~ When did you get "Saved"?~

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~ When did you get "Saved"?~

Postby ~Natsumi Lam~ » Thu Aug 11, 2005 11:50 am

WHen do you make a personal decision to except Christ? How did it change you?

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Postby lostlamb99 » Thu Aug 11, 2005 12:41 pm

I did it when I was 7 or was it 6? Oh well My mom told me about teh choice and I really wanted to commit my life to HIm. BUt it was only when I was 13 taht I finally found out my purpose and fully understood what it meant to devote my life to HIm. That fateful day last year changed my whole life and I was never the same.
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Postby Sonic_13 » Thu Aug 11, 2005 1:17 pm

My parents are mostly aethiest. All my life I've believed in God and Jesus but have had a hard time practicing the ways of christianity. I'm still learning, and by talking to fellow christians (which are very very scarce where I live) I feel I am learning and having an easier time opening my heart to Christ.
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Postby Spirit_Wolf8356 » Thu Aug 11, 2005 2:32 pm

I've been saved since I was small, but I wasn't living like it for most of my life. A little over a year ago, a few things happened and God showed me how much I needed Him and how much He could do for me if I would let Him. I've still got quite a ways to go, but I'd like to think I'm doing better. ^_^

The choice has been made. There's no looking back. I won't let up, back up, give up, or shut up. My focus clear. My path is straight. My God, reliable. I'm a disciple of Christ.

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Postby agasfas » Thu Aug 11, 2005 4:09 pm

Here the thing. Most of my life I believed in Jesus, but it wasn't until I was about about 12yr or 13yrs old when I actually understood what it was I believed. I think many kids are the same. My grandfather in Wisconsin is a big part of that. He's a pastor and he always loved me to ask questions, so I did. I got a better understanding about my faith and Christ. I could actually say by then, I acutally "believed" and had faith in Christ rather then just saying I'm a christian. It was something I felt in my heart rather then just saying it.

How it changed me... well, to be honest for the first couple I felt a strong presence that the Lord was in my heart. I lived my life accordingly and it was good. Then as I got into the second half of 8th grade I had many things happen in my life. I would question (not necessarily doubt christ) Christ why I had to go through such hard times. Due to a few auto-immune deficiencies, kids would tease me, talk behind my back joke about me and my problems. I got in soo many fights. Then about Junior or Senior year I started to really become stronger in my faith again (though I always believed). My grandfather pointed me to the book of Job and Psalms, and that really helped comfort me.

As I became more devoted again. I quit blaming God and started to give Him praise for what he has given me. He created me this way for a reason, and although I may not understand why, He has a purpose for me. I took some time to get over some personal issues, but I'm much stronger in my faith now. And perhaps it was Gods' plan for me to become stronger. I feel that God has a great plan for me, and it's up for me to use my gifts and experience to help others.

I owe so much to my grandfather in helping me be courage and faith. Without him, I wouldn't be as strong in my faith as I am now. God has really changed my life for the better, and helped make me into the compasionate person I am today. God changed my life in ways words can't describe.
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Postby ShiroiHikari » Thu Aug 11, 2005 4:17 pm

I've been in church since I was 2 or 3, but I didn't truly accept Christ until 2001.
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Postby ChristianKitsune » Thu Aug 11, 2005 4:21 pm

I have always been raised in Church...when I was about 4 I realized that Jesus needed to be in my life... So I think then I asked him to come into my heart, but when I was nine I wasn't sure ifthat was real... So I rededicated my life to him, and again when I was 12 at a church camp.. Now I have NO doubt in my mind that I am saved... It is an awesome thing to be a christian, to know the Lord Jesus Christ... ^^
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Postby K. Ayato » Thu Aug 11, 2005 5:54 pm

I've been saved since I was seven years old, but like some have stated above, I've only begun to really start serving since my late teens.
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Postby Kkun » Thu Aug 11, 2005 6:59 pm

I got "Saved" when I went to Blockbuster that one time and rented it.


Just kidding. I accepted Christ when I was about eight years old, but it didn't really start to matter to me until I was about fifteen when I saw all of my friends and I wasn't necessarily acting like them, but I wasn't..NOT acting like them. I was acting of the world. I didn't talk about God with them, or anything. Then, it hit me one day "You're lukewarm." It was a real turning point for me, and I began to take my relationship with Jesus and following His teachings seriously.
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Postby Arbre » Thu Aug 11, 2005 8:13 pm

March 2004.

