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My Gosh What Should I Do!!??

Postby Artist4Jesus89 » Tue Aug 23, 2005 6:11 pm

I have to go back to public school OR get my GED when i am 16 but i am worried about having to take my placement test do you think that the counseler give me a study guide for it? i kinda want to go back but that is the only reason why i dont... (please pray that if i take them ill pass them and possibly get into a higher grade but if i get into the grede im supposed to be it will be cool.) well the reason for this is the first homeschool thing that i was gonna do at the begining like last august well they didnt do anything except take our 125 and not let me start so we started the SOS and life pac cirric and the man we bought it from a man that was a supposed dealer BUT he didnt tell us i wouldnt get credit unless i joined the AOA (Alpha Omega Academy) thingy so i wrote the place that has the academy and lo and behold thats how i found out (even though i didnt do much last year i was lazy and shouldnt have been.) so now what really bites is i did some school last year and WONT get credit for it that makes me upset and plus the dude that sold us it he asked for $525.00 for tuition but it turns out it didnt help me so i beleive that he ripped us off and used the money for his wants and needs and also he will not answer our calls!!!!
i call "*ring, ring, ring, the number (number here) is not available... to page this person press 1 (or something like that) *BEEP* YOU NEED TO CALL Geneva D. (number here)."
thats the way it has been for the past 2 days so i think he knows we have found out by now...
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Postby Kurama » Tue Aug 23, 2005 6:22 pm

I allready went to School! -_-;;;; T.T but ill pray for you about school! ^^
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Postby Shao Feng-Li » Tue Aug 23, 2005 6:24 pm

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Postby Artist4Jesus89 » Tue Aug 23, 2005 6:33 pm

Shao Feng-Li wrote:G E D

Thats what i was thinking lol i thank it might be easier because my cuz didnt graduate but she did get her GED and now works with a lawyer or for one not sure really
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Postby Alice » Tue Aug 23, 2005 6:43 pm

I only sort of understood that...

But you can take the GED at 16? If so, it can't hurt to try. I mean you can still go back to school if you want to, right? :sweat: *isn't really sure*

But if you take it and don't pass, at least you'll know what things you still need work on. Right? ^__^

Most of all, try to calm down a little bit. You don't have to know this second, right? Talk to your parents about it, pray about it, try not to panic. It'll work out! ^__^
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Postby Shao Feng-Li » Tue Aug 23, 2005 6:49 pm

Government schools are a last resort. 99/100 people take a G E D as a highschool diploma. You'd be done with school at 16. Think about it. XD
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Postby Artist4Jesus89 » Tue Aug 23, 2005 6:52 pm

it sounds good to me and that would be cool to get out of school asap how on earth would i find a place to get my GED?
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Postby Shao Feng-Li » Tue Aug 23, 2005 7:16 pm

You could just go to the schoolas themselves I believe. For some reason I remember hearing something about the G E D and the D M V being related. *shrug*
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Postby Alice » Tue Aug 23, 2005 8:16 pm

I thought my brother said you couldn't take it until you were 18. But maybe that's only in our state, or perhaps I heard wrong. ^__^
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Postby desperado » Tue Aug 23, 2005 8:20 pm

only thing your not thinking about is a lot of colleges dont like G.E.D.'s over normal diplomas. plus you dont have as much of a chance (or almost any) to get scholorships to college. with the way the world is getting you can never not think about college.
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Postby Artist4Jesus89 » Wed Aug 24, 2005 7:12 am

im going to an art college and i talked to my counseler about this thing called project hope at francis tuttle and i found out that if i was to go back to public schools i have to be a 9th grader again so yeah well anyways i can allways graduate through a ged or this project hope (which i think gives out diplomas BUT there is a waiting list please pray i can get on it) and i can allways go to guthrie job corps center (when i feel like living there...) and get my diploma then.
My (old) school has a GED program that you can do when your 16 so yeah...
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Postby termyt » Wed Aug 24, 2005 10:29 am

desperado wrote:only thing your not thinking about is a lot of colleges dont like G.E.D.'s over normal diplomas. plus you dont have as much of a chance (or almost any) to get scholorships to college. with the way the world is getting you can never not think about college.

I think state schools have to accept the GED. If you have your heart set on Harvard, you may need to do more.

