Need Bible help, literally, I need help buying a Bible. Autiographical junk included!

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Need Bible help, literally, I need help buying a Bible. Autographical junk included!

Postby Professor K » Wed Aug 10, 2005 11:28 pm

All right, I'm sure this may have been better in another forum, but the general forum always gets more people coming, and I had no clue what other forum to post it. If you wanna move it, that's fine with me. There's also some boring biographical junk, so beware!

Well, I myself am born again Christian. However, I hate church, and generally dislike being around many other self proclaimed Christians due to extreme hypocrisy and holier than thou-ness that comes out of them. So, I guess I'm classified in the "bitter Christian category."

Well yeah, I became less bitter after going with this Christian "mentor" thing after I was on probation (almost went to Juvie, how fun!). I basically learned there that it's much more simple, and that the 2 great commandments are the only ones that really matter. I've also learned that Jesus was/is a pretty cool guy, and that God's only purpose wasn't to rain fire and brimstone on stuff and be mad. (Sorry if that sounds wrong, but that's the general impression I got from my old church's teachings about God.)


Well yeah, I got a few Bibles, but they're kind of eh...crappy...and big... Now, I'm horrible with habits and routines, and the aforementioned thoughts about God I used to have didn't really want to make me read the Bible much.

However, I will be taking public transportation often. I don't particularly like my mom to drive me places, especially with a girlfriend. Girl+mom nagging at me and always referring to her as my girlfriend (I'm slyer than that)+minivan+mess+mom is not a good combination. Now, my "streetsmarts" will look higher with being able to use public transportation easily will make me look better. But yeah, I'm using a bus often, and buses provide random times of boredom with nothing to do but some music and maybe a book. So, why not Bible?

Now, I'd like a Bible that'll fit in a cargo-pants pocket, as unlike most stupid kids of my generation (I'm 14....) I actually fill my pockets up with stuff. Now, general measurements like 4-5 inches tall, 3 inches wide, and no more than 1/2 to 3/4 of an inch thick. Basically, the size of one of those gideon new testaments, but with the Old and New Testaments. NKJV or KJV is preferred, as NIV is a stupid hippy translation for losers. Basically, I saw this cool Bible that the army has that zipped up (oh, another requirement, should zip up) and had metal plates to help stop bullets, and had both testaments. Something like that would be perfect.

So yeah, anyone able to help me out here?

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Postby Ingemar » Wed Aug 10, 2005 11:43 pm

Professor K wrote:Well, I myself am born again Christian. However, I hate church, and generally dislike being around many other self proclaimed Christians due to extreme hypocrisy and holier than thou-ness that comes out of them. So, I guess I'm classified in the "bitter Christian category."
A lot of people are hypocrites. Christians don't have our least a monopoly on our least favorite H-word. That shouldn't be an excuse to skip church. And besides, even in an awful congregation, there are always a few upstanding example who show what true Christianity is all about.

Professor K wrote:I basically learned there that it's much more simple, and that the 2 great commandments are the only ones that really matter.
Careful now. "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, strength etc." and "Love thy neighbor as thyself" are both pretty broad commandments and very meaty. I'm sure you know that love is more than just affection. You cannot love God with a sincere heart and neglect His other commandments. Furthermore, loving others sometimes means hurting them a little so you spare them a lot of pain down the road.
Professor K wrote:I've also learned that Jesus was/is a pretty cool guy, and that God's only purpose wasn't to rain fire and brimstone on stuff and be mad. (Sorry if that sounds wrong, but that's the general impression I got from my old church's teachings about God.)
That sounds right.
Professor K wrote:So, why not Bible?
That's better than listening to the same CD's everyday on the bus *points at self*

Professor K wrote:Now, I'd like a Bible that'll fit in a cargo-pants pocket, as unlike most stupid kids of my generation (I'm 14....) I actually fill my pockets up with stuff. Now, general measurements like 4-5 inches tall, 3 inches wide, and no more than 1/2 to 3/4 of an inch thick. Basically, the size of one of those gideon new testaments, but with the Old and New Testaments. NKJV or KJV is preferred, as NIV is a stupid hippy translation for losers. Basically, I saw this cool Bible that the army has that zipped up (oh, another requirement, should zip up) and had metal plates to help stop bullets, and had both testaments. Something like that would be perfect.

So yeah, anyone able to help me out here?

