physical attraction to guys

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physical attraction to guys

Postby animegirl1 » Mon Sep 26, 2005 10:41 am

um some of u might of seen the physical attraction to girls thread for guys and i wanted to make one for girls to post their thoughts about it

note:look at physical attraction to girls thread to understand this one
The Letter from God Dear child, Despite your silence, I have heard your soul weeping. Why have you been so unhappy? Have you forgotten my everlasting love for you? Child, you are mine. Why have you not called my name sooner? If you seek me, I will answer. I am your counselor, ready to instruct you and show you which path to take. When you come to me, I will embrace you and silence all your fears. Just remember that I am here to hold you close and dry your tears. I will always be right beside you. Not only am I your father, but your best friend. Do not be afraid to ask for my mercy and forgiveness. I know that its hard to live on earth, so I understand when you fall down once in awhile, ask me for help, and I will pick you up and carry you. No one loves you more than I do. When you feel alone, remember I am beside you. When you feel helpless, remember I offer myself to you. When you feel lost, remember I will lead you, and when you feel forgotten, remember that you are my child and I will love you unconditionally. It is never too late to come home. I will be here waiting, ready to embrace you. I will leave the light on for you. Forever with you, God


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Postby Yumie » Mon Sep 26, 2005 11:24 am

I was wondering when somebody would make a thread like this for us. Well, I already said some of what I thought about the subject in the boys thread :sweat: so I won't repeat myself here, but I do think it'll be interesting to see what others will say.
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Thou and Thou only, first in my heart,
High King of Heaven, my Treasure Thou art.

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Still be my Vision, O Ruler of all.
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Postby animegirl1 » Mon Sep 26, 2005 11:25 am

ok since theres no posts i kinda feel embarrased but i thought u girls might want to post sice that was a guys thread
ok lol a post ^_^
The Letter from God Dear child, Despite your silence, I have heard your soul weeping. Why have you been so unhappy? Have you forgotten my everlasting love for you? Child, you are mine. Why have you not called my name sooner? If you seek me, I will answer. I am your counselor, ready to instruct you and show you which path to take. When you come to me, I will embrace you and silence all your fears. Just remember that I am here to hold you close and dry your tears. I will always be right beside you. Not only am I your father, but your best friend. Do not be afraid to ask for my mercy and forgiveness. I know that its hard to live on earth, so I understand when you fall down once in awhile, ask me for help, and I will pick you up and carry you. No one loves you more than I do. When you feel alone, remember I am beside you. When you feel helpless, remember I offer myself to you. When you feel lost, remember I will lead you, and when you feel forgotten, remember that you are my child and I will love you unconditionally. It is never too late to come home. I will be here waiting, ready to embrace you. I will leave the light on for you. Forever with you, God


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Postby starfire » Mon Sep 26, 2005 11:52 am

Sure! I'll post! YAY! 200th post! *daces* I lack the shyness gene!

without being shallow, I think that physical attraction does matter. It certainly isn't the most important thing in a relationship, but is important nonetheless. I mean, that's really how most relationships start out, isn't it?

You always hear how people say "I loved him/her from the moment I first laid eyes on him/her!" or "It was love at first sight!" I think that the person should be attractive to you. Not that they have to be a cover guy or anything.
Then again, I don't date because the guys I know, cute ones included, are just way too obnoxious. Just because someone is handsome doesn't mean his personality isn't repulsive.
THE most important thing for me is that the person is TOTALLY 100% sold out for God. And that they treat you with respect and Christ-like love. I think that that's what makes someone attractive.
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Postby steelbeliever » Mon Sep 26, 2005 2:11 pm

hope this doesn't come out wrong...but...i think physical attraction is important...this might seem shallow but i want the guy i marry to be good-looking...i think that you can't jsut suddenly know who your "soulmate" is...i mean...i pay attention to how a guy looks and then get to know him better...does this make sense? ack...well...that's my two cents...
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Postby PrincessZelda » Mon Sep 26, 2005 2:54 pm

Well, it's not the most important thing, but the person you get married to should be attractive to you. And plus, once you start to like someone for who they are, they may seem a little more attractive to you... But, attraction is pretty important.
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Postby ChristianKitsune » Mon Sep 26, 2005 3:52 pm

hmm was waitin for this! ^_^

While Physical Attraction might be important...I don't usually look at it, unless the guy is totally icky looking, like doesn't take care of themselves or something..then It might turn me away from them.

