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Postby Mimiru14 » Sun Aug 28, 2005 9:15 am

I'm a mix of a lot of things...My great-grandmother was from Barbados and moved to Quebec...So my grandmother is French Canadian.I'm African American,but I also am Native American on both sides of my family.My mom has Black Foot and Shoshone and my dad was Charoke...and then there was a greatgrandfather that was a Scottish pirate...alot of people don't believe me,but that's true....
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Postby mitsuki lover » Sun Aug 28, 2005 1:03 pm

Well as far as I know we're 100% European ancestry.Although if you
go back far enough,say around the time of Attila The Hun you might
find an Asiatic ancestor. :lol:
But in the more or less recent past I don't think we have anything other
than Northwestern European ancestry.
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Postby Puguni » Sun Aug 28, 2005 3:19 pm

mitsuki lover wrote:My cousin Larry's wife Jenny is also 100% Korean.Like a lot of Korean
children she was adopted by a non-Asian family.Their son,Ethan,is
50% Korean and 50% Anglo-American.I wish I knew how to do attachments,
actually I wish this computer had a way of posting pics.since Ethan's a
cute little baby. :thumb:

X3 I love babies. It's funny that you mention adopted asians, because I know a girl whose dad was adopted, but married a Korean woman anyway. So, she has an English last name, but both her parents are Korean. Weird, but cool. XD
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Postby kazekami » Sun Aug 28, 2005 3:37 pm

livewire wrote:oi! I just learned something about myself reading this thread!!!!
I didn't know that we didn't know for sure whether we were part Mexican or part Native American....I thought that it was for sure that we were part Mexican...along with all the other stuff...oh, yeah....for those of you were didn't already know, Kamekazi is my Big Sis...

Yeah remember when Aunt Glo was researching the familly history. She ran into something intresting. Grandma looks like she could be Native American. Mom said he friend from school who was said grandma looked like a princess from her tribe. and Aunt Glo found evidence that Great Great Grandma's familly may haved lied about being Mexican. But who knows.

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Postby Roy Mustang » Sun Aug 28, 2005 4:33 pm

On my dad's side, I'm a European mut!

Scottish, English, German, and maybe some Russia. Most of my dad's father side was German, part of my last name is German but not fully last name. When they moved from that area, they moved to England and the name was change, but then it was change back to it's German name when my dad's side of the family moved to the US in sometime in the 1700's or 1800's and most of the family ended up in Tennessee.

My mom's side is around the world in in my her family.

Her dad's side is mostly european, and when they came to the US, the lives in OK and in Tennessee.

But my mom's morther said is mexican, Spanish and Native American. They move from Mexico in the early 1900's to the US and lives in Texas and Ok. My mom's mother live most of her young life in Ok. That is where she met her husband. They got married and since most of his family lived in Tennessee at the time and then have three kids, one being my mom.

The funny thing is, since my dad was from Tennessee and my mom was born and rised in Tennesse, you think they would have met there. Not the case, when my dad finish high school, he moved to Atlanta and my mom moved to Altanta a year later, when she finish high school.

They met after sometime down the road and find out they both had family from Tennessee and then they were married and then me and my older brother were born and rised in Ga.

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Postby Photosoph » Sun Aug 28, 2005 5:04 pm

Wingzero22 wrote:On my dad's side, I'm a European mut!

Yay for European mutts! :grin: :grin:

Yes, I'm like that too -if you go back through my family, we've got Polish, maybe French, English (England-English), Scottish... and so much more that it hurts my head to think about it. x_O I think it's like that on both my father and mother's sides. Also, way back on my mother's side we're descended from one or two American presidents... as well as David Livingstone, I think it was. On my fathers side, at least for about five generations we're basically just English.

Aside from all that, I'm a New Zealander. We like our BBQ, our fish 'n chips, our beaches, our sea-food (or are supposed to...), our fishing, our sheep (or perhaps we don't like them... but we have them anyway), our native bush, our native birds... and the list goes on. The only thing of note I can think of about NZ culture is that we have the largest population of Pacific Islanders in the world... from Samoa, Tonga, Nuie, and loads more islands... and so we learn quite a bit of their cultures at school, which means that our overall culture includes a few elements of theirs. We're very multi-cultural as well; there are many Asian, Pacific Island, European and American people living in NZ, and so, at least in my family, we have a lot of different types of food. For example, we are in no way Asian, but my Dad loves making stir-fry... almost too often for my taste. We also eat kumara (sweet potato) a lot, lamb roast is just as common as a beef roast or perhaps more so (lamb being a lot cheaper here), we have the odd curry, and eat heaps of fish, not to mention sea food (our mussels over here are normally the length of half an average sized pencil, and thick with it -and sometimes you get the almost common ones that are about 80% of the length of a pencil, which are also fat as anything)... and we like our chicken (it's basically our turkey).

