spirit-me-away wrote:I was just wondering peoples thought's on Tattoo's.. I was thinking of getting on. It wouldn't be big. Is it bad?? Should i or shouldn't I ???
mm i havent heard the skin cancer one but if you must know you can't get skin cancer froma needal enless they are injecting it into ya (tha cancer that is) the only real medical problems that I have heard of is that some people are alergic to the ink that is used but thats a very small amount other than that as long as the shop is clean and the equipment is staral (actualy at lest in colorado theres regualtions on how they have to starlize and stuff like put a plastik bag ofer the sprayer and what not) you should be good besides all the needals that i have seen used on tatts are one time use and are taken out of the pacage right in front of ya just like a sergical instrament like forceps. but still pain is an issue at least for me it hurt but not to the point that I would quit actualy funny story i was crackin jokes half way through and i can't even stand getting shots at all im like the bigest baby ever when it come to needals.Knuckles wrote:I hate needles... they are painful and evil.... >_< and what about skin cancer and all that other stuff they say about medical hazards?!
I say if you want a tattoo, draw on your arm with a Sharpie or something XD .....oh wait! Sharpies can cause medical hazards too! (or so the media says) LOL
Tattoos are not good. It is marking our bodies (which are the temple of the Holy Spirit) with harmful substances that may look cool or pretty for some time, but which over the years causes the area of skin affected to become less than attractive.
Also, the majority of subject matter which the tattoo industry "paints" is currently pretty anti-Christian.
To make things short, a person's body would be a lot happier without them.
USSRGirl wrote:>.< No. Because I say it tastes of evil. And everyone is entitled to my opinion.
agreeed its even better than the hidden smart flame that actaly makes a good point. Imm gona make a stretch I know its a little out there but this is just how i feel and my advice to galls and hec every one. If you are doing for some other human to try to look better to them just don't do it remeber you can't force some one to love ya so im serous body modifacation, plastic sergary hec the way you dress don't change it for who you think might "be the one" be yourself not some facad or mask that isn't who you are and on that not you can talk to God just like you would to your best friend sure theres a sence of revrence thats always good but he wants to know whats going on in your life and be apart of it in a big way so trust what you get from him in whatever format you get it.Mithrandir wrote:I just want to point out that kammerite was quite tactful on that rebuttle. It certainly is nice to see people get along from time to time.
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