Were you ever scared?

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Were you ever scared?

Postby Eriana » Fri Aug 19, 2005 3:30 pm

When I had excepted God, all the doors of the past and darkness shut and locked behind me, I am a new woman, I have just excepted the most special and important part of my life.
Well one night when it was about three O'Clock in the morning, I couldn't sleep and was thirsty. I climbed out of bed and was about to go down my staircase to get something to drink when I heard something, it was creepier than anything I had ever experienced. I heard my basement door sort of creeking for a few moments, and then the weirdest dragging sound started to form, not really having much of a pace, it increased and then decreased. My heart by now had practically jumped into my throat and was singing bloody murder. My heart rate was higher than any other time that I can remember and all I could think was, "Lord help me!" It was coming closer to the staircase I could hear it. I looked around me and saw my brothers, mom and dad and cat and dog were upstairs sound asleep. This made my blood start to panic and flow in the complete opposite direction. "Jesus what do I do?" I kept thinking. Finally, out of the shear thoughts of what might actually be down there, I ran like a bolt of lightning into my room, slammed the door behind me and leaped in my bed, my eyes were filling with tears. Yes ladies and gentlemen I was a perfect example of what a coward looked like. I heard the sweeping coming up the stairs, as slow and scary as anything I had ever heard. "Mom! Dad! Somebody! HELP ME!" That was the only thought going through my head, and then suddenly I realized that perhaps my greatest fears had come true and though a panicked long shot was all I had to offer at the time, I gave a swift and sharp guess that it might be a demon. Now I knew it was right outside my door and as if the heart attack of the chilling sweeping wasn't enough, I now actually, stay with me please, saw my doorknob turning a little. Suddenly a drop of courage went into my body, and I knew I felt the unmistakable presence of God hovering there with me with Him. My heart begged him, "Yeshua what should I do? I'm scared!" and His voice silently whispered to me, "Call upon Me." And just there and then I called upon the name of the Lord and now my doorknob stopped moving. The crippling spiritual darkness had vanished and all I could do was sit there, relieved and starting to cry. I had now realized what power was in Yeshua's name, what grace He has, His love for me was overwhelming and I couldn't help but cry out of relief and joy. I realized something then that I still remember today, that God's love and protection is still with me no matter where I am. Now for me when it is said that God is everywhere at once, I can't help but respond, "He sure is."
(This is not fictional it is something that actually did take place in my own home. It it taught me some extrodinary lessons for the future and life as it is.)
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Postby Mr. Rogers » Fri Aug 19, 2005 3:45 pm

:thumb: nice
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Postby Yumie » Fri Aug 19, 2005 4:07 pm

That's cool, I know how scary that is, something very much like that happened to me at a summer camp I worked at (I told that story once a while ago in another thread, so I won't tell it again, ha ha ha) but it can be really scary, especially because to this day I still don't know what it was that was making the noises around the corner. But I'm glad you weren't hurt and that whatever it was went away and that God took care of you.
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Postby Eriana » Fri Aug 19, 2005 10:06 pm

Me too! ^^;;; It was nerve racking hearing that creepy sound in the middle of night (very early morning) I guess I could understand if nobody believes that story but I can assure you its all true! Maybe I'm not such a good writer though, it probably sounded a lot like a fan fiction story! ^^;;;
Sorry about that everyone...^^;;;
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Demonic Dreams and Experiences

Postby ~Natsumi Lam~ » Fri Aug 19, 2005 10:49 pm

WEll.... since my first dreams when i was four I had demonic dreams. I dreamt about demons, their views and rebellion towards God, their blastphemeing[sp?] of Jesus, how they interact with people... and so on, I have felt them. I have seen a demon also. It was on the edge of my bed, just resting there looking at me. I just said to it that night, " If you want to sit there and look at me sleep. have at it... get bored for all i care." I should have rebuked it but i didnt care bout it. I have seen an angel also. So i know one day i will be in the deliverance ministry....

my new little sis: Eriana :) an awsome woman in Christ!!

