Would you be embarassed if your mom loved anime?

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Postby mitsuki lover » Wed Sep 14, 2005 12:30 pm

I think it be great if more families shared interest in what they watch instead of everyone going off and watching whatever.If parents and children both
enjoyed anime than we probably wouldn't have so many stereotypes of
what exactly anime is.Overall if I ever get married and we have children
(we being me and the unnamed future wife)I want to marry another
Christian otaku so that we can get the children into the anime viewing
habit early. :thumbsup:
btw:If that ever happens I think I would rather buy as many DVDs as
possible and encourage the yet hypothetical children to watch the
uncut and uncensored version so that they would be able to have a taste
of what it's truely like.
Of course all that is hypothetical.Right now I be happy to have just a
girlfriend to watch anime with! :eh:
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Postby That Dude » Wed Sep 14, 2005 1:03 pm

That's pretty funny about those models GundamGeek. My parents don't really care about anime. They are ok with it as long as it's clean and I don't watch certian ones (i.e. Samurai X) around the younger siblings. I've gotten almost every one of my siblings to like at least a little bit of anime.
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Postby Starfire1 » Wed Sep 14, 2005 3:04 pm

thats great that you and your kids both like anime. i'd be happy if my mom could recognize it as just a little more than "those big-eyed people i draw". as in what happened a few days ago at the dinner table:
me: i might join the anime club at school. maybe.
dad: what's anime? *confused experession*
mom: you know, those big-eyed people she draws
dad: oh
me: ....
i cant see any reason not to like something you genuinely like. if you were my mom, i'd be so proud (and in case my own mother stumbles upon this, im proud of you too)
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USSRGirl wrote:>.< No. Because I say it tastes of evil. And everyone is entitled to my opinion.

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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Wed Sep 14, 2005 5:34 pm

GundamGeek wrote:It may still be a few years before I take my boysies to a con, only because of the amount of skin showing everywhere you look there! :wow!: Wowsers! I've only been to one con, and it was a blast, but I was amazed by the number of nearly nude cosplaying girlies that I saw walking around. Yikes. 'Course, since my boys are only 7 and 10, this might be a good time to take them, cuz they would say "eww gross!" at this age! :lol:

and men with a lot of skin T_T... man faye... man misty... man cammy (from streetfighter) T_T
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Postby Lochaber Axe » Wed Sep 14, 2005 5:59 pm

My mom and dad definitely aren't into anime but my mom is... well... worse then me when it comes to the computer. My interests are wide and far, though it all ties into each other in some strange fashion.

I need to enroll her in WOW Anonymous.

I think its only embarrassing when they (hypothetically speaking) stop having an interest in anime and there becomes a conflict.
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Postby meboeck » Wed Sep 14, 2005 6:06 pm

Mr. SmartyPants wrote:and men with a lot of skin T_T... man faye... man misty... man cammy (from streetfighter) T_T

Man cammy scarred me for life. T_T
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Postby tokya_eve » Wed Sep 14, 2005 6:30 pm

omgosh id be saying flippin sweet and dancing all day long wel i should be dancin cause ma likes kaleido star heh dances :dance:
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Postby Syaoran » Wed Sep 14, 2005 7:14 pm

No now realy......If my mom did like Anime then cool. I am not alone.
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Postby Chocobo777 » Wed Sep 14, 2005 7:20 pm

I be happy because then my Mom would buy me more anime!!!!

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Postby Kawaiikneko » Wed Sep 14, 2005 7:27 pm

Man Faye!! AAAAHHHH *dies*

I kinda like having my own thing, but it would be nice if my parents knew a little bit more about it.

As for your situation, I think the only problem would come if your boys ever grew out of anime and thought it was stupid.... o.o;;
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Postby Syaoran » Wed Sep 14, 2005 7:33 pm

Anime is not stupid....or stuped is how I say it.....it is the most coolest thing that I know arownd here.

