Actually I had heard that the boxsets were going to start not haveing all the extras like the single dvds because they don't make much money on series.
and believe it or not, back then people resented having to buy a box set instead of individual volumes because the box sets were expensive and if you decided you didn't like the series, you were out a lot of money.
Rocketshipper wrote:Even a price of 150 dollars is a bargain for an 8 DVD release. full price for all the DVDs would be 239.92+ (29.99 times 8, + sales tax) I think the season 2 MKR set was 140 something, season 1 was 90 something. I bought them a long time ago so I forgot the exact price.
I think the lower profitabilty (is that even a word? ^^) of box sets vs single DVDs is probably caused more by consumer choices than by them actully being less profitable, in terms of making them. A customer comes along and sees the Evangelion box for 149.99 and says "Wow, that's expensive, I'll just buy single DVDs", not realizing that in the long run they will spend more on the individual DVDs than they will on the box. In my anime club I was surprised by how many people were convinced that box sets are more expensive than buying all the single DVDs. If more consumers realized that they would save money by buying box sets then maybe the increased sale of box sets would make them more appealing to anime companies. Of course now the companies have made that even less likely to happen by making the box sets "bare-bones" and giving people less incentive to buy them instead of the single DVDs.
Yeah, I don't always care about every extra that's included on a DVD (Line art galleries are usually boring, for instance) but different people like different stuff and any time the companies cut out extras there will be someone who is dissapointed, so it would be better if they just leave them in. And then there are the situations like Azumanga Daioh, where the Azumanga Diaoh movie short will apparently not be included on the thin-pak release. Something like that shouldn't even be considered an extra at all, it should be part of the series, it's stupid of them not to include it.
The latest trend is a continuation of that trend. If fans new that ADV would release a thinpack version of a series shortly after it was released with all of the extras, etc at a huge discount, many would stop buying the DVD's as they came out. This could potentially cut ADV's profits by a margin large enough to drive them out of business. They need to keep an incentive going so people will still buy their DVD's as they are released.
Buyers with less cash win because, although they have to wait and miss out on the extras, they can afford to buy a series they may not be otherwise able to.
Rocketshipper wrote:Also, I would have thought it would take more effort to create whole new discs with shuffled up episode counts and new menues to stick in the thin-paks than it would to simply make more copies of the DVDs you've already created and stick them in a box.
If the series you want to get is worth while, then you are expected to more or less to put money in and purchase the entire indivdual DVD collection or the hefty priced box set that is like $200. Reason why that is $200 cause of the additional material and such.
Rev. Doc wrote:There are only two things I really liked with the single DVD extras. Trailers of upcoming releases and textless openings and closings.
Actually the box set I got mumble mumble mumble was bootlegged (in which I forgot to put down) without me knowing it. So that's the biggest reason why I wanted to Plantinum, to get a legit copy. As for th ebooklets in the Plantinum, they are a huge help in understanding the series and if you're someone like me who is intrigued by the thought process of the series, then they extremely intresting to read. Plus the video and sound quality is like a 100% jump from the orginal DVD's.Rocketshipper wrote:Did the ADV Evangelion box really have no extras?? The single DVDs didn't really have many to begin with (just character and angel bios if I remember correctly). The DVDs in the box looked the same as the old ones did. Or is this a new thin-pak evangelion box set?? (I know they are releasing a platinum edition thin-pak)
I have no problem with that, I would gladly pay that price for an 8 DVD box set (it's still less than buying them all individually) it's just that now the anime companies aren't even bothering to release a "hefty priced box set", now it's either "single DVDs with everything" or "lower priced box set with less stuff". I'm not saying that ADV and the other companies should have to release DVDs with all the extras for extremely low prices, I would have been perfectly willing to pay 60 dollars or more (as apposed to 29.99 for the "complete collection") for a New Fist DVD that included all three episodes and all the extras.
Rocketshipper wrote:In case you hadn't noticed, I wasn't AWARE that the thin-paks were extra less until now , the New fist collection having been the first one I've ever bought. The idea of a box set having less content was something that didn't even make sense to me until now, which is why when Jeikobu first told me that the Azumanga Daioh box set wasn't going to have all the extras, I told him it must have been a mistake on Right Stuf's website "Box sets always have all the stuff the single DVDs do" I guess not anymore >_< Part of why I was mad at ADV was because I bought the New Fist collection expecting that the standards for box sets hadn't changed, if I'd known it was extra less I wouldn't have bought it at all.
mitsuki lover wrote:Ok,so now I'm confused.What exactly IS a thinpak?
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