I actually went to college with a girl who dropped out of high school at 16, took the GED, and entered college. Seemed to work OK for her.
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Postby Shao Feng-Li » Wed Aug 24, 2005 10:31 am

Ahh, I see... I didn't think about college...
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Postby Artist4Jesus89 » Wed Aug 24, 2005 12:54 pm

im pretty sure i can get into a college with a GED but i will have look and see which one i want to go to first so ...
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Postby ChristianKitsune » Wed Aug 24, 2005 3:07 pm

I don't agree that a GED would be a good thing.. I don't believe that it can even compare to High School.. (this is my opinion though and I don't mean to offend anyone.) But seriously, High School is totally awesome! If you get your GED you are going to be missing A LOT of important memories... in the long run.

Sure it will take longer to graduate..but High School is really trying to prepare you for college.. I am not sure about exactly what GED does, but I think that HS will prepare you better.

and I think, that most colleges prefer HIGH SCHOOL dipolomas over GEDs.. Art school or not...

I vote Public School... A lot of people cop out and drop out of HS and get their GED's because they don't want to do work that HS asks...(at least those that have done that where I live...not every does I am not trying to offend anyone...)

Plus, In high school yo uget to join nifty clubs and do totally awesome activities! ^_^ and if you want to go to an Art School you might want to get in on an Art CLASS and if your school goes to art shows you could get scholarships from them.

That ish my two cents! ^_^
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Postby Scribs » Wed Aug 24, 2005 3:56 pm

they say a High School Diploma is irreplacable, keep at it.
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Postby ~Natsumi Lam~ » Wed Aug 24, 2005 11:05 pm

high school...... some universities do not except GEDs... U of A ... for one

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Postby c-girl » Thu Aug 25, 2005 12:16 am

>^^< Go with highschool! Sure a GED gets you graduated faster. But you'll be missing out on a lot of fun stuff and good memories. Highschool can be tough I hear, but college isn't going to be any easier. Including in highschool, you can earn scholarships to universities or other colleges. >^.^< Highschool prepares you for college and the big grown-up world. ( >;_;< I don't wanna grow-up... Lol! >^.^< ) AND!! Guess what?! You're friends won't nag at you for the rest of your life for not going to highschool with them and missing out on all those cool and funny and wierd times! >^^<;; I'd hate listening to all their stories and hearing about all those fun times they had without me.
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Postby agasfas » Thu Aug 25, 2005 12:44 am

I would suggest getting the high school diploma. It's really a matter of perference really.
-Although you could graduate early, and I'm sure most of us could, but going to school is half the experience (good or bad). It may help us develope different skills for later.

Though, to say universities don't accept them... well that's not really true. If you're going straight from HS to a major university then perhaps many would look at a GED as "less."

But if you got a GED then goto community college, then it doesn't really matter. Because once you're in community college, take the entry test (which is the TASP test in Texas) then you're in. There isn't really a pass or fail, it just decides whether or not intermedial reading, writing, math or whatever is needed. If not, your in good to go. Take a semester or two then transfer the credits to a Major University. After a year or so in college (University or Community), hardly anyone looks at your SAT's, ACT's or whether or not you have a GED. They base your acceptence on transcript and course load.

Well because SAT's and ACT's help you get accepted to a university. And if you already been accepted to a college (including community) it kind of nullifies that stuff. Though I'm sure there are exceptions like some private universities.

Seeing you're only 15yr now, I would give it a year or two. If not, you may really miss some stuff, not necessarily educational wise, but just being a kid. That's just me. I mean, public school aren't "that" bad, I attended one all my life :P

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Postby Debitt » Thu Aug 25, 2005 2:21 am

I too would say you should do high school. I know public high school gets a lot of bad mouthing from people, especially those who were homeschooled, but it really isn't as bad as so many people crack it up to be. I personally am not very socially adjusted and I do just fine in a public high school, and have found I've grown as a person and a Christian more than I probably would have in another environment. Public high school generally is far from a completely negative experience and depending on your own personal maturity, it may be a better experience for you than skipping this opportunity and just getting your GED

And, as other have noted, not all colleges accept those who graduate with the GED. State schools and community colleges may, but if you want to go to something like a private college, you'll definitely have much more trouble getting accepted.

At any rate, God's obviously presented you with this choice for a reason, and I think that you should very seriously look over all your options and talk about it both with Him and with your parents before you make any permanent decision.

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