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Anticipation = Disappointment?

Postby Aeolus21 » Wed Aug 10, 2005 1:37 am

This is kind of a follow-up to a thread I posted a while ago.

Do you guys think it's a good idea to anticipate something before it happens?

Usually (at least in my experience) whenever I think of something that's going to occur as the result, it always fails to meet my expectations. The more I think about it, the more it's never going to happen when I get there.

Though there are times where it does happen and I feel less stressed because it had been planned out ahead. Of course, that is what being 'optimistic' is about - Knowing that there will be good times ahead even though it's still uncertain. It eliminates stress and worry, but it never replaces the fact that whatever happens will happen...
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Postby dragonshimmer » Wed Aug 10, 2005 7:12 am

Wow...this question really applies to my life right now.

At any rate, it depends on the weight of the issue and the effect the outcome could have on my life. If it's something trivial, then I allow myself to anticipate, because if it doesn't happen, the let down isn't so bad.

If it's something I really care about, then I hardly let myself think about it at all. I don't anticipate, I don't let myself daydream, I don't consider the possibility after the fact that I've acknowleged it's there. I find it easier to seperate myself from the issue so that if it doesn't happen then it's not so much of a shock. That doesn't mean that just because I don't think about it doesn't mean I'm not happy or ecstatic when it happens, though. I just take it for granted that it might not happen, although I'm generally pretty optimistic.

And if it DOES happen and it's not "planned out" because I've not thought about it...well, that doesn't matter. I can always take good news and run with it ;)
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Postby uc pseudonym » Wed Aug 10, 2005 7:34 am

In general I try to anticipate in the sense of "prepare," but not anticipate in the sense of "await" or "predict." I think that it does some good to think about possibilities and be ready for what could happen, but at the same time you cannot know, and the event will come in time regardless of your anticipation.
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Postby Madeline » Wed Aug 10, 2005 8:06 am

Anticipation is good! I like looking forward to something in the future. It gives me hope for tomorrow. :)
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Postby Sonic_13 » Wed Aug 10, 2005 8:43 am

my way of thinking is simply-

whatever happens.... happens.

Not trying to start a new suhssuhsuhsss sensation
I'm just talking 'bout my jejejeh generation!
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Postby agasfas » Wed Aug 10, 2005 12:31 pm

Gosh, there have been many things I've heavily anticipated and felt left down.

Hers'a good one:
Dumb and Dumberer (movie): I thought it was going to revolutionize the world. I was at the first showing and boy was I wrong. The first movie I felt like I've actually wasted my money. Period.

Have you ever thought something was going to be so bad and embarrassing, then it turns out that it wasn't as bad as you thought. Like in speech class, giving a speech while the teacher tapes ya. I would go early and just think I did horrible. Then, after everyone else, I still thought I did horrible compaired to others. Then the next day, we would watch the tape and I found mine wasn't that bad, even better then many others.

I think when we regularly anticipate things, then we leave ourself open for disapointment. Not necessarily a bad thing, but a part of life. There can also be a lot of good things that result in anticipation too. It can help us prepare us for what may lay ahead. It's just depends on how you look at it.
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