Alice wrote:Well, whatever you do, force yourself to start eating more. Maybe you could make a rule that you have to eat something before you can get on the computer (or take something with you to eat when you're there). I often eat in front of the computer, it's not that hard if you're not typing.
EireWolf wrote: is to set a timer for yourself when you get on the computer. I know that I can spend hours on the computer and not even realize I've been on so long. So, get a timer and set it for an hour (or whatever), and when it goes off, you go off too.
ChristianRonin wrote:you know my opinions Mythkun...
I say just cut back to an hour or so a day..and have your parents issue a weekly time limit or something..
all things in moderation I guess..
for me I am on a lot as well.. but I do other things while at the comp..soo.. hmm..
mythmaster wrote:ok im thinking about getting out of CAA before i get to hooked in it. its nobodys fault but my own. the reason for my thinking this is because im spending 40-50% of the day on the comp and most of that time is me being on CAA. during this time i just read threads and their replys, i hardly ever reply my self. another reason is because my parents say im spending too much time on the comp and that i need to get outside more and they're right about that too. another is because i used to eat about 2 meals a day and that slowed down to about 1 meal, i make a fast meal when i eat and because of this im not getting near the right amount of neutrition.
so those are the reasons for my thinking of leaving CAA. I would like your opp on if i should or shouldnt leave if you have a sugg thats ok too
termyt wrote:Get a laptop (you can use it outside) and take a multi-vitamin.
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