Dating, ideally, should lead to marriage.
Noeru1992 wrote:Okay about the Sean guy O.O..
I know I said I didnt wanan date for awhile...But is it completly wrong...
I liked him before I broke up with Alex, And trust me guys he is NOTHING like Alex! Actully..He joined CAA! He jsut joined like 10 mins ago though...His User name is Sheky (I dont know why -_-)
He needs your guys' approval! hehe!
*Huggies and ramen for everyone!*
rei wrote:"Welcome to Corneria!"
"I like swords."
"Welcome to Corneria!"
"I like swords."
"Welcome to Corneria!"
"I like swords."
"Welcome to Corneria!"
"I like swords."
"Welcome to Corneria!"
"I like swords."
Swordguy wrote:thru most of this thread *which is probably right* the topic of dateing has been going on...but i jsut wanted to touch ground a bit on your relationship wiht God *which should come first in any situation* you said you wanted to get closer to Him corect, well i would recomend putting God back in the proper spot in your life. also remember what you said about denying God. Peter did it three times and look how God turned Him in a mighty warior, jonah, david, all of them had their faults...but where we see faults God see pontetial. He loves you more than are His daugter...His beloved...He cares for put Him first and give it back to God
Heart of Sword wrote:You promised you wouldn't hurt him?
Some promises have to be broken, especially if they're messing up your relationship with God.
The purpose for a Christian having a partner is to have someone to hold you accountable, to always be there for you when you're having spiritual problems. What good will Alex be able to do for you when you're going through a spiritual desert? All he'll be able to do is drag you down even more.
Noeru1992 wrote:Exactly why i broke up with
I did it! ^^!
shooraijin wrote:And? How did you tell him? And what was his response?
Locke wrote:When life gives you lemons, make it into a blog and get comments. =/
[/color]Nate wrote:[color=black]Screw TNT: CAA Knows Drama.
sarahcarter06 wrote:When dating a non-Christian, it is possible that they are not pulling you away from God, but they most likely aren't helping strengthen your relationship wth God either.
I hope that made sense..
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