Oh Chocy you took the words out of my mouth.
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Postby GundamGeek » Wed Sep 14, 2005 7:45 pm

Oi Vey! I forgot about Man Faye!! Someone linked a few pics on another board I'm on ... :wow!: eeeeek! Shouldn'ta looked!! But I must admit I have never heard of Man Cammy. I think I should be afraid to ask! ;) So you're right, Mr. Smartypants... plenty of barely-clad girls AND guys at the cons!
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Postby Anime Dad » Wed Sep 14, 2005 8:14 pm

I'm an "anime parent" as you may have guessed. I got into it through my son, whose interest has now dropped a bit ;) but he is very appreciative of my interest, i think. He doesn't think me weird anyhow. He's 14 BTW. We do share a lot of other interests though, such as music, sports, computers etc.
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Postby GundamGeek » Thu Sep 15, 2005 9:15 am

Yay! Another anime dad! :) (I guess you would be THE "Anime Dad"! And I like the Gimli avy! ;)) I'm glad to hear that even though your teenager isn't as much in to anime anymore he still isn't embarassed that you like it. My future's lookin' brighter! haha!

And Chocobo and Syaoran, you're right to do the happy dance, cuz my boys do get lots of fun anime things mostly because I love to buy it! Parents like to buy their kids stuff they like. :)

mitsuki lover wrote: btw:If that ever happens I think I would rather buy as many DVDs as possible and encourage the yet hypothetical children to watch the uncut and uncensored version so that they would be able to have a taste of what it's truely like.

If you are ever blessed with a wife and kids, ml, I would love to revisit this answer with you. :) Perhaps I'm opening up a can of worms here, (and I'm not aiming this at you, Mitsuki Lover, but as a general statement to all,) but I am really GLAD that Toonami showed the cleaned up "censored" versions of shows during the daytime when my kids were watching! A few years ago before any of us were in to anime, the boys stumbled on Toonami and we all fell in love with G Gundam and Rurouni Kenshin. We watched months of it before I decided to buy the DVDs so I could catch up on some of the early episodes I had missed... and imagine my surprise when the first video I popped in had many curse words and someone getting sliced clean in half and blood splattering all over the wall! :wow!: yowsah! Now, for me, I dont' mind that. But for my (at the time) 5 and 8 year old, I wouldn't have tolerated it. I would have walked in the room and said "WHAT ARE YOU GUYS WATCHING??" and off the tv would have gone. (This of course is directed at the early Toonami segment... I guess if you're watching at 1AM, the editing is certainly not necessary... a responsible parent won't have their 5 year old up watching stuff at that hour anyway! ;)) I'm still very careful of what my guys watch because I think that is part of the responsibility of being a parent. Now as they get older, they do watch more and more stuff with me, and it is a great time to talk about what different issues and religious beliefs are being portrayed that we may and may not agree with as Christians. But I don't think I'm quite ready to throw the "uncut and uncensored" stuff at 'em yet! :) But there will be a time when they're ready for that... and I'll be sitting on the couch next to them to enjoy the experience with them, I'm sure!

*Awwww, shoot... now I don't sound like the fun mom y'all made me out to be.... Now I sound like a "normal" mom!! :lol:
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Postby blue elf » Thu Sep 15, 2005 10:27 am

I think I'd enjoy it if my mom liked anime, then I could get her to watch more shows with me. ^^; If I were a mom I'd still like anime.
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Postby mitsuki lover » Thu Sep 15, 2005 1:01 pm

[quote="GundamGeek"]Yay! Another anime dad! :) (I guess you would be THE "Anime Dad"! And I like the Gimli avy! ]

My point had to deal with AS and not Toonami or not so much with Toonami.
It's just IMO that if anime is going to be shown after 11 at night then it should
be allowed to be shown in a purer format.I'm also a bit miffed that AS
refuses to air Ranma 1/2 and then goes and shows stuff like Robot Chicken.Where's the logic in that? :shady:
As far as Inuyasha goes,I'd rather watch it on DVD now that I have a DVD
player just because I think it's pretty rotten that AS generally edits out the
opening sequence and it doesn't do that to any other anime that I can
remember.Although the last time that Toonami aired Rurouni Kenshin
they did the same thing.
You see when I really got into anime(when I knew it was anime,previously I had seen some of the first season of Digimon when it was on Foxkids but didnt know it was anime back then)I started with Anime Unleashed.
Their approach is a bit different from AS in that mostly they edited for
time and not for content so much.
In general I believe that it is the parent's and not the network's responsibility to censor what children watch.Anything that might be too
mature for younger viewers shouldn't be on when they're around is the
way I look at it.However if a parent thinks a child IS mature enough to
understand and enjoy more advanced anime,etc.then they shouldn't
prevent them.Although they should first discuss what is going to be seen.
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