In your dreams....

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In your dreams....

Postby chibiphonebooth » Fri Aug 12, 2005 9:59 am

have you ever had re-occuring places in your dreams- but youve never seen them before in real life? but these places keep coming back....

i have some.

one is a road, a long, one way street. It is decorated with giant mansions with huge yards, but no one is ever outside, and there are barely any cars. at the edge of the road there is always flowers, but when i look ahead, there are alot of trees along the road. the sky is always grey. its almost gloomy.

another is a beach. from the parking lot, it just goes straight out for a bit, from the grass to the sand, but then the ground just goes down into a giant cliff. The top of the cliff is small, just enough room to streach out and tan, while having smeone else walk around you. At the bottom of the cliff the beach just continues. the beach is extreamly long- and streaches for miles. the water is always a deep grey-blue, and is always choppy. the sky is grey....

and just last night i returned to a dream i havnt had for a was wierd...

do you think these re-occuring places mean anything? or maybe like a 'ill see it in the future' thing?
anyone esle have re-occuring places?

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Postby Syaoran » Fri Aug 12, 2005 10:02 am

Yep.....and it gets realy anoying when you can't figer what it means.
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Postby Sammy Boy » Fri Aug 12, 2005 10:03 am

I think you have what people called a "deja vu" ("seen before"). If you seem to go to places you have already been but really haven't, it's called "deja visite" ("been before").

I used to have a lot of "deja vu[s]". Mostly about mundane things such as what I will eat for lunch, or what this person will say in reply to that person's statement. I usually realise what will happen just before the event occurs. I honestly don't know what to make of it.

I just know many people seem to get this as well.

Regarding dreams .. do you sometimes know that you are dreaming, when you are in a dream? Sometimes I do. LOL.
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Postby Kiba-kun » Fri Aug 12, 2005 10:09 am

ya i have about every 3 months or so. one of them is im running in a forest and something is chasing me i have no clue what it is cause when i look back i wake up and when i fall asleep 10 mins later im in my school and its like 1 am, nothing is with me it creepy all the doors are locked, all the lights are off and there is just this weird buzzing noise. and the scarist one for me is the best one i have. i have the power to fly in it but the control is terrible i have to be in a high place to fly and then i can move as far as about 10 blocks but then i start to fall and because im afraid of hights it freaks me out i wake up with a shock and im covered in sweat like i just went running and i didnt stop any way thats my reocoring dreams
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Postby chibiphonebooth » Fri Aug 12, 2005 10:17 am

Regarding dreams .. do you sometimes know that you are dreaming, when you are in a dream? Sometimes I do. LOL.

mhm, many times. its called lucid dreaming. its when your aware your dreaming- and you can alter your dreams. You become in control of your dreams. its pretty cool. ;)

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Postby Kuro-Mizu » Fri Aug 12, 2005 10:27 am

I almost never dream so no not any more.. but when I was a little kid (about five) I would always (as in every night for like five months) have the same type of dreams in which a snake or snakes were trying to get me and would sometimes be eating me I would wake up at about this time and every time I woke up I would see an evil face in the window laughing at me. it was really creepy and I'm almost positive that face belonged to the devil..... Some bad things were going on in our family at the time and I think he was given an open door to mees up our lives... yah those were creepy! also I have never had a lucid dream! I can never realize I'm dreaming, But I wish I could. That would be awesome.
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Postby chibiphonebooth » Fri Aug 12, 2005 10:38 am

there are many ways to get yourself to lucid dream. Firstly there is reality checks (RC) thats a simple test to determine wiether your awake or asleep. You can plug one nostril and breathe in through the nose- and generally if its a dream, youll still get air in through both nostrils. that is one example. the purpouse of reality checks is you do them a TON in waking life, and hopefully it will become a habit and it will transfer into your dreams, and youll find out your dreaming. There is the VILD method (visually incubated lucid dream)- which is first you invision a room and maybe a chair or something and yoru sitting in it and then your best friend is there and tells you its a dream, and to do a reality check. so then you do it and find out your dreaming. Just keep invisioning this while your awake, and then when your going to bed, just keep going over it in your head. eventually when you start to dream- youll start to dream that and become lucid.

