help? (college first year here!)

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help? (college first year here!)

Postby Tenshi no Ai » Fri Sep 09, 2005 1:37 pm

So I just started goign to a small local college and it sure is different from high school! But in high school, it was almost too easy. Seems like I was being babied by almost every teacher there, not really ever getting prepaired for post secondary. And now... well things aren't going too well v_v

Anyone have advice for a person who's in a class with many smart people who know big words and I'm not even understanding, I'm zoning out because I don't understand what they're talkign about (nor is it highly interesting in some cases) and I sit down to read and my concentration is at zero because I feel like I'm merely reading words :/ Not to mention I read too fast and miss alot and if I read somethign boring, it makes me tired. Sure, the class hours may be easy on me, and sure I took it verrrry easy in high school (didn't have to try too hard, just sit back and do the assignments at the last minute, getting a B avarage in most cases).

I don't know... and for the first time ever I see me actually tryign REALLY hard (at least as hard as I can) and failing miserably v_v I mean, Elementary to Middle School wasn't bad... then Middle to High was like, no diff at all. Now, it's the biggest jump I've had to make and I'm really not that knowledgable either...

I'm in deep poop is all I know!
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Postby Ashley » Fri Sep 09, 2005 2:03 pm

I wish I could tell you this gets easier, but I'm afraid it doesn't by much. I'm a sophomore in college, so granted, I'm not seasoned vet, but I remember feeling the way you did.

First off, don't let them intimidate you by the big words. If you want to increase your vocabularly, read read read. Read for pleasure. Read hard stuff. There's lots of books out there designed specifically to increase your vocabulary.

The concentration is just have to tell yourself to pay attention. You just have to will it, honestly. I learned the hard way to pay attention because I had trouble with the readings and I would have to write my papers. Perhaps the best way I can think of to improve is to listen to your professors carefully: many times, their lectures are like outlines to a paper. If you listen closely, you'll be able to pick out their organization (which points go under which categories) and duplicate them in your notes. This sort of active listening might help, even if the topic is boring. And trust me, nothing is worse than an hour and a half lecture on Thucydides' Pelopponesian War. Blah.

You can do this, though. The great secret of surviving college is time management. Do you have a day timer, or a planner? Get one, if you don't. Write down your homework every single night, and work on it in the order that it is due. Work on primarily the things that are due the NEXT day, and then move to those that are due in the future. If you can't do anything but what you've been given for the immediate following day, at least you'll be ok to turn it all in. It really helps to break your homework into chunks, and spread it out over the day.

Do you have a job? Do you have full time classes? If it's possible, perhaps taking a daily nap for an hour or so will help you to stay refreshed and invigorated. Don't forget to make time for social activities too; they will help you from feeling burned out.

Tenshi, I totally understand how you feel. It is hard, I'm not downplaying that at all, but remember Christ wants the very best for your future and He has all the strength you need. Don't give up!
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Postby Technomancer » Fri Sep 09, 2005 2:04 pm

I think that it is most important to keep up with your work, and if possible be in a position to read the relevant material before your lecture. Keeping notes as you read will force you to concentrate and perhaps to read a little bit slower as well. When you encounter parts you don't understand, it will be helpful to work through them, or through related examples (if applicable). When you work, be sure to avoid distractions, such as television, loud places, etc.

Your college or town library may have other resources on the same subject that may help clarify things; be sure and make good use of it.
If you don't understand something, you should also seek help from your professor or your TAs; that's what they're their for after all. You can also ask other students.

Out of curiosity, what are you studying?
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Postby Lynx » Fri Sep 09, 2005 2:06 pm

A lot of colleges offer free tutoring services for freshman. Is this maybe something that would help you? Also, what classes are you struggling with specifically? Sometimes bigger lectures offer less of a chance to ask questions, but more of an opportunity to form study groups.

If you are doing all your homework and studying outside of class and still doing poorly, talk to the professer. Most of the time they can offer some suggestions for you, but most likely if you're not already putting in the effort yourself they will be not as willing to help you out.

hope that helped!
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Postby Kaori » Fri Sep 09, 2005 2:24 pm

Because college is generally a much more selective level of education than high school, it's very common for people to feel inadequate and overwhelmed when they make this transition. You certainly aren't alone--there are many other people who have gone through what you are feeling or are doing so now.

I can't offer you much specific advice without knowing more detail about your particular situation, but I can pass along some widely known and accepted wisdom that I have heard.

