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Anime Cons

Postby Myoti » Sat Sep 24, 2005 9:45 am

For those who have gone to them, what exactly are they like? I've though I could try going to one someday, but what all do you do there, exactly? :/
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Postby meboeck » Sat Sep 24, 2005 1:17 pm

There is music, art, tons of stuff to buy, anime showing, seminars, autographs, cosplay, gaming... Lots of stuff. AND IT'S AWESOME!!!!! Especially if you go with someone or meet up with people from CAA. I want with Mr. SmartyPants, and we met up with Kaemmerite and SpoonyBard.
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Postby Eriana » Sat Sep 24, 2005 2:58 pm

I've never been to an Anime convention either.
*sigh* since I'm in Colorado I wanted to go to Nan desu kan but couldn't find any tickets which obviously leaves me in a stranded situation. Just once I would really love to go though. I want a costume to cosplay in before I go though, it would seem like more fun that way. If I can only go once, I want it to be the best experience possible! ^^
I was thinking about taking some people from this forum to one but I'm not sure where everybody lives. I have to check the schedules to, to find out if there will be anymore conventions for Colorado this year.
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Postby Locke » Sun Sep 25, 2005 8:04 am

Let's just say every pale faced teenager is let loose for 3 days with no parental supervision with simliar pale faced organisms. Take that and multiply by 1,000 and you have yourself a con.
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Postby Myoti » Sun Sep 25, 2005 9:51 am

Let's just say every pale faced teenager is let loose for 3 days with no parental supervision with simliar pale faced organisms. Take that and multiply by 1,000 and you have yourself a con.

Hmm, sound fun. :lol:

Surprisingly, I'm actually quite tan, despite the fact I almost never go outside (the sun!! Is too bright!! Is eevvvillll!!!).

Maybe I could try it one day. I heard about one in Atlanta awhile back, but there were about a million reasons I couldn't go (one being I was, and still am, broke).
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Postby ashfire » Sun Sep 25, 2005 12:15 pm

If anyone plans to attend one, you just have to check the anime con schedule on websites like or anime magazines for info on when and where one will be held. I have attend Otakon in Baltimore, MD, Katsukon in Arlington, VA, Animazement in Durham, NC, Neko Con, Virginia Beach, VA and Anime USA in Arlington and Tyson's Corner, VA. Some of them just for a day and 3 to 4 days depending how far I had to travel to get there. Animazement is the farthest one I have attended I leave on Thursday late morning so as to not have to get up way too early in the morning on Friday to drive down and get there close to opening. At least you can rest up before the show, pickup your info and badge, see some sights and meet the con guest or attend early con activities. Neko Con which I work on the staff, I am there on the day before the show starts so as to start working before the doors open.
I guess depending on how far you live from a major city where one is held year to year I guess it does come into why some otaku can't make it to a show. But I think of it has a way to blow off some steam from regular ways look at some new or old anime, watch how people cosplay, creat art in their own way, learn whats happening in the anime industry and meet people.
I have met many a person who I would call friend and others would say the same in return.
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Postby Eriana » Sun Sep 25, 2005 2:02 pm

I go to that gives you a good schedule for all around the world.
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Postby Wise Dragon » Sun Sep 25, 2005 6:03 pm

For those who have gone to them, what exactly are they like? I've though I could try going to one someday, but what all do you do there, exactly? :/

Its heaven on earth. I went to Animazement this summer in Durham NC with some friends and it was If I died today then I would have the satisfaction of knowing that I had lived a full live. Not that I did anything immoral but it was just so much fun.
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Postby Eriana » Sun Sep 25, 2005 7:55 pm

I'm glad to hear that Wise Dragon! ^_~*
I hope someday I can attend a convention.
I'll be sure to cosplay and have a ton of fun! ^.~*
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Postby Roy Mustang » Wed Sep 28, 2005 3:33 pm

To simulate on what it will be like at an anime con.

Do these three easy steps!

1. Don't take a shower or bath for two days.
2. Don't get any sleep for 24 or 36 hours.
3. Watch anime in a room that you will not see the light of day.

If want to fully simulate on what a very big anime con feels like.

Do step one and two, but watch anime in a closet for a day!

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Postby Kharl » Wed Sep 28, 2005 5:12 pm

Lots of cosplayers, music, great food, LOTS of stuff to buy(I got a Kharl the Alchemist 11" vintage model :thumb: ). Last time I went to one, you should be able to guess who I cosplayed....I think the answer to that is pretty obvious. Some DK fans, not much. Lots of Inuyasha, TMM, Gundam Wing, Cowboy Bebop, and Vampire Hunter D cosplayers. I thought it was really really wierd to find some FF people...its anime, not video game, convention.

They sell lots of neat stuff. Some people sell DVD Box sets, custumes, I even saw somebody selling a Yu-Gi-Oh hair kit! Then there are plushies, capes, and an FMA chess set. Some people had manga and models.


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Postby uc pseudonym » Thu Sep 29, 2005 6:47 am

From my somewhat limited convention experience, here is a more direct answer. Most conventions feature the follow features: rooms playing anime on large screens, panels on a variety of topics, cosplaying competitions, numerous distributors of anime paraphernalia with booths, and numerous artists artists taking commissions and trying to sell things.

At Fanime 2005, I primarily hopped between showing rooms in an effort to find worthwhile anime and hung out with Psycho Ann.

Kharl wrote:I thought it was really really wierd to find some FF people...its anime, not video game, convention.

Don't forget storm troopers.
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Postby Wise Dragon » Thu Sep 29, 2005 9:51 am

I thought it was really really wierd to find some FF people...its anime, not video game, convention.

They can now cause they made Last Order; but I saw a lot of people dressed up as characters from Kill Bill.
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Postby oro! » Thu Sep 29, 2005 1:09 pm

I, in my short career, have gone to two conventions. One was last weekend! It was so overwhelmingly awesome. The only problem was that with that came all of the uckky stuff as well as frightening. (salior bubba wanabees!!! XD) I got to see VIc MIcnogna! Tons of cool artists and anime. Plus I met up on the last one wiht a couple of other CAAers.
For the most part, conventions are great. Just be aware of the temptations that arise there for one to sin...
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Postby Myoti » Thu Sep 29, 2005 7:13 pm

To simulate on what it will be like at an anime con.

Do these three easy steps!

1. Don't take a shower or bath for two days.
2. Don't get any sleep for 24 or 36 hours.
3. Watch anime in a room that you will not see the light of day.

If want to fully simulate on what a very big anime con feels like.

Do step one and two, but watch anime in a closet for a day!

And cosplay while doing all this, right? :D

I'd like to go to one someday, but I won't even try if I don't know someone (or at least someone on CAA) that's going. I'm actually quite anti-social and would probably just stand around staring at everything. >.>
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Postby ashfire » Fri Sep 30, 2005 7:08 pm

Myoti wrote:And cosplay while doing all this, right? :D

I'd like to go to one someday, but I won't even try if I don't know someone (or at least someone on CAA) that's going. I'm actually quite anti-social and would probably just stand around staring at everything. >.>

I would say try to find a small con first. One in a hotel convention center.
You might not feel comfortable at a large one at first. That would be like a convention center and the people are staying in four hotels or more.
Otakon's attendees numbered 22,000 this year and will be the same next year because of limited space in the convention center. Otakon started small in a hotel and worked up to what it is today.
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Postby Myoti » Fri Sep 30, 2005 7:12 pm

Yeah, small is probably better for me, then. Just gotta find where...
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