Uriel wrote:Sorry if I offend some people, but why are current religious movies generally so bad? I thought Constantine and Stigmata and the new Exorcist movies were icky and horrible compared to older films like Ben Hur and Spartacus. I don't understand why they can't make a good Christian movie nowadays.
AnimeHeretic wrote:(I don't recall Spartacus as being a religious movie btw)
AnimeHeretic wrote:I think the religious movies (authentic) come about where the people involved have a respect for God and wish to treat religion in a respectful manner.
Jman wrote:I think because most people hear about god and all the jazz on a regular basis that when they want to go to the movies they want somthing, not godhish, my 2 cents!
Warrior 4 Jesus wrote:Its a Wonderful Life was a good uplifting movie, but Dead Poets Society? Have you even seen it? Its one of the most depressing movies I've ever seen! Not uplifting at all.
rocklobster wrote:Yeah, whatever happened to uplifting stuff like It's a Wonderful Life, Pollyanna, Dead Poets Society, et. al? These days, it seems they don't know how to do that anymore.
Vash is a plant wrote:I would say the fall of morality in America is the reason why movies like that don't come out anymore... Movie maker's main focus: make money. To make money, the majority of movie watchers must like what they see and if what they like to see is smut, that's what will be made.
If that's the case, why'd The Passion do so well?
I thought Constantine and Stigmata and the new Exorcist movies were icky and horrible compared to older films like Ben Hur and Spartacus.
Because people are drawn to idolitry
Shatterheart wrote:Actually from what I have heard, a member of Lewis' famiy is on the staff to make sure they stay true...at least thats what i have heard.
Shao, we know the kind of debate and arguement that can stem from the whole Passion debate...so stop, and don't even go there.
Once more, Christianity is a relationship not a religion. ^^
Mangafanatic wrote:Why are they so bad? Well, it's because Christian authors are afraid to offend their target demographic so they aviod dealing with any issue that are controversial, difficult, dark, or otherwise, intelligent. Stripped of their ability to write stories about subject that actually affect the average person, they're left to write stories about prefect worlds where real sin doesn't exist and realistic characters are banned for fear of "offending" the religious.
. . . Yeah, I've given this a lot of thought. I pray that I never become a religious author. I much prefer being a writer who loves Jesus.
Actually from what I have heard, a member of Lewis' famiy is on the staff to make sure they stay true...at least thats what i have heard.
mitsuki lover wrote:Actually we could extend the question to ask why so many Christian novels are so bad these days?
Mangafanatic wrote:Why are they so bad? Well, it's because Christian authors are afraid to offend their target demographic so they aviod dealing with any issue that are controversial, difficult, dark, or otherwise, intelligent. Stripped of their ability to write stories about subject that actually affect the average person, they're left to write stories about prefect worlds where real sin doesn't exist and realistic characters are banned for fear of "offending" the religious.
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