First of all, I have issue with NIV being "crap." Most members here use NIV, and I do too. I don't know why you're so opposed to this translation, since unlike others out there, it doesn't try to make God genderless/other PC nonsense.

Furthermore, it's not hard at all to find a portable Bible. Where I live, the church gives Bibles of your specifications away FOR FREE. A big church is more likely to be able to give away Bibles than a small one.
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Postby Warrior 4 Jesus » Wed Aug 10, 2005 11:46 pm

Hi, I can't help you with the Bible post, but welcome to God's family. It is important to get together with Christians because God says that we also need support and encouragement from them. Find a church that is Biblically true. There will always be some Christians like you mentioned, because we live in a fallen world and even Christians can sin. But I know what you mean. Try to find some true Christians that have a personal relationship with Jesus not the ones that are only interested in the traditions etc.

Reading the Bible on the bus is a great idea.
I don't know of any pocket-sized Bibles other than the Gideons but they only have the New Testemant and Psalms and Proverbs. A Bible with both at that size would be hard to find because no matter how thin the pages are there it will be thicker than 1/2 to 3/4 of an inch thick. Please refrain from mean comments about other Bible translations. Other versions are used by God as well, they just put the words into a language people these days find easier to read.
Metal plates to stop bullets? (lol) You've been watching too many movies. There are Bibles with metal case covers but they are of the average size not pocket-sized.

God Bless you Bro,

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Postby agasfas » Wed Aug 10, 2005 11:47 pm

My advice is to invest in a teen bible. They usually have interesting FAQ's and articles and some interesting food for thought. Though I doubt it would be the small portable version you're looking for. But it never hurts to have one. I'm 20yrs old and I still occasionally skim through it.

Perhaps you should try a christian book store, usually they carry small bibles and such. That may be your best bet.

dislike being around many other self proclaimed Christians due to extreme hypocrisy and holier than thou-ness that comes out of them....NKJV or KJV is preferred, as NIV is a stupid hippy translation for losers.

Umm... Well, there are hyprocrites in every walk of life, not just christians. Not all christians or pastors are fire and brimeston type people and not all people who proclaim to be a follower of Christ is really a follower. Our actions speak louder then our words.

Perhaps NIV isn't for everyone, but for a teen it's not bad idea. When I was younger the NIV was very handy because I didn't fully understand Olde English. I found myself skimming more then reading. I mean, now I read the NKJV, but the NIV isn't bad. What matters is what is in your heart and your faith in Christ.

Anyways, good luck on your quest.
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Postby bigsleepj » Wed Aug 10, 2005 11:56 pm

Hypocracy is everywhere in every denomination of Christianity, in every philosophy - atheistic or theistic, in every economic system, politics, everwhere. Hollywood was built on hypocracy for instance. Just remember that Christians alone don't hold the unfortunate right to be hypocrates but feels that way because its so close to home.
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Postby Professor K » Thu Aug 11, 2005 12:12 am

All right, sorry for the random sarcasm. It's more or less sarcasm, I didn't mean to get torn up in 2 posts... I don't really hate the NIV, just I don't like it. I like KJV and NKJV best, that's all. I also kind of grew up with KJV, and am used to it. The old english is kind of cool, but for all intensive purposes, the NKJV is better, especially if someone asks about what I'm reading or something.

But yeah, the main point is that yeah, I need a Bible that's small enough to fit in a pocket and is durable. I just included the biographical junk, because well...I felt like it.

As for church, well, I found a good one, but I'm either too lazy to go in the morning, or too afraid since the bad experience with my other church. It's more or less a combination of both of those. However, the pastor's son is an airsofter, and they have woodsball paintball tournaments, so it's an incentive. I'd like to have some sort of confidence before going, though. Reading the Bible will definitely give me confidence regarding church related stuff.

As far as hypocrisy, well, for some reason it really affected me at church in particular. It does exist everywhere, I agree. But I just dislike hypocrisy, I'll be mad at hypocrisy where ever I see it.
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Postby agasfas » Thu Aug 11, 2005 12:21 am

Ooooo... paintball... I love playing that :P

Personally, i think it's always a great idea to have at least one copy of the NKJV. But it's never a bad thing to have a NIV handy too. Whatever the case, I hope you find what you're looking for. Also, have you tried ebay?
Or like Ingemar said, most churches tend to give them away for free. Even on the Texas State Campus, the local church stand in the quad and hand out free pocket size new testament.
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Postby bigsleepj » Thu Aug 11, 2005 12:40 am

Professor K wrote:All right, sorry for the random sarcasm. It's more or less sarcasm, I didn't mean to get torn up in 2 posts... I don't really hate the NIV, just I don't like it. I like KJV and NKJV best, that's all. I also kind of grew up with KJV, and am used to it. The old english is kind of cool, but for all intensive purposes, the NKJV is better, especially if someone asks about what I'm reading or something.

