Seen/Heard/Felt Them?

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Postby Kisa » Tue Oct 04, 2005 10:29 am

Warrior 4 Jesus wrote:KisaTohru, that's remarkably similar to an experience I had several weeks ago.

Its scary huh!? Wow, thats weird, well at least you know how I feel! How did yours go?
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Postby ~Natsumi Lam~ » Tue Oct 04, 2005 10:31 am

kazekami wrote:I also have heard Gods voice medophoricaly speaking. It's more like I feel i have to do something. It's like something tells me that I must do something. Not actually an actual voice. But I know its God giving me direction.

thats exactly what i feel from God!

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Postby starfire » Tue Oct 04, 2005 11:06 am

I've had some weird experiences before. I've seen some things that I probably would rather not have seen, just for creepy factor. I had a "haunted" deck of cards once(long story, not as crazy as it sounds), and some mysterious person just came in my house when I was younger. I don't know who they were, but there seemed to be no purpose for their being there, and they didn't hurt anyone or say much of anything. It was just weird. I still wonder about it to this day.
I can kind of sense evil things in a way. I think that's why I used to get freaked out so easily when I was younger. I could just feel that something was wrong. I think I've almost always been like that. Anyone else that way? I'm not very good at describing it, though.
I find it interesting that we as people have such a fascination with the unexplained. But, I have to remind myself not to be too curious. You give evil too much power if you focus on it a lot. So, whenever I get weirded out, I just put it in God's hands. He's far more capable than I.:)
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Postby Azier the Swordsman » Tue Oct 04, 2005 11:32 am

Multiple experiences on my part.

The first was when I was 4. I was lying awake and two people appeared at my window. They were completely white and spoke with gentle tones. I wasn't sure who or what they were (at that age) and didn't know if I should be scared or not. A few minutes later, something crawled out from under my bed... it was black... kinda like a panther, it looked at me and growled before vanishing completely. A few minutes later, the angels left... I remember them saying they would see me later.

The next night... the angels reapeared.... but there were many more of them. For all I know, there could have been 50-100 outside my window. I remember being a little freaked out.... but not neccesarily afraid of them.

At several points of my life, I recall seeing shadow like figures moving about. So brief that if I blinked, I'd miss it. I'm still not 100% certain if I was seeing things or if they were real. There was a time it was quite regular though.

More recently, at my old house, there had been somewhat of a fight that had taken place. One of the parties had just stormed out; and a few minutes after that, I noticed the dog seemed to be transfixed on something standing near the stairs. When I looked up to see what it was, I saw nothing... but sensed something very evil right away. It went away after a few minutes, but it was a very freaky feeling.
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Postby Danyasaur » Tue Oct 04, 2005 12:37 pm

I've sensed angels sometimes. Like I'll be walking in my house, and I'll walk into this cloud of BEAUTIFULL smelling fragrence with nothing around with that kind of smell. . . there's really no way to describe it, but I'll just stand there for awhile and feel this deep peace take over me.

And I don't know if this is just my imagination or something else, but I'll see lights from the corner of my eye, and turn to see what's making it, and it's gone. And I've also heard my name being called with noone around, it's usually faint though.

And I was too young to remember but for awhile my mom and dad would see the "feris wheel of angels" XD it's a bunch of little lights, and clouds that circle over their bed alot, my mom said she saw them last night *she never comes and gets me when it happens! I wanna' see it again* and said I saw them when I was little.

And at the camp I go to every year there was a kid that got some demons, and God freed him before he left.

and I ALLWAYS feel God's prescence and peace when I worship ^_^

so. . . yeah
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Postby Shao Feng-Li » Tue Oct 04, 2005 12:58 pm

Seen/Heard/Felt Them?

Can't say I have for sure from either side. Though I still wonder what hit my leg when I was brushing my teeth. I looked arounf for anything that could of fallen off the counter or a door that could of swung, but nothing... *shrug*

I do wonder how much of it could just be our imagination running wild. It seems when a person is afraid people see and hear things, but your stories suggest otherwise.
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Postby Emanku » Tue Oct 04, 2005 5:04 pm

One of the most common themes here seems to be having people's names called by something. It reminded me greatly of the story of when the prophet Samuel was young. He heard his voice being called and repeatedly ran and found Eli, because he thought it was Eli calling him. Of course the source turned out to be God.