Both in lectures and in reading, it's important to keep your mind active by taking notes, marking in your text, and asking questions (either to yourself or out loud).

Don't be afraid to talk to your professors outside of class and let them know if you are struggling with a concept; they will usually be more than happy to answer your questions. Students also find that it is a good experience to get to know professors outside of class, so if you're given an opportunity to do so, take it.

When it is time for a major assignment, make sure you know exactly what the professor expects from you. Frequently students will receive a low grade for failing to follow the instructions properly. This is a simple thing, but it is relatively easy to trip up on something like this.

Take care of yourself physically. Being able to focus in class is far more difficult if you are sleep-deprived or jittery from too much caffeine.

And finally, some advice from one of the professors I had last year: Just do the best you can with the ability God has given you.
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Postby Tenshi no Ai » Fri Sep 09, 2005 2:33 pm

Technomancer wrote:Out of curiosity, what are you studying?

Creative Writing, Psychology, and Sociology (for this semister at least).

Lynx wrote:A lot of colleges offer free tutoring services for freshman. Is this maybe something that would help you? Also, what classes are you struggling with specifically?

I don't know about tutoring... I mean it just makes everythign a bit more time consuming. Although I do know some people I can ask for help that took the courses if I get really stuck.

My difficulties through the classes:

Creative Writing: not too hard, just need the right frame of mind to concentrate on my non-fiction works... course my upcoming assignment looks tricky and has to do with remembering back a specific time in my childhood.

Psychology: Had to email the prof. because he wasn't very specific on what questions we had to do in the assignment. Although I understand the text, it still makes me sleepy and had to take a nap (apparently my friend, first year in another college had this happen during her reading too :/)

Sociology: probably my biggest problem I'll have. VERY hard to pay attention in and I only took it instead of Anthropology, because when I think of that word, I can imagine a whole chapter dedicated to evolution which I've already learned about enough :/ But in Sociology... it really opens up my brain to places it's never been to before, intelectually. The reading is sooo BORING! I'm sorry but if there's no kind of story to go along with what I'm reading, it's very hard to concentrate on. My Psychology book was easy because it was history on this person doing this thing :/ Not sure how many other people have this problem when it comes to reading. Shakespere was borign for me alot too in high school, mostly because it was never properly interpreted to me. Yes interpretation is a good thing... But now teachers aren't really like that anymore :/

Word of advice for high schoolers: I slacked around for many years because it came VERY easy to me without barely trying in many cases! I thought I had it tough in gr. 12 but compared to this, it was NOTHING!

But back in HS, I was surprised how people had time for a part time job on the side. Now, if I get called for one I'll be surprised how I'll ever have time to fit in: school assignments, social activities, church related stuff, try to start an excersise routine somewhere in there :/, and well, to be in the right frame of mind to have Bible reading time seems to be getting thinner :/ Not a good thing.
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Postby kazekami » Fri Sep 09, 2005 2:38 pm

Ashley and everyone pretty much said it. i graduated from college about a year ago. Reading is a great way to build a substancial vocabulary. Take notes. That way you can review what the teacher says later on. Make sure to take breaks in studying so you don't burn out. ANd definetly talk to your professuers. They are usually very helpful and nice. You might want to try a study group or tutoring. Boring text are hard to read. You might want to read a bit until you start to feel tierd. then take a short break, like 10 minutes to get a drink of water, strech or something, then go back to it, and do this on and off till you finish it. College is definetly different from hight school. I wish you luck.

Also the hardness of the semester can also depend on what classes your takeing together. I've had very hard semesters and then had an easy one after that. Some courses have a lot more work then others. My last semester at College was definetly the hardest considering I had to write my Senior Thesies.

edit: Oh someone should have warned you about Sociology. Thats Anthropologies boring little sister. I took one of those courses for GE. Bored me to death.

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Postby Tenshi no Ai » Fri Sep 09, 2005 2:51 pm

kazekami wrote:
edit: Oh someone should have warned you about Sociology. Thats Anthropologies boring little sister. I took one of those courses for GE. Bored me to death.

Yup. I sure can pick the winners! :thumbsup:
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Postby Mave » Fri Sep 09, 2005 2:59 pm

Been there, done that. Just graduated, thank God.

Technomancer wrote:if possible be in a position to read the relevant material before your lecture.

This was probably the most useful practice I ever had in college. I also highly recommend this. This will help you have an idea of what everyone is going to talk about.

Keeping notes as you read will force you to concentrate and perhaps to read a little bit slower as well.

