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Postby Ashley » Sat Sep 17, 2005 7:18 pm

Keep this civil, guys. If I had caught it sooner this would have been locked a long time ago, but since things have gotten nicer I'm willing to let it stay open a little longer. Consider this the final warning.
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Sat Sep 17, 2005 7:35 pm

truthgone12 wrote:You know backwards the pokemon lyrics are a satanic message. LoL yea I know off topic. But yeah John Lennon did say the beatles where bigger then Jesus but people say stupid things so that is forgivable. One of my favorite bands lead singer was controversial I don't care. I only care about the Music.

I don't know where you got that. But many websites have <insert bandname here> has satanical music! What they do is not only play it backwards, but alter the song to make it SOUND satanical, and altering it and stuff.... what they ALSO do is have nonsensical sounds that the backwards lyrics play, and try to tie it to an english word. its all a hoax people... all a hoax...
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Postby shooraijin » Sat Sep 17, 2005 7:37 pm

On topic, please.
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Postby Animom » Sat Sep 17, 2005 7:54 pm

frwl wrote:Ja. And I mean, if you play just for the thrill factor, why not just play for play money or for crayons or something? That's what my family does.

Yes, I can see crayons could be a very good thing to use for poker. Our family does play poker knowing:

  1. That there are those who would frown to know it.
  2. Hoping (and not knowing for sure) that this innocent form of gambling won't lead to gambling addiction.
This requires prayerful consideration. Family activities cannot be overly restrictive -- as I believe it will drive the children from the home in boredom and despair.

Excellent question. Glad for the thoughtful replies.

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Postby Mithrandir » Sun Sep 18, 2005 3:04 pm

Please note we do not encourage debate here, this is mearly for informative purposes.

I see a real distinction between gambling on a poker game and betting in a poker game. My wife and I bought poker chips, and that's what we play for. A lot of poker is really in the betting, and it adds a fun aspect to the game.

I don't buy the "send bibles to africa" argument. "Begging the Question" or "Prejudicial Language" very quickly come to mind. It's not logical. Taking it to it's extreme means you'll live on rice and beans and wear cast off clothes. You'll live out of a cardboard box and never have a family. Afterall, you MUST spend the money to ONLY do good things. And as we all know, good is a totally objective statement.

I'm not saying that the OP would agree to this - just pointing out that if you want to debate something with an argument, one must be prepaired to back it up by carrying the argument to it's fullest applicable conclusion. (Debate 101). If you are going to build an argument, do it the right way. You can't tell me why gambling is a sin by saying, "Gambling is a sin." Start with a statement you wish to prove, then build an argument to support it. If you want more information on logical fallacies, try Stephen's Guide. Then head over to THEOLOGY WEB to discuss them, please.
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Sun Sep 18, 2005 3:44 pm

Well, I guess gambling can be a sin depending which way you look at it

I suppose many people gamble because they are addicted to luck involved. And because people want money. Which has greedy and selfish intentions involved

However If someone wanted to gamble for intentions of having a fun time. Then you would be perfectly fine playing poker or craps with crayons or fake money.

But if somebody wanted to play poker or blackjack betting real money, but did not have greedy intentions.... that would be a double standard... "Oh I only play for fun but it needs money to be fun" means "money is what makes gambling more fun"

so why is it that money makes things fun? Is it greed? maybe... depends on the intention of using that money...
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Postby Mave » Sun Sep 18, 2005 5:52 pm

I guess some have already mentioned this but my approach toward this subject is based on the following verse:

1 Cor 10: 23

"Everything is permissible"—but not everything is beneficial. "Everything is permissible"—but not everything is constructive

1) If you gamble with the intention of seeking glory, fortune and pride, I guess you'll just have to be prepared to reap the consequences of that choice. First, you're looking for the wrong things to satisfy your soul and secondly, you're doing it the wrong way (e.g. seeking self-esteem in some silly game, instead of going to the Lord fo the universe).

2) If you gamble just for fun, "hey, I'll just throw in money to make it more challenging (more risk, more fun)", you may be placing yourself into temptation of becoming greedy/falling in love with money. Many ppl start gambling with a sincere intention of having fun and mere curiosity but many of them also succumb to temptation of desiring more $$ than they ought to. If you're not sure how you'll handle the temptation, then, sheesh....just don't do it.

