Dork is the new Cool...?

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Postby Ren_sama » Mon Aug 15, 2005 2:12 pm

I'd like to refer to myself as dork. Geek, I always thought of as smart...XD
And seeing my report card...I don't think I have the honor of being called a geek...T_T
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Postby holysoldier5000 » Mon Aug 15, 2005 2:37 pm

Well I will tell you that some of my traits would definitely consider me a dork... but lets look at the motive behind the dorky stuff...
1. I still play with action figures (why?) Because I often end up babysitting little kids and they are so much more fun to play with then just watch.
2. I still play make believe (why) same answer as 1
3. I work on the computer a lot (why?) because it is a lot easier then a typewriter
4. I like drawing anime (why?) creativity is one of the greatest forms of stress relief.
5. I still watch Saturday morning cartoons (why?) because I enjoy them!
6. I still act like a some degree (why) because in some ways people should never grow up... Keeps them acting youthful and full of life not dull and boaring.

The judgment of "dork" is not right because people should judge based on motivation behind acts not the actual act its self. If there is any act I would consider truly dorky it would be calling others names just to make ones self feel better... and that is true Judgmentalism... so don't do it :thumb:

Well that's my word
Be cool like me and be a dork... motivated by the right reasons.

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Postby Golden_Griff » Mon Aug 15, 2005 3:14 pm

Ren_sama wrote:Duscussion...

Now I was just wondering, since when was being able to draw anime somewhat of a dorky trait?
Is anime dorky? it really the new cool?

Dorky is not the new cool :shady:...dorky has ALWAYS been cool :cool:

(crap, where's that :-b YIM smiley when I need it? :stressed: )

Anime as a characteristic of dorkdom? HA! :lol:
~If dorky-ness is wrong, I don't wanna be right :cool:~
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Postby ~Natsumi Lam~ » Mon Aug 15, 2005 3:56 pm

was a cheerleader. Not everyone can cheer... so all cheerleaders are dorky :)

I think everyone is dorky in one way or another, be happy for your personality traits that make you who you are.

For those who think themselves to be above dorkiness... they are lying to themselves.

Anime to a lot of people is considered dorky.... but what makes one love more dorky than another. I think the media has pushed the idea that anime, art and bookreading is dorky. But who says runny around with pig skin to get across a line is less or more dorky than watching anime. I think the stupid bais[sp?] media is only one sided. Whatever makes you the most money is what is "in". And whatever is for self fullfillment and betterment is "out".

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Postby mitsuki lover » Tue Aug 16, 2005 4:39 pm

'Twas Huey Lewis And The News that once sang:
"It's hip to be square." :thumb:
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