I was raised in a different religion (Mormon).

I had just started getting involved in message boards, IMs, and chats in the late Summer before.

The first Christian I met at a message board, I actually PM'd him and asked if he was the same religion... 'cause he seemed so nice. Nope. We were pretty good friends. He enjoyed talking about politics and religion and I was doing my best to bring up Mormonism as much as I could in the hope that he would realize it was true and convert and it'd be great.

Then, a couple/few months later, I met another guy and he became a really good friend. Closest I've ever been to anyone... He liked me... but he wasn't Mormon. I didn't promise him anything but I didn't flat-out tell him "No, I'll never date you."

My main reason for not wanting that relationship was because he wasn't a Mormon. I didn't want to settle for anything less than an eternal marriage to a priesthood holder and miss out on an eternal family.

He wanted to learn more about my beliefs. I told him all the great stuff and he agreed with some (there are similar beliefs in there).

Then he found about the "deeper doctrines", you know, the stuff even I knew you don't tell someone who's just new at learning about Mormonism. "Milk before meat."

He actually found it out from a couple of posts here at CAA. That led him to study it out much more in-depth.

It bothered him a lot. He knew some of it wasn't Biblical.

By this time, I was very attached to him... I still hadn't promised him anything because he wasn't Mormon... but I was hoping and praying that he'd choose to join that church... 'cause I was definitely feeling like I could spend the rest of my life (even eternity) with this guy.

He was worried sick over me.

I was struggling to try to explain away what he'd read. It wasn't worded nicely like at church, but it wasn't false that I believed it and was taught that. I kept crying that it was taken out of context, that it was twisted, that you had to understand the entirety of the doctrines for it to make sense. I can still feel some of those emotions when I think of it. I felt trapped. >_< I feel it now just remembering it.

We'd talk over IMs and he'd insert quotes and ask me about them. I wanted to. And I was so sure I'd be able to show that it was right. I mean, I was sure it was true. Of course the truth wouldn't be impossible to prove.

He showed me Bible verses that I'd never even realized existed (I knew the Book of Momron and Doctrine and Covenants well, though)... but there they were... and they weren't matching up with some of my Mormon beliefs. Which I guess shouldn't have been an issue... 'cause I believed that the Bible was translated incorrectly and had lost many "plain and precious things" through the "designs of wicked men." But it was so clear.

The friend brought up inconsistencies between what older leaders had taught, and what newer leaders had taught...

There was a point where I just realized "It's not right." More and more confirmed that as I read and thought more.

But I still struggled for a while (days? weeks? i honestly can't remember anymore. it's all kinda a blur of horrible painful emotions) to actually let it go...

In the meantime, The first friend I mentioned, and this one, were both there to support me and answer questions. I struggled so much with works not earning Heaven. I still sometimes do.

But I knew I still believed in God. I didn't know exactly what kind of God He was, but I knew that He was there. And I was holding onto the belief that the Bible was inspired by God. It was a weak hold on all of that but it was still there.

I chose to actually leave those Mormon beliefs behind and commit my life to trying to follow Jesus Christ in the same night. I can still feel those emotions when I think back to that night, too. There was peace and I knew that I'd be sticking to the commitment to follow God for the rest of my life... To follow Him and not "the Church." And there is freedom in that. I knew my parents and family would be devastated (and they were), but I knew it'd be ok. And it is.
It's really hard some days with my entire family thinking I'm lost and everything, but it was the right decision.

I'm currently attending a Baptist church here in Utah. I went for the first time here in Utah last Sunday, with a friend I met online through another person online. =)

The first time I attended a Christian church, it was with that first friend I met at a message board. It helps so much to have someone to go with the first time... especially 'cause the service is so very different. ^^

I'm still learning and trying to get up the will to less passive when family brings up religion and how true "the Church" is. I really believe that I'm living where I'm at for a reason, though. I just need to surrender all my selfish fears and not be afraid to speak the truth just because it'd be more than a little awkward.

God has blessed me, though. Greatly. I've had some great friends who've just given so much support and love... A lot of them are/were from CAA.