3) If you play games without involving money, I don't think there's much of a problem. I enjoy playing cards and mah-jong with friends without the money for three reasons.
a) We poor college students don't have enough money in the first place. :lol:
b) My friends and I just don't feel that it's right to dig into each other's pockets @ Gambling will never be a valid reason to take money from each other. We would rather earn money through more honorable means.
c) It's a whole lot more fun using something else as a penalty of losing such as "drinking glasses of water or homemade broccoli smoothie" <---- (>_<) it was kinda gross but it was way more fun than using $$ :grin:

For no. 3) if you somehow became obssessed with/addicted to the game itself .........Eh dude, you seriously should stay clear from this activity altogether until you learn to take better control of yourself.

So yeah, I've decided that gambling is not beneficial and edifying for me. It seems like a waste of money, time and all it will most likely bring to me is nothing but trouble. I have enough problems in life so nah, I'll pass the risk and choose the other options of other (more fun) activities/games out there. :thumb:
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Postby Galant » Sun Sep 18, 2005 6:13 pm

One might want to consider how and where one gambles. For example, when you spend your money at a certain place it can be said that you are therefore supporting that place. So, some people might prefer to avoid gambling at big casinos which use money for purposes you might not agree with or which get so many people addicted, and instead gamble on cards or something with your friends. Just a thought.

Also, with regards to this whole -give your money to something purposeful instead - here's a little something. Whist I wouldn't suggest (not even remotely) that all Christians need to live on the minimum and give all the rest of their money away - how much giving is too much? How much money spent on pleasure is too little? I doubt there are any of us that couldn't spare extra money to bless other people. Gambling or otherwise, we can all often think more about what we do with our time and money in light of the heart of God and the priorities He showed us.
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Postby Ingemar » Sun Sep 18, 2005 8:16 pm

truthgone12 wrote:You know I don't want to gamble but I also don't want to go to a church where they take your money that they say is for poor people then the pastor uses it to buy a new car.

You don't think ministers are poor? :lol:

I can't think of any verse that condemns gambling, but usually people who do are guilty of placing their faith on shaky ground instead of the Lord.
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Postby ~Natsumi Lam~ » Sun Sep 18, 2005 9:46 pm

Ingemar wrote:You don't think ministers are poor? :lol:

I can't think of any verse that condemns gambling, but usually people who do are guilty of placing their faith on shaky ground instead of the Lord.

i can name 10 people who gamble regularly who are awsome christians of faith. And yes they go to large casinos too. And yes i know them personally, so i am not assuming that they are having a good relationship with God. And one of them is a pastor.

my new little sis: Eriana :) an awsome woman in Christ!!

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Postby Pent » Mon Sep 19, 2005 4:05 pm

One thing I would like to do some day when I can leggally do it is actaully make money gambling. I don't know if there will still be the ways to tip the odds in your favor when I'm older. But I'm sure the old games will still be around. Like Texas Holdem. That would be such a fun job if I could ever get good enough.
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Postby Ingemar » Mon Sep 19, 2005 4:38 pm

~Natsumi Lam~ wrote:i can name 10 people who gamble regularly who are awsome christians of faith. And yes they go to large casinos too. And yes i know them personally, so i am not assuming that they are having a good relationship with God. And one of them is a pastor.


I meant those who gamble to get out of financial difficulties.
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Postby Mave » Mon Sep 19, 2005 6:20 pm

~Natsumi Lam~ wrote:i can name 10 people who gamble regularly who are awsome christians of faith. And yes they go to large casinos too. And yes i know them personally, so i am not assuming that they are having a good relationship with God. And one of them is a pastor.


I don't think we mean to automatically associate gambling with a weak spiritual level.

Nevertheless, just because some Christians practise gambling on a regular basis and still have a great relationship with God, doesn't means that it's fine for every Christian to do the same. If you know you're not spiritually affected by this habit, good for you. But if your gambling activity causes other weaker brothers/sisters to fall, you may need to prepare to be accountable for that. There is always a danger of becoming a stumbling block to others.
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Postby ~Natsumi Lam~ » Mon Sep 19, 2005 10:43 pm

i agree.

my new little sis: Eriana :) an awsome woman in Christ!!

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