agasfas wrote:No the 4th. Go by what time zone you where born in whether you moved or not. Just because you skip a few time zone doesn't take the fact away you were born at 9:56 pm where you were at.
agasfas wrote:No the 4th. Go by what time zone you where born in whether you moved or not. Just because you skip a few time zone doesn't take the fact away you were born at 9:56 pm where you were at.
Shao Feng-Li wrote:I thought up a delima for myself. I was born December 4th at 9:56 PM. THat means, in New York my birth happend at December 5 12:56 AM. So that would mean my birthday is now December 5th, since I live out here, right? Then I celebrate it on the 5th?
Sounds silly, I know. Maybe even stupid, but...
Doubleshadow wrote:Your birthday is the same regardless of your techincal location time-wise. If you lived near the international date-line, you could celebrate your birthday, cross the date-line, and celebrate it again. ^^
Kura Ookami wrote:So if you were born on Mercury and then moved to Earth you'd be able to celebrate your birthday more than once each earth year because one year is the time it takes for a planet to move around it's star once. Mercury takes less time to travel round the sun than earth. In fact you'd celebrate your birthday about four times per earth year. If i was born on Mercury id be about 86 years old now. Oh and if i was born on pluto id be about 0.09 years old. So I'd be about 32 days old now if i was born on pluto. This could get complicated if we ever colonise other planets.
Volt wrote:YOUR birthday, is considered at the Time of the location where you were born.
What-ever time zone you were born in, THAT is your official birthday.
This way technicalities don't interfear,
>>> What about my Age in Mars Years?
Volt: Where you born on Mars?
>>> Nope
Volt: Problem Solved.
>>> What about my birthday in Japan? Was I born a day earlier?
Volt: Where you born in Japan?
>>> Nope
Volt: You have acheived enlightenment. You are corrent.
termyt wrote:You're assuming 365 (24 hour) days in a plutonian year.
One day on Pluto is 153 hours and one year has 14,182 days. So, you are actually 1276 days old by the Pluto calender.
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