Most are kinda going away, though. ._.
I've lost regular contact with the first friend I mentioned. I haven't talked to him for a couple of months. :\
Another one's moving and won't be back online for a few months.
Another just doesn't seem to want to do much... but maybe that's the way it's supposed to be... Maybe it's selfish to expect support from someone for such a long time-- especially when I've been so high maintenance in that area. And it's not like God's leaving me. Maybe He just wants me to depend on Him more, and not my friends.
I do have one woman here in Utah who seems really sweet... she has a similar religious background too... she's the one who was there when I went to church here.
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Postby bubblybubbly88 » Thu Aug 11, 2005 10:17 pm

Spirit_Wolf8356 wrote:I've been saved since I was small, but I wasn't living like it for most of my life. A little over a year ago, a few things happened and God showed me how much I needed Him and how much He could do for me if I would let Him. I've still got quite a ways to go, but I'd like to think I'm doing better. ^_^

Hey i know how ya feel.that's me all the way.I have a hard time every now-and-then.I'm glad i'm not the only one! :)
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Postby Ashley » Fri Aug 12, 2005 1:04 pm

I'm really glad to hear all of that, Arbre; I really, really am. I haven't been so successful in reaching out to some of my (former) Mormon friends. They're still Mormon, but we're no longer in contact. Be strong and be bold--you have nothing to fear! God is with you and will bless you if you're obedient to His will, right?

As for the question at hand, I accepted Christ and was consequently baptized when I was 4. Since then, though, I've had a lot of re-dedications and re-affirmations. I didn't start taking my faith or my walk seriously until I was 16, and even then it was rocky and hard for me to stay faithful. I grew up in a Christian home, went to Sunday school every Sunday of my life, etc. It was very tempting for a while to just coast along because I knew all the right answers. When I was 15, I seriously doubted God's existance and thought for sure I was living in a cult because I had never really felt God move or speak to me like I thought I should. Besides, I was a "good kid"--I never did anything REALLY wrong--I didn't even lie. How was I still considered a sinner?

What I needed (and recieved, thank God) was a divine touch of His presence coupled with a redefinition of walking with God. That was on a youth retreat, and since then I've steadily grown stronger and more confident. Backsliding aplenty, yes, but mostly growing and learning and pushing forward. Now I'm almost 19 and tomorrow I'm leaving for seminary, to dedicate my life and my career unto God's calling for me. Now I can't even count how many times I have felt, seen, or enjoyed God's presence in my life or His providence for me. I felt His call, obeyed, and now life is working out so well I can barely believe it.
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Postby Slater » Fri Aug 12, 2005 1:33 pm

I think I became Christian about 5 years ago, tho I can't really put a finger on any particular date or event. I know that I had been going to a Christian school my whole life, but I just didn't really take the Christian stuff seriously till about 5 years ago *shrug*
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Postby mitsuki lover » Fri Aug 12, 2005 1:41 pm

When:around 1971 or 1972.
How old:12 or 13
Where:Riverview Bible Camp,in Northeast Washington State
actually like most everyone else I've had my ups and downs and moments of
doubt.For me being a Christian isn't easy.Then again when did Jesus or
St.Paul say it was going to be? :angel:
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Postby c_hunter » Tue Aug 16, 2005 12:41 pm

I was saved when I was about 12 yrs old, but I only understood what it means just about 4 months ago...
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Postby Yumie » Tue Aug 16, 2005 2:20 pm

I accepted Christ as my Savior when I was four, and I've never really felt like I didn't understand it at the time. Even though it was so long ago, I can still remember distinct things I was feeling at the time.

Me and my mom and my little sister and Osaka were at Walmart one day, and all I remember about it was that we were fixing to climb into the car into our car seats when Osaka said something about hell-- I don't even remember what it was, just that she mentioned it. And I replied something close to, "God doesn't send anybody to hell!" And she laughed at me and said, "Yes he does!" So as far as I remember I think that was the first time I ever connected the dots about eternal separation from God.

Then sometime after that, my dad was having a men's Bible study at our house, and I was sitting on his lap. At some point, something was mentioned about hell. I don't know if I asked him right then or waited until it was over, but we were still in that chair and I asked him about hell. So he explained to me what it meant to be separated from God and how Christ died so we could be forgiven spend eternity with Him instead. So I got off dads lap and crawled around behind the chair we were in and prayed there.

