beanie babies!

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beanie babies!

Postby Tenshi no Ai » Mon Sep 19, 2005 10:49 am

Anyone used to be into the craze/still is?

I used to collect them and be up-to-date with what's coming out and everything! Have a couple containers just full of them, cause when you look at the cute little things, you just can't say 'no' to get rid of them!

I only buy them now for the occasional birthday present if the person likes a certain kinda animal, or Spongebob. (yes, they have Spongebob ones... as well as Garfield too :/) The old styles were classics, but once and a while when bored I check out the site to see what new creations are coming out. Hey, if I was rich I'd keep collecting them but since there's still somewhat pricey in most cases... no :/

For those who were into the craze, remember how sought after the bears were? They used to be sooo hard to find and in some stores you had to buy THREE regualr beanies just to get a bear! Now it's like, whatever.

So.... what was the first one you ever got and which one was your favorite? My grandma got me collecting with my first Blizzard the white tiger :/ I had too many favs though, but I LOVED the Chinese Zodiac collection, and at one point you could vote to "make your own bear beanie" and I was so shocked that EXACT one (cept the ribbon style) I voted for won so I HAD to get it!
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Postby Scribs » Mon Sep 19, 2005 12:41 pm

Whoever came up with that was a marketing genius. I collected them thinking it would make me tons of cash. What a rip off. I have a bucket of them in mint condition in plastic bags in my attick.
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Postby Tenshi no Ai » Mon Sep 19, 2005 1:27 pm

I never really planned on making money on them^^ I just thought they were adorable. I found it amusing to see how some would randomly sky-rocket in value! I also remember hearing about the smuggles over the border cause it was easy to buy them in America and sell them in Canada or whatever :/

I thought it was fun tryign to find and get ahold of rare retired ones and everything^^ Wonder how much them old old ones are actually worth now... since popularity's down maybe it's time to get some classics! But still surprising how little bean bag animals could cost so much! And now... not so much :/ Kinda like looking back at some Pokemon card values. $25 USD for a single holo card :/ Prob couldn't even sell mine for $1 if I wanted to! But I keep my stuff cause I have before and regret in the future for getting rid of them^^
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Postby Alice » Mon Sep 19, 2005 2:00 pm

You could try eBay. :) And I bought several recently for not TOO much money at a used store.
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Postby Mangafanatic » Mon Sep 19, 2005 4:13 pm

I actually had a zip the cat, but it was a real topy that I got years before the craze. It was all tattered and worn, but it was work a FORTUNE!!! *is sad that she didn't get her fortune*

Aside from that alluded fortune, I have about a hundred of them under my bed rotting. I think next missions trip I take, all the girls in my church are going to put ours together and give them to little kids. I mean, they're practically new.
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Postby SnoringFrog » Mon Sep 19, 2005 5:34 pm

I used to collect some of them. I've got about 15-25, at least. Then I kinda forgot about it and stopped getting them.
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Postby Felix » Mon Sep 19, 2005 6:04 pm

Eh I had/have a few "rare" ones, I do believe. I never understood what it was about them. *shrugs* My brother loved to collect them. And my uncle had/still has hundreds of them. He gave me this jellyfish one that was supposed to be rare. I think I still have it. Hmm.
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Postby Silvanis » Mon Sep 19, 2005 6:12 pm

I think I have about 110 of them. I stopped collecting a while back.
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Postby Alice » Mon Sep 19, 2005 7:02 pm

You guys should post pictures of your collections. It would be interesting. :D
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Postby Tenshi no Ai » Mon Sep 19, 2005 8:42 pm

Alice wrote:You guys should post pictures of your collections. It would be interesting. :D

@_@ oy that would take a lot of setting up... and putting back :/

Although I really don't actually know how many I have...
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Postby Hephzibah » Mon Sep 19, 2005 8:47 pm

Mangafanatic wrote:I actually had a zip the cat, but it was a real topy that I got years before the craze. It was all tattered and worn, but it was work a FORTUNE!!! *is sad that she didn't get her fortune*

Aside from that alluded fortune, I have about a hundred of them under my bed rotting. I think next missions trip I take, all the girls in my church are going to put ours together and give them to little kids. I mean, they're practically new.

I have zip the cat]nip [/B](the gold cat), flip (the white cat), chip (the calico cat), snip (the siamese cat and my personal fav cause it was my first one AND it has my bday) and lots and lots of others. Unfortunately, Ty's aren't a craze over here so I can't sell them... drat
I think I have a list of my beanies somewhere around here... if I find it I'll put them up
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Postby blue elf » Tue Sep 20, 2005 11:44 am

I used to be obsessed with beanies! I have a bunch of them, I'm not sure of the exact number and I'm not really going, "Ah! A new beanie! I MUST have them ALL!!" like I used to. I still like to like at the ones I have every now and then, cause I still think they're really cute, but now I only buy them occasionally if I see one I think is especially cute. The first beanie I got was a white seal, but I can't remember it's name. My favorite beanie that I have is Radar the bat though. I got both of these before the whole beanie craze started.
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Postby Tenshi no Ai » Tue Sep 20, 2005 2:29 pm

blue elf wrote:The first beanie I got was a white seal, but I can't remember it's name. My favorite beanie that I have is Radar the bat though. I got both of these before the whole beanie craze started.

Ooo some rare ones! I say it would be kinda fun to collect the rare ones, since now they're A LOT cheaper to try and get. There was one I remember seeing listed as worth a couple hundred USD... selling for only around $30 on Ebay :/
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Postby Yumie » Tue Sep 20, 2005 3:18 pm

Mangafanatic wrote:I actually had a zip the cat, but it was a real topy that I got years before the craze. It was all tattered and worn, but it was work a FORTUNE!!! *is sad that she didn't get her fortune*

Aside from that alluded fortune, I have about a hundred of them under my bed rotting. I think next missions trip I take, all the girls in my church are going to put ours together and give them to little kids. I mean, they're practically new.

Our younger sister had spot or dot or whatever the really valuable dalmation one was. But she had ripped the tag off long ago and it was dirty and worn, so I doubt we could have sold it for anything. But yeah, like Osaka said, all the girls are probably going to take them down the the Dominican the next time we go and give them to the kids. I mean, we're never going to look at them again and the kids down there would probably never have the opportunity to own something like them aside from people like us giving them to them, so it seems like a good idea. I might keep one or two of the special ones though, like the one's that my nana and pop gave me over a few Christmases. But other than that, the little kids can have 'em.
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Postby Lunis » Tue Sep 20, 2005 3:43 pm

Way back when, all the girls in my third grade class, including me, at the private school I went to in Colorado was into them. I bought and traded and got some as gifts. It was fun. I was really disappointed when they "stopped making them." That was sometime before year 2000, I think. I didn't like the new ones they came out with after that, so I stopped collecting them. I had a really cool shelf to put them all on in Arizona. Now since we moved, they're all stuck on a box somewhere. The first one I ever got was probably roughly around 1995. I forgot its name, since I lost it, but it was a green tie-die brachiosaurus (sp?).The most recent one I've recieved was a Christmas bear from my secret sister at church last year. My favorite one is probably Snip, the Saimese cat.
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Postby Tenshi no Ai » Tue Sep 20, 2005 4:35 pm

Lunis wrote: The first one I ever got was probably roughly around 1995. I forgot its name, since I lost it, but it was a green tie-die brachiosaurus (sp?).

Lucky peopleand their rarities! Wow, if I was the serious collector I used to be, I'd probably be SO shocked that someone actually once OWNED something like that!

.... reia aitemu!! ...*cough* If I could be ONE character off .hack...
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