I might've had an experience like that too. It seems familiar to me . . . but that might be just because I've read the story of Samuel so many times. (Same name as me, so I did a lot of reading up on him at one point.)
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Postby Gooseberry » Tue Oct 04, 2005 6:08 pm

It's hard to say if I have ever really felt the presence of something supernatural or not. I tend to dismiss those things as something reasonable fairly easily, because, well, they are most of the time. I had a dream once where I was visited by Satan, and a strange event where my Bible (which I'm fairly certain was lying on the floor) made a loud snapping noise like it had been shut. Though, when I looked down, it was just as I had left it. I don't really dwell on these kind of things because many of them (like my own experiences) can be rationalized. However, I love to hear stories of healings/ deliverances. I guess that makes me odd. :lol:
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Postby Warrior4Christ » Tue Oct 04, 2005 6:58 pm

starfire wrote:I had a "haunted" deck of cards once(long story, not as crazy as it sounds)...

Do you care to expand on that?
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Postby kazekami » Tue Oct 04, 2005 8:35 pm

Emanku wrote:One of the most common themes here seems to be having people's names called by something. It reminded me greatly of the story of when the prophet Samuel was young. He heard his voice being called and repeatedly ran and found Eli, because he thought it was Eli calling him. Of course the source turned out to be God.

I might've had an experience like that too. It seems familiar to me . . . but that might be just because I've read the story of Samuel so many times. (Same name as me, so I did a lot of reading up on him at one point.)

Well I've actually heard my name being called. I forgot about that earlier. I was home alone. And I heard my name and I thought it was my dad stopping by because since he's a building inspector sometimes he stops by to get some coffee or something during the day. But no one was there. I've actually heard it several times.

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Postby starfire » Tue Oct 04, 2005 8:38 pm

That's happened to me too! I used to hear my name being called, but no one had. Strange.
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Postby Wise Dragon » Wed Oct 05, 2005 6:54 am

When Im in the right state of mind such as when Im in tune with God and I dont have any predominent thoughts that are clouding my mind then I can sense demons, where they are, how strong they are, and how many of them. I cant do lately because Ive had some problems that have put a thick veil over my mind.

There was one time that I did see something. It probably was a demon; but it looked like a cloud of steam that was formed in the shape of a person.
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Postby livewire » Wed Oct 05, 2005 9:13 am

This topic frightens me...sends chills down my spine. It always has...but, I will post anyways...
when I was younger...I can't remember how old... kazekami, our Godmother's daughter Jennifer, and I were in Jennifer's room. I looked out the window and saw a dark figure with red eyes watching us.
then, later, when I was in Jr high, I was going through this depression where I truly believed that I was the cause of all our familial problems....I would pray for God to just let me die because I felt that everyone would be better off. During that time, I would suddenly feel a terrible fear and I couldn't open my eyes for fear that what I would see the evil that I could sense was there. Whenever I felt that I would pray and a soothing calmness would settle over me. During HS this lessened....and when I went to college, it stopped altogether.
A little over a year or so ago, when I realised that I had fallen away from God by trying to heal through worldly means instead of giving everything up to Him, I had a terrifying night in that I could feel the presence of evil around me. When I had realised that I was not following His way, I prayed and asked God to forgive me and to give me strength. Immediately a deep sense of peace descended upon me and I felt lighter than I had for a long, long time. But, it wasn't until did a layman's blessing on the apartment that the evil completely left. The night before I was able to go and get some holy water I heard it call my name in a voice that sent chills down my spine.
Now, there are times when I am doing something and I catch myself staring intently at nothing, although it feels like there is something there. I tell it to go away in the Lord's name, and the feeling of something being there vanishes.

