Kaorugirl wrote:but then you might get stuck with someone you don't truly love.
~Natsumi Lam~ wrote:Love is not everything....
I think love is self-seeking and my theory " better not to love at all... because the ones you decide to love end up hurting you the most!"
Other than God...
Sorry you went through that. =/ I won't say that arranged marriage would be bad for you or anyone else. That's defintiely not my place. ^^]Reasons for arranged:That is why i think my ideal relationship is arranged marriage... if i could go back in time i would do the arranged marriage thang.... but i was blinded by stupid love and i am disowned by his family and had pure "heck" from mine all four years of courting... i would definately never do that again and if i had the opportunity to redo it i would never do that path again...
Arbre wrote:
Personally, I don't have much against illnesses in family history. But it's important to know eventually, I think, and especially when children may be involved in the future.
But dating and courtship can bring those topics up, definitely. There just has to be trust and honesty. =)
Ashley wrote: But that's so horribly selfish! Love isn't about the way YOU feel, it's about sharing life with someone else. .
Ashley wrote:Love, to me, is a commitment to be one with someone, through good times but ESPECIALLY through the bad times, because that's when they need your strength and love the most. I know for a fact I wouldn't let the fact that my beloved has a terminal illness (or even the chance of one) stop me from seeing them, since well, we all have to die eventually anyway. To chose not to love so you don't get hurt is missing the whole point of love.
Ashley wrote:Plus, I think it reflects a deep lack of trust in God to think that way. It's like your saying, "I don't care if this girl is my perfect match, God, you're going to take her away too soon and that's just not fair." or "I don't trust you enough to protect her and ONLY let her die when it's YOUR time for her." I love my boyfriend a lot, but I don't shield him from doing anything phyiscal or driving a car or whatever because there's a chance he might get hurt.
ust walk into something and "hoping and praying that life changes" It doesnt work like that unless something miraculous happens.
kaemmerite wrote: God SPECIFICALLY tells us NOT to marry a non-believer, I'd look up the verse but I don't feel like it right now. Suffice to say, it says, "Do not yoke yourself with unbelievers." However, I don't remember a single verse that says, "Do not yoke yourself with someone physically ill."
kaemmerite wrote:
Oh yeah, because we all know God doesn't perform miracles, nope, not at all, can't think of a single miracle God has ever done. [/sarcasm]
ShiroiHikari wrote:...What in the world are you guys talking about? What does all this stuff have to do with dating?
~Natsumi Lam~ wrote:If you look at my quote i said ,"christians who are saved but become authist" and "he or she was a christian but a known child rapist", dont worry been a PK all my life i know how to cover my butt with that verse
refer to my analogy about a rapist
kaemmerite wrote:
You can't tell the future, so saying that you shouldn't marry someone because they might become atheist is a pretty lame excuse. And if they become atheist, Paul states that you are to remain married to them.
That's a mental illness, not a physical illness. Therefore it does not contradict my point that the Bible never says "Do not yoke yourself with someone with a physical illness."
~Natsumi Lam~ wrote:Ok read it again.... i said they were already an atheist.... read before you jump.... just like i said they were a christian for both the athiest and the rapist.... read before you jump. --> "Wouldnt you avoid someone who have a severe spiritual illness, ie spiritual dead and or christians who are saved but become authist. "
rapist and [i consider the some as most [rare exception]] have a physical distortion of the brain either by birth or by choice to change their mental process,,,,
Conner999 wrote:
Or you could say, what if you never put any stress on the muscles in your right arm? What would happen? Your right arm would become weak. If you never used it, the muscles would atrophy and become unsuable.
Conner999 wrote:
Tribulation is like that in the way that it strengthens you. If you never enounter any opposition or trouble, you will not have had to go through pain, but you would be very weak. And if something finally DID happen, you wouldn't be able to handle it.
Again, God would not have you marry someone who is not good for you. You're making these points on the assumption that what God says does not matter, and you have to fully rely on yourself, and OWN decsisions.
You don't think GOD, the one who created you, your brother, the girl and her family, and the entire universe, has any power over cancer, or any sickness of the body? If it is God's will that they should be married, He will support them if they put their trust in Him. They need to find out what God has planned for them. If they are not supposed to be together, then he will not lead them in the wrong direction.
WE as mortal humans DO NOT know better than God, so how can you say we need to make decisions that are not based on God and his love?
As for all of those things you said about LOVE... Being self seeking, blinding, ect ect.. The Bible says GOD IS LOVE. Think about that. God, is love. You are pretty much saying that God himself doesn't know what he's doing, that he fills us with "excuses and false hope", that He blinds us to what is right... I don't mean to insult you, but that is completely the opposite of what the Bible, God's word, says.
.Not God's will for them to be healed... uhg.. I want to talk about this, but I'll probably just offend you, so I'm just going to skip this
Conner999 wrote:I'm using one extreme, and you're using another. No, you shoudln't start fights with strangers to get stronger, but you cannot avoid all pain whatsoever either.
Random fact: The world record for bench pressing is over 1,000lbs
There is no way to be 100% certain unless God tells you
I don't see what tha has to do with anything, but okay...
I would love to go on mission trips.. But right now I don't have nearly enough money to do so. (All of the money I have aquired over the course of my entire life is not enough to pay for a single trip
Fathers who rape their children have nothing to do with real love. If that's the way you see things, I am sorry. No father who really loves their child would do such a thing.[/font][/color][/SIZE]
Man, what gave you the idea that i said it was real love, reread it and it states that if mans love were perfect like Gods a father would not " love" their child in the incorrect way... it would never be an issue if man had God's love.When you said love is fallable and cannot be used to make real decisions.
now where did i say that that love had to do with God's love? And the quote below does not justify your case because it is based on human love. Does Gods love make excuses...... nope. Is God selfseeking? Nope. Is Gods love too binding .... nope. That quote even have a sentence shortly before or right after [NOT INCLUDING GODS Love].
"love will make excuses and false hope."
" and my theory "better not to love at all""
"I think love is self-seeking"
"the list goes on... love is just too blinding."
Ok, now where does it say "dont need to be based on God and his love"... Last time i checked it doesnt say anything about God nor his love in that quote and.... i am speaking of HUMAN love... that is why i said that God's love is perfect and human love is flawed. And yes i know that was my quote.That's what I've been saying. If you know something is from God, then nothing should stop you.
Glad we agree.I guess that depends on your teacher. If she had doubt, or for some other reason
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