there are many ways to become lucid. those were just 2 examples.
(my brother is a dream FREAK so he knows all this) XD

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Postby Kiba-kun » Fri Aug 12, 2005 10:42 am

i've found out that if there was a really awsome dream that you've had and it was cut short just remember what that dream was when you wake up write it down to remember it and when your ready to fall asleep again just re-read it a lot and your dream continues
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Postby TurkishMonky » Fri Aug 12, 2005 10:53 am

I used to have several reoccuring dream places, although now i hardly ever dream (probably because of how i go to sleep - with a radio drama droning on one side and a fan blowing on the other, with my computer lighting up my feet. )

One of the most common was a department store that was built on top of the foundations of an old school. The store was rather bland, and sold mostly clothes on those square racks. The school underneath had a hidden basement floor that was still mostly intact cement (although it had several halfbuilt sections where there were holes in the wall, as well as a full gymnasium that was the only part of the original school in decent condiion. Depending on the dream, the place was either creepy or cool to explore, although after a while i became used to it and could find my way around.

weird, huh?
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Postby chibiphonebooth » Fri Aug 12, 2005 11:11 am

very wierd. the dream i had lastnight was about this place, i dunno waht it was ...a labrotory or something, but there were these monsters there that um...ate 12 year olds. >.> and anyway, ive been there once before- and i remembered certain areas we could hide and stuff. it was strange. of course...then i turned into an android and got a REALLY COOL SWORD...but thats besides the point. >.>

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Postby Tsukuyomi » Fri Aug 12, 2005 11:21 am

I had three reaccurring dreams that took place in what I call "The Haunted Woods". The first time I had this dream I went fishing with my mom and dad. My aunt and uncle were already there. Me, my mom, and aunt went walking in the woods by ourselves. We can upon a house. For some reason we just walked in and started exploring. It was strange, it was like a mueseum (ignore) or something. For some strange reason I decide to go up stairs by myself athough I had an ominous feeling about that place. As I walk up stairs I could feel a dark aura following me around. In the dream as I watched it looked like a vampire dude. Then we all went out of there after telling of the vampire. Then the next dream that took place there it was me, my mom, and older sister. This time we were about to go into the house, but got side tracked in the woods. We came across a talking tree. I think I may know where that one came from. I think it came from Inuyasha. It was the episode about that talking tree that Sesshomaru talked to about that Tetsusaiga. The third time we had a picnic type thing there. There was more people this time. It was so weird, my oldest sister and my friends were like dancing on a dock while I was about to fall in. Me have crazy dreams!!!
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Postby chibiphonebooth » Fri Aug 12, 2005 12:12 pm

yeah....dreams are freeky sometimes.

i can have the WIERDEST dreams EVER.

these are some of the EXTREAMLY WIERD ONES.
-flying pigs on clouds planting windowsills in houses.
-i was at a school on a tour and some kid started spiting 0n the railings and the spit turned into giant white spit aliens who took over the world. >.>
-a barrell in a white room taht shook every 15 min. (that one i woke up from- it bored me awake. O.O)
-nightmare: my friend and i were on our nieghbors lawn, and she was hoola hooping, and the hoola hoop turned into a giant bubble and engulfed her and came after me.

yes. weird dreams.

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Postby Pent » Fri Aug 12, 2005 12:21 pm

I wish I had more dreams that I remeber, or controlled. I don't usually have any.
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Postby chibiphonebooth » Fri Aug 12, 2005 1:34 pm

aw, there is a way to remember your dreams.....

i dunno how, but my brother says if you go to you can find alot of info about dreams.