Aside from that, um... as a people we tend to do things quietly; it's hard to explain exactly what I mean by this. But, to use this example:
If there was a cow standing in the middle of the road and you needed to get past it, other people might whack it, stay in the car, try to push it out of the road by force or lead it off with a clump of grass. Whereas we'd probably look at its tag, call up its owner and get them to take it away. Something like that. Like with other cultures, this isn't true for every NZer. But it seems to be a general rule.

Two other things: NZers, at least about 50-100 years ago, were known for being entreprenurial (sheesh, that's not a world you spell every day!)... whether that's true today or not today, it's hard to tell. Overseas, we're also known for being hard workers; but knowing some of my friends and other people, that doesn't go for all of us. :sweat:

So... a lot of random things about the NZ culture. I'm sure there are many things I've missed, especially when you consider that being a kiwi (New Zealander), I probably can't see my culture like someone from another country would.

[Quote=Photosoph]Well, t'was a good deduction, Mr. Holmes! *salutes Mr. Myoti Sherlock Homes* [/QUOTE]
Myoti wrote:Elementary, my dear Watsoph. XD

Still in rest and recovery mode. Posting may be sporadic at times. :pinned:
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Postby Tsukuyomi » Fri Sep 02, 2005 11:37 am

Oh my, that was all so interesting. I was also born here in the states. The only one in my family to be excact (sp). I know what cha mean Daisuke, I hate it when people talk about u. The thing is, I can fully understand it. It's like,"Hello, just because I don't speak Laos alot doesn't mean I don't understand it!" I acually been back to Laos and Thailand. It was kinda wierd, because although I was Laos like them they still treated me differantly. I guess because I was born in the states. I do admitt tho, I don't speak Laos to much. Only to other grown ups. I try to only speak english to my parents to teach them english, but it gets me picked on. Just like Daisuke said, but in my case,"Speak more Lao." Hey, I've been watching this Korean dreama called "Jewel In The Palace" like forever now. I love his movie. Has anyone seen it before. Now I'm into learning Korean. I've been buggin Mr.Smarty Pants to teach me. I just asked him the words I hear from the movie like "ha ship shou" or "Kam Samnida" I love learning differant languages. I remember my oldest sister asking my parents if we had any other backrounds and they said Chinese and Japanese. It's funny tho, my sisters said I looked Vietamese when I was younger. Oh, here's a funny story. We went to this wedding in Detroit and I wore this Vietamese outfit that my mom bought from a friend that bought it for her daughter but couldn't fit her. Anyway, I wore it and these Viet guys came up to our table and started talking Viet to me. I was like,"Hehehe, I'm not Viet." The guy yelled back to his table,"I told you she wasn't Viet!" It was funny. Hmm, that guy was pretty cute (lol).
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Postby mitsuki lover » Fri Sep 02, 2005 12:10 pm

I descend from some old Norman French families that came over with
William The Conqueror during the Norman Conquest.When you read up on the
Normans they were really different from the Saxons in their appearance.
The Saxons were called shaggy because they had long hair and were bearded.
By contrast the Normans were all generally short hair and clean shaven.
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Postby Tsukuyomi » Fri Sep 02, 2005 12:22 pm

I heard of them from somewhere. Prolly school (hehehe)!
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Postby Tsukuyomi » Mon Sep 12, 2005 1:05 pm

Hey there, me agen. I know it's weird of me to double post, but I can't help it!

For the past month or so I've been watching this really great Korean drama called "Jewel In The Palace". It's about a young lady by the name of Jiang Geum. In the movie it shows the trials she must go through to become the first female royal physiciian. In her life time she goes from being an orphan to becoming a court lady to a third rank physician. In the beginning explains what had conspired from her parents time. Her father was a royal guard and her mother a court lady. The law back then was that all court ladies belonged to the king. Jiang Geum's mom (Myeong) broke this rule unwillingly. Later Jiang Geum's mom is poisened by her fellow court ladies because she witnessed on of her friends put poisen in the queen's meal. In turn she was poisend. Jiang Geum's father was a loyal royal guard who witnessed the disposal of the current queen. Well, acually he was the one who had to give the queen the poisen. The disposed queen vowed that she would curse all that conspired against her including Jang Geum's dad. After the death of the queen Jiang Geum's father becomes distrought and goes drinking sending him over a cliff. There he awoken in a cave with a strange old man who told him of his fortune. He said hie pittied Jiang Geum's dad for his fate was doomed. He sadi in he will meet three women. One that he had already met, one he will save but will die anyways, and one who will kill him, but save many lives. Hehehe, I would love to tell more, but I think I have to go soon. Til next time!
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Postby mitsuki lover » Mon Sep 12, 2005 2:02 pm

Sounds like an interesting movie.

Any way I found out that one of my ancestors back in Ireland got thrown into
jail by the Cromwellians because he was the Bishop of Meath and was highly loyal
to the King.He lost everything and died in prison,I think.
Another one was the Archbishop of Dublin and Chancellor of Ireland.
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Postby That Dude » Tue Sep 13, 2005 11:19 am

My culture is pretty much straight up American.