I wouldn't know about those - my own bible is Afrikaans. :grin:
Professor K wrote:As far as hypocrisy, well, for some reason it really affected me at church in particular. It does exist everywhere, I agree. But I just dislike hypocrisy, I'll be mad at hypocrisy where ever I see it.

The hypocrates are the bane of Christianity. I keep thinking rather sadly to the account of Mahatma Ghandi, a Hindu, who said that he had a lot of respect for Christ and read His sayings a lot as well as the Sermon on the Mount but that he'd never become a Christian because - well - he said that we Christians don't hold with what Christ said.

This is sad because not only are the hypocrates alienating people who believe in Christ but they are also alienating potential Christians. I'd rather have more atheists than people who say they're Christians and then do something contrary to the teachings of Christ.
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Postby Syreth » Thu Aug 11, 2005 12:41 am

You might try to run a search on "The Smallest Bible." There's a Christian bookstore on my campus that sells them. They're nearly as small as the Gideon Bibles with NT, Psalms and Proverbs, but they're the whole deal. I've been wanting one myself for awhile, cause I haul around a big ol' study Bible. I'm pretty sure they would fit in a cargo pocket or even the back pocket of a pair of jeans, maybe. This thing is small, but still readable. I found it on this site:

But I'm sure you could find it elsewhere. The measurements aren't quite up to your specifications, but I hope it helps you out a little.
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Postby Professor K » Thu Aug 11, 2005 1:05 am

Airsoft is funner, we use real looking guns that shoot plastic BBs. We usually wear like camo and tactical gear, too. I'm personally working on getting an oldschool externally co2 powered Uzi and M16, but that Marui electric M14 is looking mighty nice, but electric guns don't hold up well at higher velocities like gas guns do. I'd also be using the M14 for a sharp shooter like role, so 500fps or more is best for me. I don't plan on blasting away people at 30 feet with it...

But yeah, it's much more tactical than paintball, you don't just spray out ammo like you do in paintball, and sometimes you can wait hours at a time for a kill..err..elimination (gotta be politically correct!). The guns originate from Japan, but are now made in Japan, Taiwan, China (usually junk), Hong Kong, and Korea. The guns usually don't hurt too much, the most that really happens is a bleeding welt, not gigantic bruises like paintball.

I plan on becoming a gun designer/manufacturer when I'm older. I got plans for a battle rifle for the US military that uses the powerful .308 round. Now, the problem with .308 is the recoil, thus the fact we ditched the M14 overall (even though those things are cool...). Now, the current .223 round we use is not powerful enough in my opinion, and in Vietnam, at 200 yards, would bounce off bamboo. .308, in comparison, I think will go a good 12 inches into a tree at that range. So, with a muzzlebreak and stock design, I think I can make the recoil reasonable enough. The design is also handy, as the cartridge is easily powerful enough for a sniper rifle, battle rifle, and a squad automatic.

But about the Bible thing, I may consider one of those little Gideon New Testaments, but I do like having the Old Testament available to me. I guess I'll just go look in a Christian bookstore. Thanks for the help, all.


Thanks, that's exactly what I'm looking for. I guess I just gotta go ask my mom for 20 bucks. I'm sure she won't object to 20 bucks for a new Bible.
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Postby termyt » Thu Aug 11, 2005 5:26 am

I would recommend a teen study bible as well and any Christian book store ought to have plenty of examples that you can test and see if it will fit in your pockets.

If you don't have access to a Christian bookstore, try this link:

They have lots of Bibles and some of them are pretty small.
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Postby Rev. Doc » Thu Aug 11, 2005 6:57 am

Professor K wrote:NIV is a stupid hippy translation for losers.

Insulting individuals because of the preference of their translations leaves a lot to be desired. I personally prefer the NIV. I don't consider myself stupid, a hippy or a loser. I have used it throughout my ministry and it is what I use to relate my messages on Sunday morning to my congregation. God has yet to forsake me or my ministry because of my choice.

