The OFFICIAL Comic Con Report (what little of it there is)

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The OFFICIAL Comic Con Report (what little of it there is)

Postby Ingemar » Sun Jul 17, 2005 7:58 pm

First, let me just take this moment to give the WAGGING FINGER OF SHAME (tm). I was left all alone to be CAA's sole representative at this massive con which literally dwarfed AX. Shame! Let's hope this doesn't repeat itself next year.

How can I summarize my (one day) experience in CC? I think this picture does that job well. (The sign, which will look clearer in other shots, says "HUG ME: I'm a CATBOY"). Yes, yes, I reprised my Kuroneko cosplay. As for the sign itself, it proved itself almost too successful. I lost count of the number of random people who gave me hugs, including small children who said, "Catboy!" and... *shudder* guys. Incidentally, every single person in the previous photo gave me a hug. I believe two people from that group "glomped" me (and apparently, they have a mystical scoring system--two thousand points for a "glomp").

Speaking of cosplay, the only respect in which CC was inferior to AX was in the costuming department. Whereas in AX 1 in 2 were wearing some weird outfit or the like, this wasn't the case in CC. Of course, I didn't go yesterday, the day of the Masquerade. Nevertheless, there were still some halfway decent folk in dress-up.

One of the main reasons I went was because my cousin/photographer never had the privilege of attending. He was very helpful and patient. In addition, he served as the unofficial guy who stands next to toys or things that looked really cool. He made a bet with me that two girls would hug me within the hour I put the sign on.

Twenty minutes later, I handed him five bucks.

Last but not least is this amusing... group. I figured that since there are some Jpop fans here, they would like that. Besides the paddle.
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Postby Cap'n Nick » Sun Jul 17, 2005 8:05 pm

Whoa, Legos! Looks like you had a smashing time.

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Postby Locke » Sun Jul 17, 2005 8:14 pm

To think this was going on 50 or so miles away....
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Postby Ky Kiske » Sun Jul 17, 2005 8:45 pm

*jaw drops*
I'll go if you get me that magical cat-mask.
That thing is the ultimate chick magnet.
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Postby Ingemar » Sun Jul 17, 2005 10:33 pm

Ky Kiske wrote:*jaw drops*
I'll go if you get me that magical cat-mask.
That thing is the ultimate chick magnet.

The end result is very different from what I have written in the thread. Originally, there was a backstrap. For CC, the backstrap was done away with. Instead, I had stapled (because I can't sew well v_v ) a black hat to the backpack. You can't see it, but there is also some black cloth stapled to the sides of the backpack to cover the hat and the sides of my head. Also, I got rid of the cardboard backing since the glue gun glue holding it up lost its bonding power (sweat can do that).

The eye holes are near the cat's eyes, NOT on them. Kuroneko's eyes are too far apart for you to put eyeholes in its eyeslits, even for a guy with a huge head like me.

To cut the backpack, I cut through the seam BEHIND the zipper. This way, when done, the zipper of the backpack is still on it, but the backpack straps are gone. I chose this seam since it went all around the circumference of the backpack.

The inside of the backpack has a thin layer of cloth separating whatever you put in the backpack from the backpack itself. It's hard to describe, but you'll see once you get the backpack. You'll have to cut that out.

Finally, two warnings: 1). The "ears" are supported by two hard, pointy pieces of plastic. When you cut the thin layer of cloth out, the ears will flop down (from the point of view of people looking at you). This will cause the plastic supports to cut and dig into your forehead. To prevent this, lay the mask face down on the table and use a glue gun to glue down the plastic supports to the mask. 2). The material of this backpack is not breathable. Even in an air-conditioned environment, it felt like I was in a Texan heatwave. Do yourself a favor and ventilate every ten minutes. Attracting all The Ladies isn't worth risking your cardiovascular/pulmonary health.
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Postby Yojimbo » Sun Jul 17, 2005 11:46 pm

Nice I like the Alien guy and the lifesize Star Wars Legos.
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Postby Maledicte » Sun Jul 17, 2005 11:53 pm

hehe the last picture...seems to be that I'm drawn to that poster in the have any idea what it was for?
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Mon Jul 18, 2005 12:29 am

i seriously hope the middle person is a girl....

its still bad though

*goes off to make an anti-yaoi paddle*
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Postby Demosthenes » Mon Jul 18, 2005 7:06 am

I wish I could have gone to COmic Con :[ I live in NY though :[
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Postby AngelSakura » Mon Jul 18, 2005 1:16 pm

<<And yes, I do want and need you to tell.>>
Cap'n, we'll have that Talk later...

Looks like fun. I can't wait until Otakon. X33
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Postby Psycho Ann » Wed Jul 27, 2005 11:40 pm


But man, your kuroneko cosplay rules... I wonder if they sell kuroneko bags... :thumb:
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Postby Ingemar » Wed Jul 27, 2005 11:42 pm

They do, on Ebay or any Suncoast (I did the latter).
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