But ultimatlely, I think personality is important. I really think this. You could have the ugliest guy in the world but if they are sold out for Christ that kind of changes things for me.

yeh, I take the Feministic stance on this.haha.. I don't care about looks I am not that shallow... So I guess I really don't care..

I wish more people looked at beauty from within...sure would make my life easier.. :rolleyes:
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Postby Aka-chan » Mon Sep 26, 2005 4:09 pm

Hm, well, I do, of course, find some guys physically attractive, and there have even been times where I saw a guy for the first time and all I could think was "He's gorgeous," but I've never fallen for a guy due to looks. At most, I'll just want to draw whoever that lovely guy is because I find the composition of his face aesthetically pleasing. XD I've been fortunate in that it's always been the personality that attracted me to a guy, and often, after getting to know him, I'd think he was cute, but I think that mostly stemmed from him rather than his surface. I think that whoever I marry will be the most handsome man on earth to me because I'll see his passion for Christ, and that's what'll get me.
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Postby ShiroiHikari » Mon Sep 26, 2005 4:10 pm

I like to look at pretty boys but most of the guys I ended up being attracted to was because of their personality.
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Postby Starfire1 » Mon Sep 26, 2005 5:21 pm

starfire wrote:Then again, I don't date because the guys I know, cute ones included, are just way too obnoxious. Just because someone is handsome doesn't mean his personality isn't repulsive.
THE most important thing for me is that the person is TOTALLY 100% sold out for God. And that they treat you with respect and Christ-like love. I think that that's what makes someone attractive.

I can NOT agree with you more.
I like a guy to be physically attractive to some degree, but it really comes down to if i connect with them on a spiritual level (but what do i really know? i'm too young). But I think if i really felt something for a guy, his appearance wouldn't matter really.
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Postby Eriana » Mon Sep 26, 2005 5:32 pm

starfire wrote:Sure! I'll post! YAY! 200th post! *daces* I lack the shyness gene!

without being shallow, I think that physical attraction does matter. It certainly isn't the most important thing in a relationship, but is important nonetheless. I mean, that's really how most relationships start out, isn't it?

You always hear how people say "I loved him/her from the moment I first laid eyes on him/her!" or "It was love at first sight!" I think that the person should be attractive to you. Not that they have to be a cover guy or anything.
Then again, I don't date because the guys I know, cute ones included, are just way too obnoxious. Just because someone is handsome doesn't mean his personality isn't repulsive.
THE most important thing for me is that the person is TOTALLY 100% sold out for God. And that they treat you with respect and Christ-like love. I think that that's what makes someone attractive.

I find some guys attractive but I think it really does matter what kind of relationship you want. I'm one of those people that would want to have a boyfriend to hold onto. When I can start dating I don't plan to date my heart out. I just want Mr. Right, wherever he is, and that's all.
And I really agree with you a lot Starfire. ^_~*
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Postby PrincessZelda » Mon Sep 26, 2005 5:43 pm

ChristianRonin wrote:hmm was waitin for this! ^_^

While Physical Attraction might be important...I don't usually look at it, unless the guy is totally icky looking, like doesn't take care of themselves or something..then It might turn me away from them.

But ultimatlely, I think personality is important. I really think this. You could have the ugliest guy in the world but if they are sold out for Christ that kind of changes things for me.

yeh, I take the Feministic stance on this.haha.. I don't care about looks I am not that shallow... So I guess I really don't care..

