And why does it matter whether anyone accepts you? The one who truly matters already accepts you, and anyone who does not accept you for who you are is not worth knowing or befriending. There are advantages to being alone, it allows for, if you only let it, an appreciation for the natural world and many things around you. It allows you to develop lucid thought and clearness of mind, to think without inhibition of the wills or others. To give a fourth-hand quote from Blaise Pascal, he says that the greatest problem among free individuals is that they are unable to sit in a room quietly. As to "self-esteem", I have little or none - no, all my value and honor comes from Christ and His kingdom-project and my part in it.FadedOne wrote:hm...ok, so this is a bit of a self-centered topic but I thought it could make for some good discussion, not to mention I surely need pointers.
Today was kind of rough for me for various reasons. The whole last week has been kind of hard, but that's to be expected and the prayers are helping lots. but for some reason I was just totally down on myself and thinking all these 'you wont fit in, people will laugh, etc' thoughts about college. And honestly this is a huge fear of mine...not fitting in at college. ii'm not really like alot of girls and i always feel awkward & out of place and such. and's just when i'm feeling so self-conscious i can't think about anyone else and I make myself and other people miserable. there's no joy then...
(er...the point of this thread isn't really about me, i'm just giving a bit of background for why this is an important issue to me. )
So yeah, ok I guess what i'm getting at is....regardless of circumstances, how do you guys teach yourself to be less self-conscious and to That is SO hard for me, i'm always second-guessing how i'm perceived and it makes life very hard sometimes. And I know there must be some trick to this, and I figured well....since this is a common issue I suspect and alot of people can be prone to self-consciousness, maybe those who read this can share how they deal with feelings of worthlessness/lack of self-confidence and it could make for some decent discussion.
and um...does that make sense? keep in mind i didn't get enough sleep lsat night and it's after midnight and i'm trying to think on a tired brain.
That would be true of some people of His day and not others, to many "enemy of the state", i.e. the present order, would be a good thing.Aeolus21 wrote:What people had seen in Jesus when he was on Earth was that he was a mere carpenter, a resident of Bethlehem and an enemy of the state. But Jesus saw himself diffentely - As the Son of God and the Savior of mankind. As you can see from reading the New Testament, He didn't let anyone's opinion shift Him from doing what needed to be done. And the result of that is history...
I was just totally down on myself and thinking all these 'you wont fit in, people will laugh, etc' thoughts about college. And honestly this is a huge fear of mine...not fitting in at college.
FadedOne wrote:i'm always second-guessing how i'm perceived
Rev. Doc wrote:Building self-esteem needs what anything else that is built needs, a good, solid foundation. God's word and prayer. The way you view yourself will change drastically when you view yourself through God's eyes.
Yumie wrote:BUT NOW, I have absolutely no problems at ALL with who I am, and it has totally changed me, both mentally AND physically
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