Sad but Touching 9/11 Flash

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Sad and Touching 9/11 Flash

Postby CephasWhite » Wed Sep 21, 2005 1:01 am

Hey guys.

I wanted to find a sad movie that involved 9/11 and I came with this one:

I miss you daddy

;_; This flash helps me to remember what happened on my birthday...and watching this has made me cry so much...I would like my fellow members to take some time to watch this beautiful piece of art ;_;

It's about a little girl who lost her daddy in 9/11.

Remember to click "View in new window" after clicking on this link.

You will feel touched by this with the beautiful music in the background. I still haven't stopped crying.


With Love and Comfort
God bless

P.S. Remember I am willing to talk with any of you to share your feelings and sorrow.

Also, please don't make this thread political guys, please! No pointing fingers or blame games.

If there is any sign of this, I'll ask a mod to lock it.

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Postby Slater » Wed Sep 21, 2005 2:22 am

It's hard to believe how much time has passed since that day... how much changed. I remember I remember literally partying 2 days before the 11th and remembered how on the 10th I cracked a joke at GCXL about it being a holiday: "Happy tomorrow's eve." Boy, I sure learned quickly why the Bible tells us not to boast in tomorrow.

I was just starting High School. My alarm went off and the normal music that I had it set to play was an announcer's voice. I hit the snooze button and it went off 5 minutes later with the same announcement. I turned it off and walked out of my room, not giving it a second thought. Then my dad showed me what was happening on TV, right before the second airplane hit. We were shocked. It seemed so unreal, so horrible. I feared for my mom who works in one of the biggest government-controlled buildings in San Francisco which, for all we knew, could have been the next target.

I called my friend Jason to wake him up and tell him what was happening. He didn't believe me, said I was joking cause I always joked about stuff like this before. And as we watched it happening on the screen, we watched the first tower collapse, live on TV. Words can't describe that moment... the feelings were to great for me to be able to remember them all. I remember hearing my dad throw something across the room in anger as soon as that flashed on the TV... and I think that just about sums it up.

I don't know anyone who died that day, which is pretty shocking. One of my friends online, who had just joined the military and is now serving in Iraq, was actually scheduled to go to the WTC that day. Somehow, he didn't make it there in time. It's so amazing how these kinds of things happen... how within a few short hours, the entire world can get flipped upside down and have to work to salvage what's left to pick up. Worse days are to come, this is true, and I feel sorry for all the unsaved people who are going to have to live through them.

Piece of media related to 9/11: James LaBrie's song, Smashed.
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Wed Sep 21, 2005 3:50 am

aww i remember this

and the song heaven in the candlelight remix

its too touching T_T
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Postby shooraijin » Wed Sep 21, 2005 6:14 am

A well-done flash ... just a pre-emptive mod note: 9/11 threads have ways of turning political, so keep the focus narrow.
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Postby CephasWhite » Wed Sep 21, 2005 8:14 am

Yeah, that's right. I'll make sure this doesn't get political.

Good call Shooraijin.
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Postby Fsiphskilm » Wed Sep 21, 2005 8:57 am

I don't
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Postby CephasWhite » Wed Sep 21, 2005 9:11 am

Patriot's Day, the day of September 11th.
Two Steps From Hell - Tristan <--(click)
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Postby Yojimbo » Wed Sep 21, 2005 1:27 pm

Volt wrote:I had no idea the Pretenders sang "I'll stand by you".

Man how Long's it been?

I don't think I can remember because, there's really no 9/11 rememberence day or anything? :( 9/11 rolls by every year and people don't even mension it, not on the news or anything. They always mension Memorial Day, Pearl Harbor, Heroshima, Berlin Wall, Civial War, Halocaust, D-Day, but no 9/11 :(

Ignoring it and pretending it never happened won't change what happened, as Cephas said "Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall receive comfort"

I just wish we outlined and gave proper respect, nothing political. That day deserves rememberence and respect.

Actually there's been tons of 9/11 Remembrance stuff on the news every 9/11 since. The History Channel, Discovery, TLC, and others had pretty much programs all that weekend about 9/11, terrorism, WTC, etc. And there was a made for TV movie about Flight 93 too on another network.
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Postby Silvanis » Wed Sep 21, 2005 2:54 pm

That's so touching. I'm gonna be crying for the next half hour. T_T
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Postby Linksquest » Wed Sep 21, 2005 3:10 pm

Yea, i saw this one before. It is very emotional. awww. just the voice actor for the girl and the things she says are so adorabley sad. T.T. I love it.


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Postby CephasWhite » Wed Sep 21, 2005 3:15 pm

*watches movie again and hangs head, tearful*

The sound of the little girl trembling while speaking makes me break down.
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Postby Fsiphskilm » Wed Sep 21, 2005 5:18 pm

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Postby Tarnish » Wed Sep 21, 2005 7:36 pm

Back on the subject of the cartoon...
I seriously must be a robot or something, seeing as I didn't cry (though came extremely close). That was just..powerful, I guess is the word?
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Postby Yumie » Wed Sep 21, 2005 10:10 pm

I wonder who the little girl was that played the voice. I mean, I guess I wonder if she actually lost her dad in 9/11 and they recorded her talking to him and animated it, or if they just gave her lines to read. If it was the latter, then she's a darn good actress for a kid.

Yeah Volt, the commemorate it on TV every year, at least on the news channels. This past year they had all the brothers and sisters of those who died come up and read off all the names. It was hard to watch, very sad.

Anyways, that film was really sweet, I feel so sad for all those people who lost someone. It's pretty easy for us to forget most days, but they remember it every day. It's got to be awfully hard, to put it lightly.
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Postby bakura_fan » Wed Sep 21, 2005 11:22 pm

Actually the only thing I remember about 9/11 was my mom waking me and telling me America's under attack. I don't remember anything after that...I've more or less blocked everything...even when I was watching. I dunno why...I mean it's not like I pretend it didn't happen...I guess I just naturally block stuff.

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