I wish more people looked at beauty from within...sure would make my life easier.. :rolleyes:

Yes, I agree. I mean, you have to not think he's ugly... (Sorry, I didn't read anyone else's posts after this...-_-)
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Postby Yumie » Mon Sep 26, 2005 9:58 pm

Well, see, the thing is for me, I think it's impossible to think the guy you're in love with is ugly. When I worked at camp, I met a lot of guys and the thing I realized while I was there is that even the most unnatractive person can BECOME attractive to you once you get to know them. For instance, one of the guys there who I actually would have considered dating if I were a dating girl was one of the guys who I didn't even notice at first. I mean, I honestly don't think I gave him a thought other than "he looks kind of conceited" until the middle of the first week I was actually on staff with him. The reason I thought he was conceited was because he would always kind of hang off by himself, which I thought meant he thought he was better than everyone or something. And he really is only average looking. Anyhow, the first week I worked there I really got to hang out with him a lot and the longer I was with him the more physically attractive he became to me. I think when you know someone well their inside really starts to shine through and blinds you to the outward imperfections. And even the hottest guys become ugly if they're jerks or pervs or whatever-- who cares what an apple looks like on the outside if it's rotten in its core? I don't know, I think I'm the female version of MSP, I don't think looks really matter. Yeah so maybe initially it helps you notice someone, but that's hardly been the case for anybody who I've really liked. I don't think that looks are essential to a relationship, and that you'll experience enough physical attraction just from getting to know a person with inner beauty that you won't even truly see the exterior any more. That's my two bits.
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Postby animegirl1 » Mon Sep 26, 2005 10:08 pm

ya yumie i feel the same way
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Postby Slater » Mon Sep 26, 2005 10:45 pm

I'm a guy, are y'all attracted to me? :cool:
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Postby Fsiphskilm » Tue Sep 27, 2005 2:06 am

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Postby animegirl1 » Tue Sep 27, 2005 8:30 am

well taking notes couldnt hurt our minds may be complex but less spongy than u think
and im not going to type one big boring post since almost all of its been said already by yumie and a few more of u guys so...yeah^_^
The Letter from God Dear child, Despite your silence, I have heard your soul weeping. Why have you been so unhappy? Have you forgotten my everlasting love for you? Child, you are mine. Why have you not called my name sooner? If you seek me, I will answer. I am your counselor, ready to instruct you and show you which path to take. When you come to me, I will embrace you and silence all your fears. Just remember that I am here to hold you close and dry your tears. I will always be right beside you. Not only am I your father, but your best friend. Do not be afraid to ask for my mercy and forgiveness. I know that its hard to live on earth, so I understand when you fall down once in awhile, ask me for help, and I will pick you up and carry you. No one loves you more than I do. When you feel alone, remember I am beside you. When you feel helpless, remember I offer myself to you. When you feel lost, remember I will lead you, and when you feel forgotten, remember that you are my child and I will love you unconditionally. It is never too late to come home. I will be here waiting, ready to embrace you. I will leave the light on for you. Forever with you, God


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Postby dragonshimmer » Tue Sep 27, 2005 8:57 am

Shooraijin kind of called me out on this in another thread last month, so let's see if I can put my answer into the right words right now.

I WOULD have to be attracted to the person I'm thinking of being married to. However, I really do believe that love or time can make you more so attracted to someone than you would normally be. Attraction is NOT the initial factor to me in getting close to someone. It's just not. To me, the attraction factor comes in later in the friendship and possibly relationship. A beautiful heart and a caring soul can make even the most average guy the most attractive guy to his special girl, and I think the same works in a vice versa situation.

Attraction doesn't INITIALLY matter to me, but at some point, I think they matter to everyone, regardless of you're attracted to them because the inside shines through to the outside or whatever. I mean...I think that's one of the main things that distinguish a romantic relationship from a friendship...those feelings of attraction and the interest in being intimate later down the road possibly in marriage. So really, there's nothing wrong with wanting to be attracted to your special person. A marriage DOES require physical attraction since it's not exactly just a friendship, so even if you think someone is the greatest person in the world but you're NOT attracted to them...your marriage is going to be a bit odd.