From much of what you have written I would encourage you not to seek out a smaller Bible for it's ease in transport. If you are using this Scripture during your commute time then you need a good study Bible that will not only get you into the Word but help you with a solid understanding of it. My suggestion would be a copy of The Quest which many of the youth and young adults in my church have been very excited about.

In regard to your church attendance...

I am afraid in your post you come across as being very judgmental. You said several things that were very derogatory. I am sorry to say, if you are looking for THE perfect church, you are never going to find it. If you view many of the people in church as being hypocritical then you need to set the example of a genuine, mature Christian if you truly feel you are in a position to do that. I find that most people excuse themselves from Christian fellowship with the "hypocrites" excuse. I found the following to be very true:

Saying you're a Christian without a church is like:
* Saying you're a football player but you don't belong to a team
* Saying you're a soldier but you don't have a platoon
* Saying you're a violinist and you don't belong to an orchestra
* Saying you're a child and you don't have a family
A Christian without a church is an orphan

I would encourage you to rethink the issue of fellowship and ask God for a spirit of humility, broken and poured out with the heart of a servant.
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Postby Arnobius » Thu Aug 11, 2005 6:59 am

Well said, Rev Doc.
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Postby Mangafanatic » Thu Aug 11, 2005 8:14 am

Hi! Welcome to the boards! So glad to see you pursuing God by looking for a new Bible. You seem to have a desire for God's word that was only half hearted in me when I was 14. I commend you on that desire. Rock on. :rock:

One while thought about the "only important commandments." While loving the Lord your God is the most important commandment according to Christ, remember one of the things that Christ said would prove that you loved him: "If ye love me, keep my commandments." (John 14:15) Also, remember that when Christ talked about the greateest commandment, it was in answer to this question:

36"Master, which is the great commandment in the law? (This question is asked by a lawyer, tryin' to trip Jesus up)

37Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.

38This is the first and great commandment.

39And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

40On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets."

It's my understanding of this passage that Jesus wasn't saying "Heck! Forget all that other junk. Just do this stuff." What Jesus was saying was that if you really loved God and if you really loved your neighbor you would already follow the rest of the law. I mean, if I love my neighbor, I'm not gonna covet his stuff or lie about him. Likewise, if I love God, I'm not going to do things that displease him-- in otherwords, the stuff we're told not to do in the rest of the commandments and scripture.

If you've had it explained to you better, please discard what I've said. I am by no means a Bible expert. This is just what I've come to understand through my own limited time in the scripture and my time in a church. Just thought, as one person searching for truth to another, I might share it. Hope you don't mind and that I don't come across as preachy. If I did, please believe that that wasn't my intent! :P
Every year in Uganda, innumerable children simply. . . disappear. These children all stolen under the cover of darkness from their homes and impressed into the guerilla armies of the LRA [Lord's Resistance Army]. In the deserts of Uganda, they are forced to witness the mindless slaughter of other children until they themselves can do nothing but kill. Kill. These children, generally ranging from ages 5-12, are brainwashed into murdering in the name of the resistance and into stealing other children from their beds to suffer the same fate.

Because of this genocide of innocence, hundred and hundreds of children live every night sleeping in public places miles from their homes, because they know that if the do not-- they will disappear. They will become just another number in this genocide to which the international community has chosen to turn a blind eye. They will become, in affect, invisible-- Invisible Children.

But there are those who are trying to fight against this slaughter of Uganda's children. They fight to protect these "invisible children." Please, help them help a country full of children who know nothing by fear. Help save the innocence. For more information concerning how you can help and how you can get an incredible video about this horrific reality, visit the Invisible Children home page.
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Postby Maledicte » Thu Aug 11, 2005 11:21 am

try looking for "soul-winner's Bibles"...these are meant to be small and easy to crack open when you're on the go, usually with a little hinge-flap closure. And of course, they're good for soul-winning like the name says.
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Postby Kaligraphic » Thu Aug 11, 2005 12:09 pm

I used to have a little NASB that was about the size of two of those little pocket Gideons stacked together. (same height, same width, thicker) It had a zip closure, and I really loved that thing.