My concentration is somewhat limited too so this note-taking habit as one reads helped me tremendously. Like techno said, it helped me to read more slower and to pay attention to the little important details. My notes were very useful for studying later on too since I no longer had to go back to big heavy textbooks but instead refer to my own shorthand notes.

It also helps to write your notes in graphic form --> tables, figures, organization charts etc. I did and it worked wonders for me.

Time-wise, it takes me typically 30-45 minutes before I lose my concentration altogether and become tired (even with note-taking). A 5-10 min break helps.

[quote]If you don't understand something, you should also seek help from your professor or your TAs]
Yes, don't hesitate to ask (even if you're worried that it might be a stupid question). That's the whole point of having TAs. I did my best to maintain the point of view that there is no bad question.

As for ppl using big words, chances they either know exactly what they're talking about or they don't. :lol: It's the same in the corporate world (as it is, I'm struggling with business/marketing terms whereas I was educated in the science field). Take comfort in the fact that you'll pick it up soon and just need to be patient.

College has always been a humbling point for me as it made me realize that I'm not as smart or capable as I thought I was. In doing so, it made me grateful for the opportunity to learn and depend on God for his guidance and blessings. So, don't forget to pray each day before you embark into a college day. :thumb:

PS: I dunno, I kinda liked my sociology class. ;)
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Postby Yahshua » Fri Sep 09, 2005 3:08 pm

Sociology eh Tenshi no Ai well if you want help in that course I can probably helps you out since my Major in the University of Washington Seattle happen to be Sociology so send me whatever questions you have in PM. Or if you have MSN Messenger I can also helps you there.
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Postby Syaoran » Fri Sep 09, 2005 3:21 pm

Kazekami wrote:Reading is a great way to build a substancial vocabulary.
Tell me about it.....I have to read 16 books in 26 weeks. plus......I have four tests every week. All I can say is don't give up and let God take controll of your life and let him help you thought your college.
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Postby Tenshi no Ai » Fri Sep 09, 2005 4:07 pm

Alright... taking in with what everyone's saying... I'm gunna try reeeeeally hard! Unlike I've done in high school, of course^^ I'll do it in small reading spurts and whatnot with reading outloud the parts that just go in over my head and underlining some important things. Also, gotta build of my vocab so I'll jot some some words and meanings in my text and whatnot all over^^ So many big words... but no way was I gunna take a whole course to building vocab!

So yeah thanks guys and I'll try the best I can!
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Postby Kaligraphic » Sat Sep 10, 2005 7:50 pm

If you pull up Google, and put in
define: word
it will pull up definitions for "word", and you can put any other word in as well. That can help you learn more words.

btw, Sociology is fun.
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Postby Fsiphskilm » Sat Sep 10, 2005 10:00 pm

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Postby Warrior4Christ » Sat Sep 10, 2005 10:21 pm

College...or uni or whatever, is a big change from high school. You do actually have to put in the effort yourself, and chase up a tutor or lecturer if you don't understand something.
I'm doing engineering, so I don't have to learn new vocab or anything... I can't give much advice on sociology, because our departments are totally different.

But, yes, find a group of friends to form a study group, so you can do assignments and compare answers (well for engineering assignments anyway) together. Good luck.
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Postby MyrrhLynn » Sat Sep 10, 2005 10:51 pm

Well everyone has had good advice so far so I'll just add a bit...

Technomancer wrote:I think that it is most important to keep up with your work, and if possible be in a position to read the relevant material before your lecture. Keeping notes as you read will force you to concentrate and perhaps to read a little bit slower as well.

Yup yup definately true. Also if your teacher writes something on the board, WAKE UP and write it down because it must be important! XD

If you don't like asking questions in class go in during your teacher's office hours. For my managerial accounting class I had to go in and talk to my teacher every week about our assignments (sometimes more then once) just to make sure I would pass the class.

It really helps if you keep up with the readings, at the very least the chapter summaries, because let me tell you trying to read a ton of chapters over the weekend is NOT fun.

Oh one more thing, if your teacher gives you a study guide for a test, memorize that thing! Most of my teachers who did that took all (or most) of their questions from the guide then. :thumb:

Personally I think college is just a little overwhelming at first. Once you get it figured out I'm sure it will come easier for you.

Actually I took Anthropology in college, and there wasn't that much evolution and the class was easy. My book was so old though. But I had fun laughing at the pictures and drawing clothes on the half naked people. XD

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Postby Kaori » Sat Sep 10, 2005 11:19 pm

Volt wrote:NO room-mates

You will not beleive how Stupid other kids can be.