I really, really like looking at pretty boys. I just do. However, I've never dated one nor do I care to. All of the guys I've been REALLY attracted to are nice looking guys, but their attraction factor really comes from what's within...and you know, when I finally get married and grow old with someone and we're wrinkled and gray...that's when the beauty that shines within causing someone to be beautiful to you on the outside really matters.
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Postby animegirl1 » Tue Sep 27, 2005 9:00 am

i totally agree shmmer
The Letter from God Dear child, Despite your silence, I have heard your soul weeping. Why have you been so unhappy? Have you forgotten my everlasting love for you? Child, you are mine. Why have you not called my name sooner? If you seek me, I will answer. I am your counselor, ready to instruct you and show you which path to take. When you come to me, I will embrace you and silence all your fears. Just remember that I am here to hold you close and dry your tears. I will always be right beside you. Not only am I your father, but your best friend. Do not be afraid to ask for my mercy and forgiveness. I know that its hard to live on earth, so I understand when you fall down once in awhile, ask me for help, and I will pick you up and carry you. No one loves you more than I do. When you feel alone, remember I am beside you. When you feel helpless, remember I offer myself to you. When you feel lost, remember I will lead you, and when you feel forgotten, remember that you are my child and I will love you unconditionally. It is never too late to come home. I will be here waiting, ready to embrace you. I will leave the light on for you. Forever with you, God


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Postby livewire » Tue Sep 27, 2005 9:35 am

Dragonshimmer, I couldn't agree more with what you said...

attraction is important when it comes to being married...
but, that is also where love comes in, because, attraction without love is just lust and love without attraction is purely friendship.
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Postby animegirl1 » Tue Sep 27, 2005 9:42 am

i couldnt agree more ^_^
The Letter from God Dear child, Despite your silence, I have heard your soul weeping. Why have you been so unhappy? Have you forgotten my everlasting love for you? Child, you are mine. Why have you not called my name sooner? If you seek me, I will answer. I am your counselor, ready to instruct you and show you which path to take. When you come to me, I will embrace you and silence all your fears. Just remember that I am here to hold you close and dry your tears. I will always be right beside you. Not only am I your father, but your best friend. Do not be afraid to ask for my mercy and forgiveness. I know that its hard to live on earth, so I understand when you fall down once in awhile, ask me for help, and I will pick you up and carry you. No one loves you more than I do. When you feel alone, remember I am beside you. When you feel helpless, remember I offer myself to you. When you feel lost, remember I will lead you, and when you feel forgotten, remember that you are my child and I will love you unconditionally. It is never too late to come home. I will be here waiting, ready to embrace you. I will leave the light on for you. Forever with you, God


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Postby Kisa » Wed Sep 28, 2005 6:03 am

I think you have to be initially physically attracted, but what keeps you interested is what they are like inside.
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Postby ~Natsumi Lam~ » Wed Sep 28, 2005 11:05 am

i think it is important to me... first that they are a christian,have a moral platform and then the physical part.

I only like azn guys, married one partly because of that. I like thinner guys, so i would say race was a very important facet for me.

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Postby ReiRei » Wed Sep 28, 2005 11:53 am

There is this guy that I'm very attracted too, but you know what? I don't think most people would call him handsome....but he has a gentle smile that makes you feel welcome (he works at a video store), pretty blue eyes..he's very tall and husky, but he carries his weight well...there is a point point is, that yes attraction is important, but sometimes attraction can come out in the personality also. If there was a guy that I find really attractive and then later found out he's a jerk, then that will turn me away from him really fast. A good personality is what attracts me to a guy, not just his looks.
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Postby Qwilek88 » Wed Sep 28, 2005 12:48 pm

I don't think it is the most important thing. But, still important! Most important thing I woul look for in a guy is being a true man of God. One who will be a justful leader and treat me with respect. That is definitely what I want In my man if I ever get married! Me married! :lol: :lol: Anywho, Attractiveness is important too. Only, thing is that it is varied. I might think some guy is handsome while someone else thinks he isn't. Just the way it is! If I think my guy is the cutest thing in the world, it really doesn't matter what others say. That is what I have to say about that! :thumb: Hope you enjoyed my rambling :sweat:
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Postby animegirl1 » Wed Sep 28, 2005 1:12 pm