Of course, I ended up giving it away, but such a thing definitely exists.
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Postby rocklobster » Thu Aug 11, 2005 12:34 pm

I have a NSRV Catholic Study Bible myself. But then, I'm a Roman Catholic, so I'm biased. ;)
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Postby GhostontheNet » Thu Aug 11, 2005 2:15 pm

Alright, I'll chime in here I think. First of all, I should note that in spite of the reccomendations for adding bulk to one's Bible via having a Study Bible, Pocket Bibles have their use. To this effect, I've had good experiences with the Compact Trutone Editions of the English Standard Version if you don't mind giving a new translation a try and typically wear cargo pants or have that kind of carrying space or more. Also, in spite of Mangafanatic's exegesis, this scribe dedicated to the study of YHWH's Law was a sincere inquirer, as indicated by that rare compliment from Yeshua Christ that ""You are not far from the kingdom of God" after his positive response (Mark 12:28-34). Even so, I believe that as Christ said "On these two commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets." (Matthew 22:40) If a man owns a field where others starving, but he does not follow the Law given by Moses and harvests the edges of his field rather than leaving it unharvested to feed the starving ones, his love for his neighbor is a lie. These two commandments are the summary of the Law and every commandment ever issued by YHWH. And if so much of the Church consists of hypocrites who do not follow these two great commandments, the person who has no affiliation with a community of His fellow Christians, whether the community is 2 or 2000, is indeed a spiritual orphan, and if you stay out of church giving nothing to it, will it ever improve from its condition?
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Postby Professor K » Thu Aug 11, 2005 9:09 pm

All right, look, I didn't mean to offend anyone about their use of the NIV. If you feel like using it, it's fine with me. It's called humor and sarcasm. I mean, I don't hate the NIV by any means, but I do like the KJV and NKJV better.

I have had "teen" Bibles, and "study" Bibles, but I just don't like them for some reason, they seem cluttered...

Anyway, thanks for help on the Bibles, I might try going to Church again for the first time in a while on Sunday, too.
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Postby Slater » Thu Aug 11, 2005 9:21 pm

Hmm... looking for a bible eh. I can help you with that. I agree with you mostly on your ideas of the NIV. Many of the translators who wrote the NIV this past century have repented of it, admitting it was a sinful thing. Now, is still not up and running (they are getting a new server), but when it is, I have over 25 megs of information on what exactly went wrong with the NIV and a few other modern "translations" (I put that in quote because some versions aren't even translations) of the Bible. This isn't to say that the NIV is evil or anything; my baby years as a Christian involved pretty much no other version, but if you're interested in the purest source of the Word of God, stick with KJV.

Now, the NIV is wrong in three major areas as far as I can see...
1. It removes entire verses from the Bible. You can see this all over the place in the NIV Bible, so I won't even begin to list them off.
2. It slices and dices verses. Example: Matthew 15: 44. In the KJV, we are told to "Love [our] enemies, bless them that curse [us], do good to them that hate [us], and pray for them which despitefully use [us], and persecute [us]." In the NIV, we are told to "Love [our] enemies and pray for those who persecute [us]." The NIV cut out about half of the commandments that Jesus gave in that moment.
(I will point out that points 1 and 2 can technically be put together since the Bible wasn't written with verses. Schollars divided the Bible up into them.)
3. The NIV changes words and thus the entire meaning of verses. For example, the NIV tells us that Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord. The actuall literal translation would read that Noah found GRACE in the eyes of the Lord. This is what we see in the KJV, and it makes sense since Noah clearly didn't earn any favor in the eyes of the Lord as the Bible states that he was prone to getting drunk and lying around naked on occasion. Now that's a little wierd, but I'm pretty certain such actions lean more to the sinful side of things.

Also, I'll point out that parts of the NIV were translated using a manuscript that was found in an ancient storage device that is the equivalent of today's waste basket.

Now of course people are gonna say "Don't use the KJV cause it uses words that we don't use any more today," And I will say "Aha! I have a special for you and about 7 other lucky people who are willing to be winners today!" I have invested in a small collection of KJV Bibles that have a pamphlet in the back containing definitions to well over 500 Archaic words found in the KJV as well as explanation into some of the grammer tweeks that were used about 400 years ago, such as the thees and thous and all that kewl stuff. I'll be happy to ship one out to you and anyone else who wants one for free (as long as supplies last). All I would need is your address, something that would be secure with me. So if you really want that KJV, just PM me and I'll send you one.

Edit: someone once asked me why, if the KJV is so good, don't we just update it with today's lingo. The answer is... we can't legally by human law. Someone tried to in a version called KJV21 (as in 21st century), but they still were required to change something like 15% of it and ind the end it just came out totally borked.
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Postby shooraijin » Thu Aug 11, 2005 9:48 pm

Can we knock this off, please? If this diverts into a "why X translation is not divinely inspired," it'll be closed.