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Postby Kaorugirl » Fri Aug 12, 2005 1:39 pm

Usually when dreams occur over and over. It can be that God is trying to tell you something. It's happened to me a lot.
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Postby chibiphonebooth » Fri Aug 12, 2005 1:58 pm

but what would God be telling me about a beach..? or a street?

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Postby Maledicte » Fri Aug 12, 2005 3:59 pm

I have several places that I is an amusement park, I can't remember the others.
I also run into "people" in my dreams...I talk to them and their faces look so distinctive and familiar and I even call them by name, but when I wake up I don't know who the person is at all. Or what I said or what they said to me exactly. It's kinda weird but kinda cool.
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Postby Arbre » Fri Aug 12, 2005 7:55 pm

The only recurring settings in my dreams are ones at least loosely based on real places/situations.

I have so many dreams that take place at high school, even though I graduated in 2003. The dream will often focus on one small area of campus and add stuff in, like new rooms and structures.

I have dreams that take place at work. (This and the previous usually include, somewhere, the horrible realization that I'm running late and I'll get in major trouble-- and usually follow going to sleep uncertain of the time I'm due in for work the next day).

Also, there are many dreams that take place around the house and land that I grew up in. Forest, pond, barns, etc. make those dreams interesting. Dreams that take place in my childhood home usually involve something coming after me and others. In those dreams, I'm usually the "hero", leading prisoners away while the would-be capturers are in pursuit. But I've never actually saved anyone... I always wake up before a resolution occurs. All I accomplish is breaking people/creatures free and moving from hiding place to hiding place. o_O

But those settings are never true to life for the entirety of a dream. There are differences and they soon change into fantastic and surreal environments, like burning treehouses (with no trees o_O) in the sky, underground underwater caves, mansions with incredibly complex connecting passageways, skies that ripple, and other fun or scary stuff.

I think that my dreams are just the result of daily thoughts meeting in a semi-unconscious brain in bizarre exercises of "let's make them connect into a story!" (There are a couple of exceptions that lead me to believe that not all dreams can fall in that category. They're too different from my everyday dreams.)

If I go to sleep depressed or in any way stressed, I have nightmares of everyone leaving/ignoring me, or people I care about dying or not being themselves. So the emotions I drift off to sleep in set the tone.

The settings I think are just there because that's where I spent so much of my life and attention. That the settings (and people, situations, "plot") do not stay constant throughout the dream leads me to think that my brain just kinda goes crazy after the opening scenes. :P
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Postby Sammy Boy » Sat Aug 13, 2005 7:53 am

Wow, I read all of your dream accounts with interest.

I think it's fun and great to be able to recall our dreams and I'm not against the idea that God can use dreams to tell us things.

However I do have some concern that sometimes in our pursuit of this interest we may encounter and take in ideas and beliefs to do with new age and the occult. It would be good to remember that if our dreams are from God, it would never contradict His word.

Please understand that I am simply voicing a concern, I'm not trying to start any arguments and am not accusing anyone. Thank you. :)

Ok, now that I have gotten that out of the way, here are two links to dreams that I had and wrote down a long while back (I make no attempts to interpret them. To me, dreams are dreams):

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deja dreams

Postby 4m3r1c4 » Sat Aug 13, 2005 2:55 pm

so beautiful to dream...

sometimes I have some dreams that dont make any sense, I dont think any dreams ever make any sense, I never make sense. Sometimes, Im at a certain place and then Its like dejavu but then not dejavu because i recall being there in a dream I had. its always different places and different dreams but I can never figure what it all means. I do have a feeling inside that its supposed to happen and that gives me a certain peace and i feel hope for living. ( | _ | )
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Postby Spiritsword » Sat Aug 13, 2005 3:41 pm

