Yumie wrote:Well, I can't draw, so I guess thereby I have escaped dorkdom. But I wish I could draw, so does that make me a wanna-be dork?
"Thanks alot........fine I will say it...I AM A DORK AND PROUD OF IT!!!" *Rocks disapeard and I was able to get back up*ChristianRonin wrote:My dorkiness saves me from being Crushed by the mountian and it's rocks.. I side step away and look down at Sy.. "Don't lump me in with your non dorkiness..." *walks away..*
USSRGirl wrote:>.< No. Because I say it tastes of evil. And everyone is entitled to my opinion.
Shao Feng-Li wrote:Life would be so much simpler if everyone used the dictionary as the english language standard, as intended... (Though if I did that, most people couldn't understand me...)
ChristianRonin wrote:What are you talking about Shao? Words were made to be changed! To be taken as they are...or misunderstood (all except for the Bible..that is the ONLY truth...)
I mean there are so many ways a word can be taken... which is why...* changes into a chibi and points to a chalk board* They made.."PHILOSOPHY!!!" WOOOOOOOT!
Shao Feng-Li wrote:If words were ment to be changed, how are we supposed to now what the Bible means?
ChristianRonin wrote:Aww yumie! you can draw! If you really believe you can! (yaaaah.. I like going all Peter Pan on you.. BWHAHAHAH hmm.. Iam hyper... I need to Chillax...)
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