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Postby ~Natsumi Lam~ » Fri Aug 19, 2005 11:02 pm

Oh yea, one of my annoying and spooky dream was an all night dream.... the demons kept telling me not to go pray with my dad. I would wake up into another dream, one after another.... with my dad, my mom, my dog, my brother all telling me "DONT GO PRAY WITH DAD" and then come running at me full force to choke me and kill me, just for me to wake into the next dream. When i did finally wake, i felt something like a big vacuum pulling at my entire chest and stomach and than be yanked off. I went into my brothers room and fell asleep again back into the same dream, one family member after another saying " DONT PRAY" and i saw black shadows creeping, crawling and slinking across the roof and walls coming towards me. I pulled myself out of the dream and ran and prayed with my dad. I slept the rest of the night calmly and soundly! I can usually tell how my relationship with God is going and how sensitive i am to the spiritual world by my dreams.

my new little sis: Eriana :) an awsome woman in Christ!!

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Postby Warrior 4 Jesus » Fri Aug 19, 2005 11:23 pm

I've can't say I've had as intense experiences like that but I remember when I was about eight going to my counsin's house and staying the night. It was an old house. I went to sleep and then woke up during the night and saw this shadowy figure walk by the passage way. Totally freaked me out. Even then I knew it was possibly a demon, because no one was awake at that hour and they wouldn't be near the house entrance if they were. I prayed about it and then the presence was no longer there.

There are three things I fear most: Demons, judgement and snakes/spiders. The last is easy to combat and I no longer feel that I won't go to Heaven but demons are my main fear and I used to have the most horrifying dreams about them. It doesn't help when your Japanese teacher (when I was in high-school) told us about how her family's new house was possessed and that her dad (who was a pastor) confronted a demon (along with the Holy Spirit ofcourse) and the house was free from it. Pretty frightening stuff. But we need to remind ourselves that God is more powerful than any demon and calling on Him is the ultimate spiritual weapon!

Thanks for sharing guys.
God Bless!
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Postby ~Natsumi Lam~ » Fri Aug 19, 2005 11:27 pm

Warrior 4 Jesus wrote:
There are three things I fear most: Demons

Dont be afriad of them... think of them as cockroaches.... they are not worth your time. If they try to bother you.... walk all over them!

my new little sis: Eriana :) an awsome woman in Christ!!

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Postby Warrior 4 Jesus » Fri Aug 19, 2005 11:28 pm

Yep, take up the Sword of the Spirit and smite them!
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Postby ~Natsumi Lam~ » Fri Aug 19, 2005 11:32 pm

Warrior 4 Jesus wrote:Yep, take up the Sword of the Spirit and smite them!

my new little sis: Eriana :) an awsome woman in Christ!!

- "For we fight not against flesh and blood" -


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Postby GhostontheNet » Sat Aug 20, 2005 12:41 pm

That is indeed a major breakthrough Eriana, but always remember these words, "Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. " (James 4:7 ESV) Indeed, the Greek is

Thayer Definition:
1) to set one’s self against, to withstand, resist, oppose
2) to set against

Hence it is a more active than passive resistance, not simply of the sort like we might say about "resisting temptations", though it is no coincidence that it is said to submit to YHWH. So if ever again Demons come messing with the doorknobs, know that taking what you have learned and what YHWH said in His word, you should next time open the door and tell it that by the power, grace, patronage, and protection of Yeshua Christ you demand it leave your house at once and never return. For Satan and his fallen angels are only capable of doing what YHWH, consisting of Himself, His Wisdom and Word and Power (who is Yeshua Christ), and His Spirit, or in more popular but somewhat less explanatory Trinitarian language, The Father, The Son, and the Holy Spirit, permit them to do, as witness I take the account of the Book of Job.
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Postby dragonshimmer » Sat Aug 20, 2005 1:06 pm

That's a really disturbing story, but I'm so happy to hear that God brought you through it.

Like some of you, most of my life I've been plagued by demonic dreams. They've started back up again recently.

Two years ago I had a nasty encounter that I pray never happens again.

Only two things I'm incredibly terrified of....demons and spiders. I won't even watch movies about either subject. I know God watches me and takes care of me, but that doesn't mean that there's not a chance something could try to happen *shudder*
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Postby Eriana » Sat Aug 20, 2005 2:39 pm

Thanks GhostontheNet. I know you are absolutely correct. I should have thought of such a thing at the time. To tell the truth about my fears I am afraid of most common things that are more over just phobias. Like:
1. Snakes and Spiders
2. Verdigo (Fear of heights)
3. loosing my family and friends
But I have never feared Satan or his demons. After all when you have Yeshua what is there to fear?
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