New Orleans

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New Orleans

Postby The Doctor » Fri Sep 02, 2005 7:58 am

Friends and neighbors,

I have been keeping up with the news lately and as though the terrible hurricane that hit New Orleans wasn't bad enough, the aftermath is just as horrible.

New Orleans has become a land of lawlessness. Looting, raping, pillaging, you name it and it's happening down there.

Even as I write the Superdome, the place everyone has gone to for shelter, has become a warzone. There are reports of raping and beatings inside the dome, and many are preying on the tourists who seek shelter.

The police have tried to restore order within the dome and sent 88 officers inside, only to see them flee the dome because they were overwhelmed with attacks from those inside, leaving the innocent at the mercy of their torturers.

And that's only inside the dome itself. Law and order has left New Orleans in general and it appears drastic measures will have to be taken in order to restore it.

Please be in prayer for New Orleans, for the innocent, (that God will protect them), for the guilty (that The Holy Spirit will convict them of sin and they surrendur and repent), and for the law officials and our leaders (that God gives them wisdom on how to handle the situation and rebuild New Orleans and restore justice and righteousness to it).

Not only that, but if you are called to help out in any way shape or form, please do so. A small donation, a minute of your time, helping feed them, even prayer would do much to help them out. Maybe even fasting.

Thank you all for reading this. May God redeem New Orleans.
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Postby Sparrowhawk » Fri Sep 02, 2005 8:18 am

I knew it was bad, but not that bad.

My uncle lives on the Mississippi coast. He lived through it but his home is in bad shape and his plant he manages is probably forever lost. The only good news I can offer is that most of the looting is for food, water, etc. They need it to survive (i know that not all the looting is for survival, but i heard that the majority is) One lady was approached saying she should not be looting shoes. She replied she had been going barefoot in two feet of water with glass and debris in the water. what would she do with a cut and no way to stop the bleeding. I'm not saying looting is good, but for survival, there is no way i'm going to stop someone who has not eaten for over a day from getting food. But besides the looting the rest of that i never heard. Yes we do need to pray for New Orleans and the rest of the people hurting from Katrina Hurricane and its affects.
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Postby Mithrandir » Fri Sep 02, 2005 9:35 am

We have a thread on this. Please forward your prayers to:

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