ya same here reirei ...theres this guy that i like and i dont think most people would be attracted to him but i like him because i like guys who are more cute than hot with a sweet smile but if the one god has out there for me is diffrent then that would make me just as happy but i feel that the inside of a person comes first before physical attractionbut even so yes physical attraction is counted
The Letter from God Dear child, Despite your silence, I have heard your soul weeping. Why have you been so unhappy? Have you forgotten my everlasting love for you? Child, you are mine. Why have you not called my name sooner? If you seek me, I will answer. I am your counselor, ready to instruct you and show you which path to take. When you come to me, I will embrace you and silence all your fears. Just remember that I am here to hold you close and dry your tears. I will always be right beside you. Not only am I your father, but your best friend. Do not be afraid to ask for my mercy and forgiveness. I know that its hard to live on earth, so I understand when you fall down once in awhile, ask me for help, and I will pick you up and carry you. No one loves you more than I do. When you feel alone, remember I am beside you. When you feel helpless, remember I offer myself to you. When you feel lost, remember I will lead you, and when you feel forgotten, remember that you are my child and I will love you unconditionally. It is never too late to come home. I will be here waiting, ready to embrace you. I will leave the light on for you. Forever with you, God


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Postby Kawaiikneko » Wed Sep 28, 2005 1:24 pm

Wow we're all such wise ladies around here XD I agree completely with Yumie and Dragonshimmer (and everyone who said the same thing but I remember their posts specifically)
Like... there's lots of cute guys in my school but half of them I could never even consider actually dating. The ones I would date would be the ones focused on their walk with God more than girls and who would encourage me in my faith. And I can drool over those Jrockers (XD) but a guy I would really want to date would just be an average guy with his priorities straight.
So, yeah... attractiveness is important important to me but some things have higher priority than that. Luckily I go to a Christian school where we have a nice little group of guys that are exactly like what I just described ^o^
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Postby Alice » Wed Sep 28, 2005 1:54 pm

I hope I get to marry a cute guy (cute according to MY definition). But in the end I suspect I'll become physically attracted to any guy I like enough to marry. XD;;
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Postby dragonshimmer » Wed Sep 28, 2005 3:43 pm

[quote="Alice"]I hope I get to marry a cute guy (cute according to MY definition). But in the end I suspect I'll become physically attracted to any guy I like enough to marry. XD]

As long as you're attracted to him...does it matter at what point in time the attraction started? :p

This leads me to wonder how many people aren't actually physically attracted to the people they marry. I'm sure it has to happen somewhere.
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Postby Yumie » Thu Sep 29, 2005 4:02 pm

dragonshimmer wrote: As long as you're attracted to him...does it matter at what point in time the attraction started? :p

This leads me to wonder how many people aren't actually physically attracted to the people they marry. I'm sure it has to happen somewhere.

Hmm, that's an interesting thought. . .

Well, I don't know if this thread is still alive enough for many people to respond to this, but I was just thinking-- a lot of people say that it's good idea to make a list describing the things you value as important to choosing a future husband. Have any of you guys ever done this? My Sunday school class did it one week. It was interesting. These were some of the things we came up with.

He MUST love Jesus
He should be a gentleman
It would be nice if he was funny
He should listen well
It would be nice if he was attractive, although not absolutely essential
He should be kind (face it, you can meet a pretty cold guy who is by societies standards a gentleman)

You know, that kind of thing. We came up with more but I can't remember them. Anybody else ever done this??
Be Thou my Vision, O Lord of my heart;
Naught be all else to me, save that Thou art
Thou my best Thought, by day or by night,
Waking or sleeping, Thy presence my light.

Be Thou my Wisdom, and Thou my true Word;
I ever with Thee and Thou with me, Lord;
Thou my great Father, I Thy true son;
Thou in me dwelling, and I with Thee one.

Be Thou my battle Shield, Sword for the fight;
Be Thou my Dignity, Thou my Delight;
Thou my soul’s Shelter, Thou my high Tower:
Raise Thou me heavenward, O Power of my power.

Riches I heed not, nor man’s empty praise,
Thou mine Inheritance, now and always:
Thou and Thou only, first in my heart,
High King of Heaven, my Treasure Thou art.

High King of Heaven, my victory won,
May I reach Heaven’s joys, O bright Heaven’s Sun!
Heart of my own heart, whatever befall,
Still be my Vision, O Ruler of all.
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