God has spoken to me, metaphorically speaking, as well in that he lets me know what I am supposed to do.
I will never forget that night that I came completely back to Him. It was amazing, because I never realised I was falling until it was already too late. But, the night I realized it, God told me what I needed to do. And I did it. I told my "friend" that he needed to get out of my house. That all evil had to leave. My "friend" was insulted that I had put it that way. But, it was the truth. He was practicign witchcraft in my home and I didn't know it. Because I had undergone a horrifying trauma that I wasn't dealing with very well...because I was depressed...because I didn't turn completely to God in my time of need, I was open...and He was opening doorways to things that I don't even want to imagine...and I was totally blind.
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Postby ~Natsumi Lam~ » Wed Oct 05, 2005 10:15 am

Yeshua-Knight wrote:i gotta speak up now just 'cus i feel that it's time, please don't allow for your personal focus to be swayed just 'cus you may or may not have had an experience with angels and/or demons, our gaze is to be fixed upon God, even as Joshua in the bible found himself face to face with an angel of the Lord, and Joshua bowed before him, the angel told him "do not worship me, for we are both servants of the Lord", to tell you the truth, i have to wonder sometimes about when people have such experiences with angels and demons because it has a tendency to draw our focus from where it should be, i'm not taking into question the validity of the experiences, i only take into question the motive behind the experiences, so i say this only as a warning, please don't put any more emphasis on seeing an angel or demon than u would on any normal person, unless of course they deliver some sort of special message, and even then it's the message that's important, not necessarily the messenger

haha i put less ephesis on the demons.. hahah i think they are cockroaches!!!

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Postby ~Natsumi Lam~ » Wed Oct 05, 2005 10:19 am

Dunedan wrote:I find it odd that I have never seen or felt a demon or angel.. though I have felt fear, and more importantly, I have felt God. And I think thats something way cooler.

God is way cooler! welcome to the dorks for god society... sigh...

I definately in God's fan club!!!

hey i would find it a great thing to not see or feel demons... well in one way. It is a blessing to most. Some arent called to it.

As far as angel... i hope one day you will.

God is way cooler!!!

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Postby ~Natsumi Lam~ » Wed Oct 05, 2005 10:23 am

KisaTohru wrote:I have felt God many times before...
Demons, I had a weird thing happen, don't know if it was a dream or what, but...
Lateley I have been growing closer to God and seeking His will for my life and one night I was in bed. I had a dream in my room exactly as if I were awake, and this dark creature was sitting on my chest hissing and growling at me. I could feel the weight of it on my chest and it was about a hands length from my face. I quickly closed my eyes and prayed that if this was a dream I would wake up, and if not that God would protect me. I opened my eyes and it was gone. I have never felt anything like that before and my parents think that Satan/demons are trying to hurt me case I'm seeking God's will and becomeing closer to him latley...

Ive felt that many time./... I woke up the other day with a feeling that something was resting on my head and pulling my hair back.. I woke with my head back. I never ever sleep that way..... i mean never. One thing i have learned in martial arts is not to expose vital spots... so even in my sleep i always sleep with my head down. That happend twice a couple days ago.

WHen i was younger, for many year, after each demonic dream i would wake up and feel something being sucked off me... it would take my breath away... sometimes it would feel like it was holding my chest down... with force. It felt just like a large vaccum was right over my chest sucking the life outta me.

I totally feel your pain!!

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Postby ~Natsumi Lam~ » Wed Oct 05, 2005 10:29 am

[quote="Wise Dragon"]

There was one time that I did see something. It probably was a demon]

do you remember what color?

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Postby ~Natsumi Lam~ » Wed Oct 05, 2005 10:38 am


That is an awsome story!!!

I am sorry you had to go through all that poop in your life, with depression and all the family stuff!!! It is awsome how God, no matter where we are or how far we are, brings us back and renews who we are without a grudge and even gives us some of our sensitivity back.

I had kinda the same thing happen to me... man i was soo depressed, suisidal, mean, sadistic.... i hated everyone... but i thought i was just going through life and having normal teen issues. But i relized it was something more, slowly i have been giving it all up to God. At one point i even cut my wrist... but in the end... i know Jesus is my king and best friend and Savior... and what it the most awsome thing... Jesus took me back and opened my eyes and still loves me when i am soooo stupid!! I just praise God for that so much. And i pray you will have such Joy in Him that you cant contain it!!!

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Postby Nate » Wed Oct 05, 2005 11:15 am

Quintiple posting...makes head hurt...must use..."Edit Post" button... ><

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Postby ~Natsumi Lam~ » Wed Oct 05, 2005 11:36 am

kaemmerite wrote:Quintiple posting...makes head hurt...must use..."Edit Post" button... ><

i did it this way for a purpose... i wanted to comment to each seperately.

