Talame wrote:
Also, it could be affecting your husband, as you said he is having nightmares as well.
Warrior 4 Jesus wrote:Are you suggesting there is no such thing as demons and demon possession? That's crazy. Some could be explained by an overactive imagination, but some of it could be the real deal.
mitsuki lover wrote:I think it's a bit controversial as it has to do with demons and demon possession,etc.
The question I would have would be are these real events or did they result from
a too active childhood imagination?
Not that I doubt that they were real for you,but we do have to be rather careful
when it comes to this subject.
Talame wrote: Deliver Us From Evil by Don Basham
mitsuki lover wrote:I shall remain highly skeptical of such things.
~Natsumi Lam~ wrote:Note: some physical problems are a result of spiritual influence.
most christians that i know want the great things like physical healings advertised, when someone is healed of cancer... everyone knows.
Look at other countries... they have family stories and cultural stories of demons, demon possession, forests with demons, witch doctor.
God even says in the Bible that he uses dreams to warn, tell and give information. IE king david, Joseph, Mary .... and so on.
kaemmerite wrote:Yup, the Bible says so as much, when it states that taking Communion in an unworthy manner will bring harm to you.
kaemmerite wrote:Eh...I'm not too fond of running out and proclaiming that stuff either. It's great when God chooses to perform a miracle and heal someone of a physical illness, but I think if we go around advertising that too much, it will create a false impression that if you're a Christian,
kaemmerite wrote:They also believe in dudes who sit on clouds and throw lightning bolts down, and that they get reincarnated into bugs, and that eating wolf's brains will cure the flu. So I wouldn't take what other countries have to say about spirituality too seriously..
kaemmerite wrote:While I agree with you 100% on that one, since it has very strong Biblical support, I still stand by my belief that looking for a deeper meaning in dreams is foolish, since dreams can be influenced by thousands of things, including the bean burrito you had for dinner. .
starfire wrote:Hi Natsumi Lam! I don't think we've talked before, but it's nice to meet you! I just wanted to say that I think if you're sure that this is what God wants you to do, I'm so happy for you! It's a great calling. Hard, from what I've heard, so I'll pray for God to bless you in this.
starfire wrote:So, I did have a question for you. If you're in the deliverance ministry, can you have another career as well? Like if one becomes an exorcist, is it a full time job? I know it sounds stupid, but I couldn't think of a better way to say it. Sorry.
starfire wrote:also, I think there's a book called "The Screwtape Letters". It's fictional, but it's supposed to provide an interesting insight into how demons try to opress people.
kazekami wrote:Sound like you have the gift of dicerning spirits. My mom also has that. She has seen many demons and has heard there voices. Exercism is a VERY important ministry. my mom has a book, I'll get the title of it for you when I get a chance, written by an Exercist. You might like to read that. =) I will pray for you.
SailorDove wrote:Here's anouther book we have, "Demons The Answer Book" by Lester Sumrall. It might be of help. Also read it & didn't notice anything biblically wrong. But please le me know if there is.
~Natsumi Lam~ wrote:I am going to be an elementary teacher as a paying career. I am going to be an exorcist for a church career.
Yumie wrote:When you seek out a demon, I think you will probably find one. Just my opinion.
Yumie wrote:I had to laugh thinking about the possibilities there.
"Guess what we learned in elementary school today, mom?"
"Simple addition?"
"Nope! Simple exorcism!"
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