Quick sketches of American comic-style male/female superheroes

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Quick sketches of American comic-style male/female superheroes

Postby Sammy Boy » Tue Aug 09, 2005 3:40 am

Hi all,

Wow, didn't know there was a tutorial section! :)

I don't consider myself an expert or an exceptional artist, but I used to do some pencil work for an Australian comics company (on a volunteer basis).

I know this is a predominantly manga / anime oriented forum, but if there's anyone who is into drawing American comic-style superheroes and superheroines for fun, are not exactly sure how/where to begin and would like a bit of help, post here.

I will check this thread from time to time and try to offer any help I can.

Hopefully this will help maintain your interest in this particular sub-genre, as well as force me to do some drawings again. :)

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Sammy Boy
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