Yes, I have had these. Mostly with nightmares, though. For instance this catacomb-like basement that I would try to find my way through, or a version of hell I dreamed about several times. I mostly had these as a child.
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Postby 4m3r1c4 » Sat Aug 13, 2005 5:19 pm

i used to have really bad nightmares, (all nightmares are really bad i guess huh) anyways, when i was small i used to wake up, well not really wake up at all but sit up crying in my bed. its like i was mortally afraid of being part of this system. like i was inside of this chamber like a barrel of a giant gun and being shot out or like i was in a jet or something flying really really fast or something. and like i remember something like a white with a blue stripe jumbo jet and me crawling through some really thick dried up vines and junk and it was horrible. i remember things kind of like coming close to me the things in my room and i would close my eyes and i would still see them and they would get bigger like when your weak and about to pass out kind of feeling. and sometimes i feel i could float in my bed. the last time i had that kind of nightmare i had taken codine...haha, maybe it was the drug. crazy. i felt like time was giong by extremely fast and it was horrifying. i tried taking the bathroom door off its hinges when everyone was asleep. crazy...( - _ - )
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Postby Aeolus21 » Sat Aug 13, 2005 11:05 pm

Definately, although it's really hard to describe some of them. Sometimes in my dreams I seem to remember stuff that weren't in my previous ones. Weird.
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Postby Starfire1 » Mon Aug 15, 2005 5:20 pm

yeah, that happens alot. my family is there and im usually very young but i wake up and don't recognize the places i went even though they seem so real. recently it stopped but i would dream often that i was preschool-aged and visiting my cousin at his townhouse (they've never had one) in raleigh. and there was always a staircase to my right, in shadow at the top. never figured it out. i had a lucid dream just one time. i tried to fly and tried to swim, tried to do all the things i know i cant. it was fun. now it seems to be the case that if i dream (i dont dream a whole lot) it'll be about something that's going to happen to me the next day.
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Postby Myoti » Mon Aug 15, 2005 6:21 pm

I use to have this recurring dream about a giant monster truck the drove around destroying stuff. It was kinda creepy so I eventually daydreamed its destruction and it went away. Yeah, wierd. O_o

I've had some others, though I don't really want to share them... (not bad, just... different...)
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Postby Alice » Mon Aug 15, 2005 6:36 pm

Recurring places: yes. But not always.
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Postby ally-san » Mon Aug 15, 2005 9:53 pm

yea it happens to me all the kinda creeps me out.
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Postby Conner999 » Tue Aug 16, 2005 11:40 am

"have you ever had re-occuring places in your dreams- but youve never seen them before in real life?"

Yeah, I've had a few of them, but lately I haven't been able to remember my dreams because I sleep for such a small amount of time(3-5 hours) and I'm always really tired when I do get to sleep.

When I used to be able to remember my dreams, it was always awesome, and I would be able to remember it in full. It would take me hours to tell you about a few of my awesome dreams, and I'm about to leave, so I'll just list some of the shorter ones:

I've had a few dreams about this small metal square room with a high ceiling, and the corners of the room were curved to the walls, so there were no edges, and the floor was this type of dirty-garbage-truck metal and that should have been uneven, but it was smooth and it had a skateboard on it. So I got on the skateboard and started going up the walls (ramps) when the room started flashing red, and the garbage metal opened up to this pit of bright green bubbling acid (have you ever seen those neon glow-sticks? It was like the glowing juice in them.)

In all of the reoccurances, the dream picked up at a different spot in the dream. In my first dream, I woke up as I as aproaching/falling in the hole. In the second dream, it was when the floors started opening again. In the third dream, I was heading toward a small hole, and I had no legs (body attached to the skateboard). It was pretty cool. One time I sat in the room doing nothing and the floor never opened up.

There was one dream I had when I was younger, where I thought the dream was something that actually happened in my past, or something that I had dreamed several times about in the past. I still believed that when I woke up for a while. (Neither were actually true.) In the dream, my mom took me to this ghetto store. Everything was in dark earth tones like dark brown, brown, tan, and dark orange. There were these strings of candy that looked like normal individually wrapped hard kandy with the twist sealed ends.. But they were all linked like sausages. The ceiling was about 20ft tall, and they hung down all the way to the floor. We asked someone that worked there what they were for, and she said that they let kids run through and grab them on their birthday.