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Postby Mave » Wed Oct 05, 2005 3:05 pm

You know, I consider it a blessing that I've never had such encounters in my whole life, eventhough my grandfather was a spirit medium. When I was younger, I think I prayed to God to pls spare me of such sightings for I don't think I could bear it. Seems like He answered my prayers. XD

I certainly don't question whether demon manifestations are real or not (if Lord Jesus acknowledges its existence, it must be true). But at the same time, 1) it's always important to test it (i.e. not accept everything one hears/sees initially) and 2) There's nothing wrong if you cannot discern stuff like this.
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Postby Hephzibah » Wed Oct 05, 2005 3:05 pm

~Natsumi Lam~ wrote:haha i put less ephesis on the demons.. hahah i think they are cockroaches!!!

While it is true that we have the authority from Jesus to cast demons out and all that, we still shouldnt treat demons as lightweights. Never underestimate (or overestimate as well) our enemy.

We are in a spiritual war, and wars aren't won by thinking the enemy is nothing more than a bunch of pushovers. If we take that view, many people will get hurt.
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Postby ~Natsumi Lam~ » Wed Oct 05, 2005 3:09 pm

Talame wrote:While it is true that we have the authority from Jesus to cast demons out and all that, we still shouldnt treat demons as lightweights. Never underestimate (or overestimate as well) our enemy.

We are in a spiritual war, and wars aren't won by thinking the enemy is nothing more than a bunch of pushovers. If we take that view, many people will get hurt.

true but when you began to recognize them as your equal or something equivalent to that.... you began to think your own power matters.

Gods power and recognition of that power makes them cockroaches. Not your own.

I fully recognize their abilities... but i also recognize... with Jesus and His direction their power and abilities mean nothing.. much like a cockroach.

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Postby starfire » Wed Oct 05, 2005 3:13 pm

I can't remember where it's at, but there is a verse in the Bible that says even the angels don't "trash talk" the enemy. At least something to that effect.
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Postby Mave » Wed Oct 05, 2005 3:19 pm

All I've done so far is acknowledge the existence of the enemy and remind myself of his limited capabilities. I think I feel pretty comfortable with this mindset. ^^
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Postby Hephzibah » Wed Oct 05, 2005 3:20 pm

~Natsumi Lam~ wrote:true but when you began to recognize them as your equal or something equivalent to that.... you began to think your own power matters.

Gods power and recognition of that power makes them cockroaches. Not your own.

I fully recognize their abilities... but i also recognize... with Jesus and His direction their power and abilities mean nothing.. much like a cockroach.


I am not saying that they are our equal, nor that we should rely on our own power. It's just that there are many people running around today claiming that demons are powerless and they even mock the Devil. Forgive me for saying this, but that is extremely idiodic of them.

Satan is the Prince of this world, meaning he has authority here. Just because he no longer owns us doesn't mean he doesn't cause problems to come our way (though thankfully, if we are walking in God's Will, Satan has to ask God for permission first: See Luke 22:31).

I might be coming across as saying that we must fear demons (which I am not. He did not give us a spirit of timidity but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline.), it's just that people have gone the other extreme of ignoring their power completely. Both extremes are dangerous!

It's good that you seem to have it in the right perspective, but please just be careful that you don't become complacent. Also, since you are called to the deliverance ministry, warn others not to as well.

starfire wrote:I can't remember where it's at, but there is a verse in the Bible that says even the angels don't "trash talk" the enemy. At least something to that effect.

I think I know what verse you are talking about...
Jude: 8-10

8In the very same way, these dreamers pollute their own bodies, reject authority and slander celestial beings. 9But even the archangel Michael, when he was disputing with the devil about the body of Moses, did not dare to bring a slanderous accusation against him, but said, "The Lord rebuke you!" 10Yet these men speak abusively against whatever they do not understand; and what things they do understand by instinct, like unreasoning animals—these are the very things that destroy them.
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Postby ~Natsumi Lam~ » Wed Oct 05, 2005 3:22 pm

Talame wrote:I am not saying that they are our equal, nor that we should rely on our own power. It's just that there are many people running around today claiming that demons are powerless and they even mock the Devil. Forgive me for saying this, but that is extremely idiodic of them.