Helpful suggestions about a particular Bible Professor K can use are still solicited, without the slams on other translations.
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Postby GhostontheNet » Thu Aug 11, 2005 10:28 pm

shooraijin wrote:Can we knock this off, please? If this diverts into a "why X translation is not divinely inspired," it'll be closed.

Helpful suggestions about a particular Bible Professor K can use are still solicited, without the slams on other translations.
No kidding, it seems frwl needs a lesson in textual criticism. One of the great burdens of the translator of the Bible is reconstructing the likely original reading of the text you are translating where there is a difference in readings between manuscripts. The NIV did not likely invent the deletions of certain texts, but instead saw a discrepancy in the manuscripts and determined that the balance of evidence lied with the shorter reading. It will also not do to complain about Bible's not including our pet translations, choices have to be made in converting Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek, and their idioms into English and its idiom. Perhaps translations could be more literal in Luke 21:24 and say "mouth of the sword" (because figuratively speaking, swords have bite!) rather than "edge of the sword", but the reader understands. Complaining about found grace vs. found favor is a pretty moot point unless you can find someone reading the NIV who has in its absence made the determination that Noah was not saved and that YHWH was not his patron. This post is not meant to debate but to inform on translation practices that all translations have gone through, including the King James Version.
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Postby Professor K » Fri Aug 12, 2005 4:38 am

Woohoo, my sarcastic comment about the NIV being a stupid hippy translation went from being flamed, to turning my thread about looking for a small Bible into a "my translation of the Bible I use is way better than yours" thread. Really, if you like the NIV, you like it, I don't care. I just like my KJV best because I grew up with it, I like my old English words, and it's translated better. However, the Catholic Bible is pretty cool for like sit down studying, as it has a few of those books that King George didn't like. I find those interesting to study...

I figured out instead of buying one nice Bible, I'm better off getting like a stack of those little Gideon new testaments. I don't really find myself reading like...Leviticus often, so the old testament, while it would be nice, isn't really necissary. There's also the fact that if someone noticed me reading and was interested, I could just hand it to them or something and not be out of a 20 dollar Bible (I'm cheap like that...). There's also the fact that that I won't feel all that bad if one gets damaged or lost or something.

Oh yeah, I'm thinking those little Gideon bibles are something like an NKJV, which is probably my favorite translation overall. It doesn't change much of anything from the KJV, but is a bit easier to read and for other people to read.
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Postby Azier the Swordsman » Fri Aug 12, 2005 9:28 am

If the NIV was 'corrupted' like the legalistic mumbo jumbo a lot of people would like to believe were true, then the NIV would not exist.

"I warn everyone who hears the prophecy of this book. If anything adds anything to them, God will add to them the plagues described in this book. And if anyone takes words away from this book of prophecy, God will take away from his share in the Tree of Life and the Holy City, which are described in this book." -Revelations 22: 18-19

Personally, I've always taken that passage as describing all of God's Word, not simply just Revelation. The Bible is God's gift to us Christians to help us know how to live a full life with him. He's very serious about His Word, and honestly, I would hardly doubt that if the NIV, a Bible that has become the most universally used, and has been used to lead millions to Christ, and is read by billions of Christianse everyday, that God would allow it to even exist were it 'corrupted.' God doesn't simply play games with His Sacred Word and would not allow it to be around were it really tarnished like some would claim..

Personally, I would go as far to say that it is none other than the Enemy attempting to divide us Christians using the Bible itself. How else can you explain Christians being frequently divided and fighting amongst themselves on such a frickin trivial issue?

The NIV is not corrupted. The Living Version is not corrupted. The King James Version is not corrupted. The Amplified Version is not corrupted. It's all God's Word. Translation can slightly vary by version, but ultimately, nothing really is different.
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Postby Slater » Fri Aug 12, 2005 1:22 pm

FYI, Prof. K, the Gideon Bibles are KJV, although for the life of me I couldn't find it written in one. Anyways, if you really want a small Bible, do you have a PDA or carry around a laptop or anything like that? cause there are lots of Bible programs that you can download out there for free; even commentaries and lexicons I'm sure.

Anyways, sf(dot)com is back, so as I promised, my datas.
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Postby SonicRose » Fri Aug 12, 2005 2:13 pm

Well, the Bible Seeker here is the King James Bible for PC. It's really helpful since it has a search feature. You can install it to your computer :)

This is not a superiority contest - or a trivial matter.