I'm pretty much a mix of lots of different European cultures such as German, Irish and whatnot.

I also have a bit of Native American blood in me. I can't even remember what tribe at the moment, Pueblo I think. I was recently mistaken for an Indian by some Indians...They were like "what tribe are you from?" and I replied "actually I'm white."

I've grown up on beans, rice and spaghetti. Pretty much whatever foods were the cheapest. My family is friends with a half Japanese family and they swear that I got a bit of Asian blood in me somewhere.

Ancestry wise I got some pretty famous blood in me. I'm a descendant of Kings Charlemagne and Peppin the Short and one or two others I think. I'm also a descendant of Lady Godiva.
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Postby mitsuki lover » Tue Sep 13, 2005 4:03 pm

That Dude wrote:My culture is pretty much straight up American.

I'm pretty much a mix of lots of different European cultures such as German, Irish and whatnot.

I also have a bit of Native American blood in me. I can't even remember what tribe at the moment, Pueblo I think. I was recently mistaken for an Indian by some Indians...They were like "what tribe are you from?" and I replied "actually I'm white."

I've grown up on beans, rice and spaghetti. Pretty much whatever foods were the cheapest. My family is friends with a half Japanese family and they swear that I got a bit of Asian blood in me somewhere.

Ancestry wise I got some pretty famous blood in me. I'm a descendant of Kings Charlemagne and Peppin the Short and one or two others I think. I'm also a descendant of Lady Godiva.

:lol: Join the club.There are lot of us out there who are descendants of
Charlemagne.But the REAL proof is will you admit to being descended from
Ethelred II or King John? :thumb:
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Postby Wild Eagle » Tue Sep 13, 2005 5:59 pm

My family is 100% Indian (as in India...not Native Indian :lol: ). My great-great-great grandparents from my dad's side, however, were British but I think it must have gotten diluted down the line. We're pretty much the standard Indian family. We watch Bollywood movies, eat with our hands most of the time, follow Indian Standard Time ( in other words setting the clocks ten minuets fast on purpose so that we are rushed and therefore, make it to important meetings on time. I don't follow IST but my parents do :sweat: ). IST can also refer to being "fashionably late" to a party and eating dinner at 11:00 PM during parties :lol:.

Oh yes! And we all work very hard. Just like any other Asian family. We are competing against the Chinese in terms of work ethic :P.

My parents don't mind my interest in anime, but my Indian friends do though. Usually I get the "'re so weird. Get into something normal" speech from them. But by now, they know that I am one weird person :) . When we were little , and everyone else would be playing, I would be sitting somewhere reading a book upside-down :lol:. Of course...I would join them in playing though.

Yeah, so I'm proud of my Indian heritage and I love my family a lot. Whenever we visit India, I always end up begging my parents if we can stay a little while longer :lol:.
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Postby That Dude » Wed Sep 14, 2005 12:22 pm

I think I recall seeing Ethelred somewhere on that geneology list that my great gramma showed me. I can't remember if John was there or not.
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Postby mitsuki lover » Wed Sep 14, 2005 12:37 pm

Yeah,well I got Charlemagne,Ethelred II,John,Edward I,William the Conqueror,
Harold II,Alfred The Great,Malcolm II,Malcolm III,Louis IX(St.Louis),Henry II,
Matilda The Empress(mother of Henry II),King Stephen,etc.all on the family tree.
One of the things about reading mediveal history when you have ancestors like those is that it gets be more personal.
Of more recent non-Royal ancestors one Sir Robert Throckmorton was a
avid Catholic supporter of Queen Mary I.In fact he was one of those that she
relied heavily on.
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Postby That Dude » Wed Sep 14, 2005 1:26 pm

That's pretty impressive. I know that I probably have a few of those but it's been quite a while since I saw that list (about 5 or so years) so I can't really remember much...I know I have some random great uncle who was in a fight with an indian and bit off his fingers.
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Postby Tsukuyomi » Wed Sep 14, 2005 3:07 pm

I wish I was a decendent of royalty (waah)! I heard we have some chinese. I always say to my niece and nephew that it would be cool to be becendents of the Sun family. Hmm, maybe that's why I love the Three Kingdoms Era so much (smiles)!

Alright back to the drama. Well, I don't want to spoil it for yall. I already said to much, but rest assured if you watch this drama you'll be hooked. It's really confussing if u miss even one episode. I missed like tha last 12 or so minutes of the drama beuase I didn't know it was gonna go over an hour so I programmed it for exactly an hour.
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Postby That Dude » Wed Sep 14, 2005 8:04 pm

It's ok Sao...If I could I'd lend you my ancestors...
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Postby Tsukuyomi » Thu Sep 15, 2005 2:56 pm

Awww, arigotou Mr. Roboto (lol). Much love to ya all!
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