I suggest you be careful and be VERY cautious about your room-mates.

I agree that it is good to be cautious in choosing a roommate, not everyone has such a bad experience. Having a good roommate can be a blessing, though the opposite is also true.

MyrrhLynn wrote:Oh one more thing, if your teacher gives you a study guide for a test, memorize that thing! Most of my teachers who did that took all (or most) of their questions from the guide then. :thumb:

Excellent advice. If you are fortunate enough to have professors who give you study guides, you should certainly take advantage of that.
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Postby Mithrandir » Sun Sep 11, 2005 7:42 am

I didn't hear it mentioned here, so I'll throw this in:

If you read the material before hand, you'll be amazed how many of those "Big Words" begin to make sense. Write them down and look them up later - you already understand the context now! Feel free to bring those words here if you want more help on them - we've got members who have studdied practically every discipline, and that can really help out.
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Postby Syaoran » Sun Sep 11, 2005 8:40 am

Volt wrote:->#1 RULE: AVOID ROOMATES<-

NO room-mates

You will not beleive how Stupid other kids can be.

I'm sorry, I was raised by Human Beings with Moral Values.

I Don't:
- Play basketball at 2am
- stay up till 4am outside, making noise with 30 other of my immature friends
- do laundry at 3am
- think that college is a big party.
- Use a Subwoofer in a freaken apartment building
- Keep music up turned up all night and all day.

I have literally had it up to here *points to cieling* with all these little 20 year old kids who are just the most stupidest, immature, disrespectful, &#....$@.... FOOLS on the planet.

They party, they make noise, they get drunk, they make noise, they make more noise, they turn up their music REALLY LOUD, so loud I got angry and simply barged into my next door neighbor's house, went up to his room where the noise was coming from and asked him to turn it down.

The next day it was up again. Same with my room-mate, EVERY day I have to ask him to lower his music, because he's freaken deaf, the little gnat.
Ever since last year, when I moved down here for college, I've turned into the worlds most Grumpiest College Student. I've turned into a guy who HATES young People. Because they act like Kids , everything their parents taught them, GONE.

May the Earth swallow them in it's firey depts. :rant:

And another thing... now I have to move, AGAIN, because I've had to buy Ear-plugs to keep my idiotic room-mates from waking me up. I'm telling you. If I could turn back time, I'd Avoid room-mate, I'd grab a nice little single bedroom apartment studio and enjoy my golden silence.

I suggest you be careful and be VERY cautious about your room-mates.
Hey Volt you should come over and be my roommate.....I have go to bed arownd 9 PM and then wake up at 5 AM.(*Shunders* Teh un godly hour*)You would have more sleep and you don't have to worry about those roommates that caus you truble
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Postby Fsiphskilm » Sun Sep 11, 2005 12:21 pm

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Postby Syaoran » Sun Sep 11, 2005 12:35 pm

Darn....You live so far away too......I live in Vancouver, B.C., Canada.
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Postby kazekami » Sun Sep 11, 2005 1:45 pm

I agree roommates can be horrible. And where I went to school people would play drums on the lawn in the middle of the night. 0_o Probably smoked pot to where they were. My favorite roommates -_- made "special brownies" in her room. The smell of pot permiated all the rooms in the Dorm suit and went through the ventilation causeing me to get very ill because of Asthma. And the best thing is that the LGA who was supposed to make sure the rules were folllowed acted as though she didn't know anything. Unfortunatley during my 5 years in the Dorms I found most of the LGA's turned there heads when people broke the rules. Plus none of my roommates cleaned up there kichen mess. My last year I lived in a place that was like dorms where four rooms shared a kichen and two rooms shared a bathroom. Well the roommate who shared my bathroom with me always left the tub all nasty. It was was gross. It's hard to find good roommates.

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Postby mechana2015 » Sun Sep 11, 2005 4:21 pm

I, unfortunately agree with Volt reguarding the roomates... If you're going to have one HAND SELECT THEM to make sure that thier habits won't make your life a living hell.

Reguarding school: Ask around before signing up for classes in the future. Our school has a teacher rating site, but in general ask around. If you have to take a boring subject do your best to have an interesting teacher, or see if there is a more interesting variation of the class. For example, when I came up to sociology I took a "Sociology through Fashion" class that was fairly entertaining and made a dry subject bearable. Thats all I got for now, cept for dont wait til 12AM the day the papers due to start writing it...
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