Pom Poko & My Neighbours the Yamadas

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Pom Poko & My Neighbours the Yamadas

Postby Tenshi no Ai » Sat Aug 27, 2005 2:37 pm

So.... anyone see either of these 2 Ghibli releases? I know they aren't Miyazaki and really, I haven't heard too too much on either of them.

Pom Poko looks more interesting... all I know is something about people taking over Tanukiterritory and if I remember correctly, thoguth I seen pics of the Tanukis turning into what looked like half-tanuki and half-people... then again I thougth I remember it beign kinda like Wolf's Rain where they tried to disguise themselves... or something. But anyhow, how was it? I know it was quite a hit when it came out. And isn't it made by the dude that made The Cat Returns? That one I liked^^

For My Neighbour the Yamadas... doesn't interest me too much :/ But how is it anyways?

Input... anyone? Anyone>
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Postby LadyKokoro » Thu Sep 01, 2005 5:57 pm

Pom Poko is brilliant and unappologetically Japanese ... only one warning - expect it to be centered around Japanese folklore, myths, and beliefs.

Tanukis are Racoon Dogs and they are portrayed as in Japanese myths and in this movie as shape shifters. They go to that form to speak, act comically, and other interesting things. The movie takes place in 1960's Japan - just outside of old Tokyo - where the Red Light District would be built. It catalouges the Tanuki's struggle with humans who do not care about the environment enough to protect the wildlife from habitat destruction. The tanuki declare war with the humans, who are clueless that there is a war going on. It gets a little heavy handed with the envonmental push in the end, but it is a wonderful tale with a good lesson - save for the Shinto influences.

Just a warning. There is a fair deal of "low" humor, such as joking about watching an old Tanuki pee and the male tanuki's scrotums are shown so that you can tell they are grown up males and because the Japanese don't veiw it as a lack of modesty since it is an animal. There is limited sexuality - kissing tanuki (hetero), tanuki males trying to attract mates, and a scene entirely about abstinance, but the word sex is never said. It only implies that a couple have paired off spontaneously in spite of their promises to wait to wed when the situation is less dim.
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