God's Word is Sovreign or it isn't. I don't wish to play fast and loose with God's Word and What it says. Listen to yourself when you hear the world "Critical Text", Critical of what? God's Word.

God's word NEVER goes out of fashion. If you contend that the NIV is a better translation, then you belittle the KJV; saying it's inferior. In which case, the Word of God as it's intended, was never in the hands of Christians for hundreds and thousands of years.

Just some things to think about...

1. Zondervan publications (Which prints the NIV) owns Harper Collins, which publushes the Satanic Bible. (Go to their website and run a search for it if you don't believe me.)
2. If the New versions of the bible are so good, why are we Christians growing further and further apart? Back when there was 1 Translation, 1 Voice, People could turn to Matthew 6:15 or Luke 12:1 and READ together in synch. There was no discord in that, and they did it often.
3. The KJV is the ONLY bible that does NOT have a Copyright on it, Under Copyright Laws, there MUST be "Significant CHANGES" in order to have another version of the bible printed.
Psalms 119:160 Thy word is true from the beginning: and every one of thy righteous judgments endureth for ever.
1 Peter 1:25 But the word of the Lord endureth for ever. And this is the word which by the gospel is preached unto you.
Revelation 22:18 For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:
19 And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.
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Postby Arnobius » Fri Aug 12, 2005 2:43 pm

Not to stir up a fuss, but all of the versions we are debating are translations, all of them have strengths and weaknesses compared to the original text.

If you want authentic, go back to the Greek and Hebrew.

Otherwise, please stop making the discussion of scripture into a sectarian battleground.
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Postby Technomancer » Fri Aug 12, 2005 3:07 pm

Personally, I use the Catholic NAB translation which also has quite a few good historical and linguistic notes that aide in placing a passage in its proper context. Obviously it's not exactly pocket-sized (unless you have rather large pockets), although it would still fit quite easily into one's backpack. My own bias obviously is towards Catholic editions, although I do tend to think that there is something to be said for buying a version with the deuterocanon.

I honsetly don't think I've ever seen a true "pocket-size" bible sold anywhere. However, I have seen New Testaments either sold or given away, as well as copies of the Book of Psalms. As far as translations go, you'll have to decide for yourself what criteria suit you. Personally though, I'm more interested in hearing what actual scholars of history or ancient languages have to say about the matter than I am in the opinions of some dubiously-credentialed internet pastor.
The scientific method," Thomas Henry Huxley once wrote, "is nothing but the normal working of the human mind." That is to say, when the mind is working; that is to say further, when it is engaged in corrrecting its mistakes. Taking this point of view, we may conclude that science is not physics, biology, or chemistry—is not even a "subject"—but a moral imperative drawn from a larger narrative whose purpose is to give perspective, balance, and humility to learning.

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Postby Arnobius » Fri Aug 12, 2005 3:15 pm

Technomancer wrote:Personally, I use the Catholic NAB translation which also has quite a few good historical and linguistic notes that aide in placing a passage in its proper context. Obviously it's not exactly pocket-sized (unless you have rather large pockets), although it would still fit quite easily into one's backpack. My own bias obviously is towards Catholic editions, although I do tend to think that there is something to be said for buying a version with the deuterocanon.

I honsetly don't think I've ever seen a true "pocket-size" bible sold anywhere. However, I have seen New Testaments either sold or given away, as well as copies of the Book of Psalms. As far as translations go, you'll have to decide for yourself what criteria suit you. Personally though, I'm more interested in hearing what actual scholars of history or ancient languages have to say about the matter than I am in the opinions of some dubiously-credentialed internet pastor.

I also use the NAB. I just posted the link to show that there were issues with the KJV.

Most pocket size bibles are actually New Testaments. Full size bibles can get down to 4x6", which I have seen for the KJV, NAB and New Jerusalem Bible.
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Postby Slater » Fri Aug 12, 2005 3:34 pm

oh, they make pocket Bibles. My youth pastor had one and loved it to death. If he ever had to go to the DMV or whatever, he'd pull it out of his "nerd pocket" (the pocket on the front of some shirts) and memorize a section of scripture, which is something we should all do since hebrew boys used to have to memorize the whole of the Pentatuch by the age of 10 or whatever. Heck, if not having a pocket Bible isn't kewl, what smaller storage for the Bible than our own minds.
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