ZIPO_MASTER* wrote:For me, it's SPIDERS!!! Not the little kind, but like, any that's half an inch or more, is FREAKY. Ack, I'm getting chills just talking about it. What about you guys? (if you have any, that fearless warriors...)
chibiphonebooth wrote:*hyperventlilates* LEACHES. THEY SCARE THE CRAP OUT OF ME.
Mr. SmartyPants wrote:Other Humans
mythmaster wrote:in case anyone is wondering how i know so much about the animal i hate the most its because its an animal and i study animals
Lehn wrote:Aminals don't scare me. Period. If I'm outside, and there's a spider crawling up my arm, I just brush it off.
I'm with MSP --- humans scare me heck of a lot more then anything else living. Because you have no way of guessing what they'll do.
Heart of Sword wrote:Maggots crawling around in wounds...that's the only time a creature will ever give me the creeps. And it's not them. It's what they're doing...I mean, it's what they were designed to do, but it's still creepy.
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