Those are the only two semi-distinct memories I have about my salvation, I'm not sure if I remember them %100 the way that they happened, but the important thing is that I know that they happened and that I understood the decision I was making. Sometimes people doubt a child could really understand what she was doing at such a young age, and will ask, "Well, are you sure you don't just believe what you believe because your it's what your parents believed?" And I can say definitely yes, I'm sure that's not it. Even if I don't have the memories exactly right for sure, I can definitely remember the conviction that was in my heart.

So, that's how I was saved!
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Postby Ssjjvash » Tue Aug 16, 2005 2:37 pm

I really don't remember when I got saved. Maybe when I was four or five. Probably at Rhema Bible Church, since that's where we were going at the time.

The thing I most remember about accepting Christ was when I was seven and I was talking with my mom. I asked her how we knew we were not going to hell. I kept asking her how she was sure and how to be sure. (the thought of going to hell actually scared the hell out of me ^^)

Anyway, my mom told me that when you ask Jesus in your heart, you automatically get to go to heaven. And since I had already done that, I was sure of it from that day forth.
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
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Postby Todeskreuz » Tue Aug 16, 2005 4:21 pm

I was saved when I was 8....I remember being so excited and being on fire for god as much as a lil 8yr old can be...of course it all faded and it wasn't until a few years back that I actually started trying to be close to god...and even that fades I get stronger (I think) as time goes on....

The major way I think it changed my life was the fact that I care on how I'm acting and I always wonder if I'm helping anyone with the way I'm acting and if I'm glorifying god.... I mess up quite a lot but I still try
"I cried out with no reply and I can't feel you by my side so I hold tight to what I know...your here...and I'm never alone"

"In the moon want to sleep want to sleep with the silence you heal me again, through the long and trying day you save me...in the moon I’m just veiled in the silver shining"

"Forever Love, Forever Dream, I can't walk any further, Oh tell me why, Oh tell me true, Teach me the meaning of life"

"Never change... that's what a fool would say in his dreams at the moment when you're facing the end of everything"

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Postby Zane » Tue Aug 16, 2005 6:24 pm

In April 2003 in the Czech Republic.
It just became randomly crystal-clear to me that Jesus had died on the cross for ME!!!. Before I had always know that he had died for me, but not like; ME!!!. Thats when my relationship started with him.

Thank you LORD.
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Postby TurkishMonky » Thu Aug 18, 2005 11:59 am

I got saved when i was 3 1/2, and was baptized at age 4. I was wndering about it and asked my dad, who explained it to me simplistically because he didn't think i was old enough to understand what it ment. After his explanation i kept asking questions, and eventually prayed to accept Jesus into my heart that day, and have generally lived for him since then.
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Postby Artist4Jesus89 » Thu Aug 18, 2005 12:26 pm

I was saved when i was in sixth grade umm i was... 11 because i was 10 before dec 8 so yeah i was 11 but anyways my dad practically made me go to church camp even though my grandma has gaurdianship of me but i think she thought it was a good idea so yeah i had to go with my step brother so i though i would make the best of it and honestly i went without a fight because of some guys i liked were going well i dont remember when it was but later on in the week i felt like i should get saved so i did and then seventh grade i drifted from God and did alot of bad things AGAIN and so at camp again (went again for the wrong reasons) i realized my wrongs and i rededicated my life to him and i have tried to stay close to him since then and it has worked esp after this years camp YAY ME i acctually went for God well yeah im closer than i have ever been while being away from camp so yeah im proud of myself and i might add i had moved since 7th grade and one of my friends bugged the heck out of me to go to church so thats how i ended up where i am thanks to her
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Postby Michael » Thu Aug 18, 2005 1:54 pm

I can't remember a day when I never knew Christ. I was baptized when I was 2 and received membership in Christ's Church. Thank the Lord for the Covenant.
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Postby Naga Kisaki » Thu Aug 18, 2005 2:07 pm

I was saved seveal years ago. But I'm still maturing, what I need is to start being less selfish and stop trying to drone out things god says to me that I want to pretend I don't hear. But My faith is fairly strong.

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Postby Anna Mae » Fri Aug 19, 2005 5:29 am

I've sort of always been a Christian. I don't remember a specific time that I gave my life to Christ. I grew up in the church, and God was just always a part of my life. I knew the answers to all of the questions in Sunday School. At first my belief was a bit dogmatic, because I was little and so my parents were 'perfect.' Then around sixth grade my faith started to become more of my own. I have taken my faith very seriously (at times too seriously) ever since.
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