Well it was my birthday.
I was sitting in the cart, and my mom pushed me through the store as I grabbed the candy strings and pulled them down. I woke up a bit after that while I was still rushing through grabbing them like some kind of shopping spree.

I've had a few other dreams where I thought either the dreams were real, or they were about something that had actually happened. (Neither being true, of course.)

This one time, I had a REALLY BAD VIRUS and I had a temperature just over 104F. Someone was taking care of me, and we were watching COPS: When Good Situations go BAD (or something like that.) I wasn't really paying atttention because I didn't know what was going on. I couldn't think. I eventually fell asleep, and had a dream that I was on some Reality TV show like Survivor. It was called ULTIMATE Survivor. The point of the game was to be the last person alive. The rules:

1. You cannot kill anyone else, unless certain special conditions are met. (It was the same as voting someone else off, except you assasinate them when they don't expect it.)

2. If you win an immunity challenge, you cannot be killed by anyone else until the next immunity challenge.

3. When it comes down to the final 2, there is no "jury" from the players voted off, because they're all dead. Instead, there is some secret opportunity, and a faceoff where the two fight to the death.

I somehow made it to the final 2, and I was faced against the person who was taking care of me in reality. In the dream, they were just another player. It came time for the faceoff, and they drew a gun on me. (They had won a secret opportunity to carry a weapon into the faceoff.)

We were in this rectangle white room with a low ceiling, like those "white rooms" in commercials, except you could see the walls and ceiling somehow. Maybe because of the angle. Anyway, the person said they would give me 10 seconds to live, and started counting down from 10. I froze.

I saw it all from the 3rd person point of view. I started running toward the far wall at the end of the rectangle, and I saw a door. I was running in slow motion from the wall opposite of the door across the furthest wall in the rectangle. (I was at one end, he was at another.)


*Three gunshots*

I died.

Now that I am sane and can look back on it, the running in slow motion was something I saw on the COPS show.. This criminal was shooting police, and started running across the front of this white house. They played it in slow motion. He was shot in the right arm *the one facing the camera.) then in the right shoulder. Those two shots spun him around to face the cameras, and he got a third shot in the chest. That's just how it happened in my dream.

When I woke up, I saw the person who was taking care of me and I was hallucinating. I thought I was still in the drea. Apparently my fever had gotten worse and I was in serious trouble. They got someone else to help them try to lower my fever by putting me in a warm shower (which hurt like heck and felt colder than ice to me since my body was so HOT). All the time, I was holding my chest (I felt the bullet wounds) and thinking "he's trying to kill me!"

So yeah, the moral of that bizare story: Don't watch TV when you have a life threatening temperature. :D

Once I had this really weird dream about an island that had this evil guy on it, and I went there to capture/kill him because his activities were going to cause a massive tsunami to crush the island and destroy it. After I got on the island, I met this old wise man living in this hut, and he told me about the island and the evil guy and that I must stop him before it was too late. (It was like talking to an NPC in an RPG.) He then gave me some "tools" I would need in my journey:

1. Telleportation ring that would send me to safety when near-death. (No game-overs! Yay!)
2. An extremely intelligent horse (like Zorro's Tornado)
3. Some scrolls (their purpose would become known only when I was ready to use them)
4. Something else.. Dont remember. I think I got a sword and shield too.

Anyway, it was like of like going through the game Eternal Ring. Near the end of the dream it became lucid and I could control what was happening somewhat... That's where the dream split and had two or three endings. One, I killed the evil guy. Two, I died. Three, the island was flooded and everything died.

The weird thing about the dream was that certain facts about the dream were very similar to the story of Noah, or in direct refference to them.. And the names seemed improtant for some reason... So I did some research. (Which I never do for dreams.) The old wiseman's name (forgot his name now.. :/ ) meant decendant of Noah or something like that. Something else was named Deluge (I think it was the horse.) That means a great flood, or the flood of Noah. There was another name that referred to the time of the great flood ...

