Attendance At Otakon

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Attendance At Otakon

Postby ashfire » Sat Aug 06, 2005 2:16 pm

:wow!: For those going to Otakon. Check the con website about attendance.
If what is being said is correct At the door registration may not be done this year depending on the amount of pre reg for those coming. A lot of the cons are cutting out one day regs and if Otakon starts doing away with at the door it could effect a lot of ways other cons might operate registration for attendees. I know Otakon can be a Madhouse with the amount of people attending trying to get in the door when the reg line start and filling up the convention center. :sweat: I stood out on the street on the other side of the center waiting to get in to sign reg papers and pay my money to get my badge and programs and other neat stuff and have also stood in line inside and walked up one hallway around and around and back the way we came to registration. :mutter:
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Postby Spirit_Wolf8356 » Sun Aug 07, 2005 9:26 am

I strongly reccommend pre-reg if you can. You can go up and get your badge a day early and walk straight in Friday morning.

At last look, there were 3,102 badges left.

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Postby Kawaiikneko » Sun Aug 07, 2005 10:26 am

ahhhh I want to go so badly! I have no one to go with and its kinda last minute now T__T
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