and the education you'll get here will be nothing but [u]watered down,
Ashley wrote:SCAD--the Savannah College of Art and Design. They have some absolutely AMAZING programs and it's one of the top schools in the nation. I don't know if it's right for you or not (wasn't for me), but I figured I'd throw it out there.
arch_angel wrote:^_^ I love some of your artwork that I've seen scattered about *you made me laugh a great deal with some of your spoofs like, "Resident Troll" and so forth lol*, you have great talent, and I just want to bless you on whatever path God may take you.
Tom Dincht wrote:I already know what college I`m going to. It`s a Game Design college in Arizona and I am going Full Sail. -Gulp-
Azier the Swordsman wrote:If you want to go to college though, there are better than Full Sail. Last time I checked, ITT Tech has been opening Game Design courses on certain campuses. I have no idea how good the school is though.
Volt wrote:I've given this much thought...
And I'm not going through with this anymore.
Full Sail's un-experienced staff, and history with Game Developement is just too much for me to bear. This Aug will make it my 1 year anniversary being in the Game Development Course, Class wise I'm only 4 months into the course.
It is too difficult, and I've had nothing but bad luck and signs from God to quit.
==Why I'm Quiting==
I knew the Course was going to be intense, but in reality it is 7X more intense and difficult than i could of imagened.
I've had Stomach Ulsers, Head Aches, Heart Aches, from all the stress, from all the work and all the catching up. No more. I'm done with this Crap.
This school is just not ready to teach Game Design.
==My Mistakes==
Coming here.
Asking God for Help, when I should of Asked God for Direction. I've had nothing but Bad Luck, and spiritual attacks since i got here.
Instead of asking God for Direction I kept asking for help, so i could pass my classes and graduate. Aparently this is not my fate, this is not the path i should be taking.
This is all like a dream to me right now. It's a bit difficult to grasp but I'm glad I'm making this decision, This course has made my life Hell, and aside from the stress and depression, I'm glad I'm dropping out. I'm glad I can finally get my life back. Instead of waking up everyday, scared to death of failing, always being behind, going to the same Torturing classes, struggling to make it... Imagine this everyday for almost 1 year now... I'm surprized I haven't killed myself, If i weren't christian I wouldn't be here. If it weren't for my beleifs I would not be here at all.
==My Advice to You Game Dev Wanna-Be's==
Don't go to Full Sail for Game Development.
80% of the Guys that take the GDev Degree end up quiting or going home. And the 20% left... not all of them Graduate. It's not worth your time or money. Full Sail is still upgrading the course in certain spots, which just goes to show how un-experienced they are at this.
The Staff are many times Unorganized and In-competant. The Teachers Pile Work on your back constantly, and the stress is intense beyond all means.
The Physics, Calculus, and Linear Algebra Teacher is the same guy. Who's foriegn accent is un-translatable even by the most experienced student.
They try to teach you C++ in 20 Days, Calulus, Physics, and Linear Algebra in 6 days each. It's insane, and the education you'll get here will be nothing but watered down, Rushed, undetailed, reviews of information Full Sail expects you to already know. This school sucks so much there was a website filled with COMPLAINTS from Teachers, former Labbies, and Students. Full Sail covered this up buy sewing the guy, and taking the website down.
No worries, still has the site archived. You MUST read it if you're considering ever going here for Game Design.
I just called my Mom and told her, all i can say is I'm glad I'm making this decision. The amount of stress and work involved is insane, my lazy idiot room-mate, the distance from class, all have their share of causing this.
But what amazes me the most is the un-experienced teaching methods, classes that have been in the degree for years, decide to change their course teaching guidelines, changes are made here and there, teachers quit, new ones are highered, EVERY MONTH.
I'm Tired, I'm Stressed out, I LOVE game Design, but I have to start being realistic, and stop lieing to myself. The truth is this: I"M NOT GOING TO MAKE IT IN THIS COURSE. I've Failed over and over. And it's not because I don't understand the material. I've taken PC LOGO, Pascal, Q Basic, and Visual Basic Programing in HighSchool, I passed PG1 with only half the knowledge, but like i said, They don't give you enough time to breath. I have to finish the course in a certain amount of time, You can't take more than 30 months, and according to my current status, I'm nearing that limit. IF i'm having this much trouble 4months into the course, then heh, I'm not going to make it with the other 19 or so months. Time to be reasonable and not passionate. I love Programing, I love game Design, But realisticly It's time to call it quits.
The other courses, are still accelerated but at the end of the day, you go home and relax, With the game design course, you take your work home, on your laptop and you keep working. 70% of your work will be done at home.
SCREW the teachers, they give you a BOOK for all the classes, and you can teach yourself. In my opinion Full Sail's GDev Course sucks waxy donkey ears. And I just want my life, health, and sanity back.
I'm done.
All i want now. is just.. to Transfer into the right course. I'm going to talk to my student advisor tomorrow, I can transfer into Film, Digital Media, Computer Animation. And I want God to lead me to the right one. Aside from the insane amounts of money I've gone through already, I'm just.... very very stressed out. I've had all sorts of physical pain from the stress and intesity that i'm done. No More. Screw Full Sail.
My love for programing has been placed in a Garden, locked away, where love might someday bloom once again. But not this school, not now.
Volt wrote:Absolutely Correct.
The Lesson of the story is, Don't Study things at College that involve you teaching yourself. If you can teach yourself, then you don't need some college breathing down your back, setting up impossible milestones and finals. Learning things on your own time, relaxed, not stressed is better.
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