The weirdest thing of all was that I had never heard those names before. It must have been a really weird coincidence that I randomly put syllables together to or something to make those names, and they pointed to a story in the Bible. lol

"Regarding dreams .. do you sometimes know that you are dreaming, when you are in a dream?"

Yeah, usually happens when I'm about to wake up, or when someone has "waken me up" but not enough to really make me conscious of my surroundings and I continue to dream.

"There is the VILD method (visually incubated lucid dream)- which is first you invision a room and maybe a chair or something and yoru sitting in it and then your best friend is there and tells you its a dream, and to do a reality check. so then you do it and find out your dreaming. Just keep invisioning this while your awake, and then when your going to bed, just keep going over it in your head. eventually when you start to dream- youll start to dream that and become lucid."

What if you just dream that you're still just thinking about doing it? lol

"I used to have a lot of "deja vu[s]"." ~ Ultra Magnus

So did I. But when I got them, they were very strong. Like once we went to this new restraunt, and I ordered blue jello with my meal. I didn't like it, but it got put into a take-home box anyway. When we were talking with the people we went with in the parking lot... I told my dad I wanted to throw the jello away because I didn't like it, and he took the box from me, opened it, and flug the jello across the rest of the parkinglot into the trees. My eyes widened, and I realized I had either thought of the EXACT same thing happening, or I had dreamed about it in the past.

The area and lighting and situation was exactly the same, except I WANTED the jello when I had the dream. We were in a parkinglot that looked the same, my dad took the jello away from me and threw it into the trees (I remembered the blue jello flying through the air) and I was like "WAH! Why did you do that?"

Lame.. Post is too long.. *continues in new post*
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Postby Conner999 » Tue Aug 16, 2005 11:41 am

"i've found out that if there was a really awsome dream that you've had and it was cut short just remember what that dream was when you wake up write it down to remember it and when your ready to fall asleep again just re-read it a lot and your dream continues" ~ mythmaster

I have never been able to do that.

Did you know the writer of Treasure Island claimed to be able to control his dreams like that, and that he wrote his stories based on his dreams?

"That the settings (and people, situations, "plot") do not stay constant throughout the dream leads me to think that my brain just kinda goes crazy after the opening scenes. "

Well, the average person has three dreams per night, wether they remember it or not. Your brain can connect the dreams and make them all seem like the same dream. Maybe that is what happens to you? I know it has happened to me.

Has anyone had one of those dreams where you feel like you've been in the dream or just dreaming for hours, or even days?

I had a dream once that involved and crystal chasm that went to the center of the Earth, my uncle taking me to an empty baseballstadium and eating baseball stadium food, my grandmother yelling at Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton after they got out of a car (bill out of the driver seat, Hillary out of the rear passenger side, and someone else stayed in the car.) They were in this like... Endless parking garage type warehouse with a very low ceiling and NO pillars/support beams. It felt like I was in that dream for DAYS... When I woke up, I couldn't remember what day it was, or anything that had happened in the last week. O_o;

Once, I was extremely extremely tired and I was about 6 years old. I was trying to stay awake for some reason... And keeping my eyes open was getting really hard, likek they weighed a ton. I closed my eyes for a second and opened them right back up, and it had gone from dark to light. I had slept for more than 8 hours in what seemed like 1 second to me.... I wish I could do that more often. It has only happened once.

My nightnares are usually really cool afterward.... Arg, I really have to go now.. Maybe I'll come back later and write some more.
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Postby c_hunter » Tue Aug 16, 2005 2:29 pm

yup this kind of thing happened to me already...
diFFerent kinds...
God has a plan for each of us
He wants us to fullfill
And He'll provide the strength we need
To carry out His will.

God bless.. :jump:
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