Satan is the Prince of this world, meaning he has authority here. Just because he no longer owns us doesn't mean he doesn't cause problems to come our way (though thankfully, if we are walking in God's Will, Satan has to ask God for permission first: See Luke 22:31).

I might be coming across as saying that we must fear demons (which I am not. He did not give us a spirit of timidity but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline.), it's just that people have gone the other extreme of ignoring their power completely. Both extremes are dangerous!

It's good that you seem to have it in the right perspective, but please just be careful that you don't become complacent. Also, since you are called to the deliverance ministry, warn others not to as well.

I agree :)

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Postby V8Tsunami » Wed Oct 05, 2005 3:28 pm

I hadn't ever seen anything odd until I attended a Pentacostal Church and got rebaptised. Here is the thread I made about it.

Until recenlty I thought I had it beaten, but last night it came back with a vengence. It was as if the thing followed me from my office, all the way until I got home. I saw shadows moving outside my office door. (The Christian radio keeps them out of the room.) When I shut off the comptuer I heard a loud knock, but nothing there. As I walked to the car, the air felt cold and tense, like something frightening was surrounding me, but there was nothing there.

Naturally I hurried home, something told me, "It is like Satan to frighten you, so you'll rush home and have an accident." A split second later I turned a corner to find a black dog mere inches from my bumper. When I got home I saw my the silhouette of one of our cats coming to greet me, but when I turned to pet him there was nothing there. When I closed my eyes to sleep I saw the outline of a man with a shirt on. No features at all, just a solid black creature.

So yes, I have dealt with these things. Just once I wish I could see an angel instead of that terrible "thing" that keeps shadowing me. It rarely appears in the daytime, or when people are awake. It'll show up if people are sleeping in the room with me, but so far it has stayed out of my room.
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Postby ~Natsumi Lam~ » Wed Oct 05, 2005 3:48 pm

V8Tsunami wrote:
Until recenlty I thought I had it beaten, but last night it came back with a vengence. It was as if the thing followed me from my office, all the way until I got home. I saw shadows moving outside my office door. (The Christian radio keeps them out of the room.) When I shut off the comptuer I heard a loud knock, but nothing there. As I walked to the car, the air felt cold and tense, like something frightening was surrounding me, but there was nothing there.

1. Maybe there is some unseen things going on at your house... for example, one of the people on CAA found out that their friend was doing witchcraft in their house... and kicked that person out... things changed.

2. I would try anointing you house with oil and speaking over it in Jesus name. worked for me when i found out my roommate's actions let in a couple "unwanted guests".

3. When you are baptised in Jesus name you are claiming He is your lawful boss to the spiritual, yourself, and your congregation. When we choose to get closer to God, somethings surface over time. Becauses as the light becomes more strong there is less and less room for darkness... if there is a certain area of your life that you havent given over to Jesus when you claimed Him as your boss... it might be time to deal with it.

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Postby Eriana » Wed Oct 05, 2005 4:08 pm

Emanku wrote:I recently had an encounter with a demon and I was wondering how many others have had visitations. Have you ever seen an angel or a demon? Have you heard them speak? Have you felt their presence? What about God? (this should get the most responses]the entire inside of the garage[/U]. I quickly looked over my shoulder. There was no door on the garage and everything was sunny outside. My stomach churned a bit and goosebumps formed on my arms. The hair on the back of my neck stood up too. (first time that's ever happened to me) I could feel a massive amount of power where I was looking, but saw nothing unusual. I've felt demonic power before, but this was on a whole different level to anything I'd experienced. I quickly instructed my dad that we needed to pray. As we did, the ominous presence slowly receded and we continued working on the cabinets.

Later that day, God gave me insight on what happened. I'm fairly confident in what I got:
We had been working on a showhome in a new expansion of the city. At the time, there had been almost nobody living there, just a few construction workers and stuff. When dad got upset and swore, it alerted the demons to our presence. God had been shielding us so none of the demons noticed anything unusual and hadn't paid much attention. Dad's outburst and my shame over dropping the cabinet made them take notice and they recognized us as Christians, making us a threat. Since a pair of devout Christians posed the most immediate concern to that new neighborhood, the newly appointed principality confronted us directly. I don't know what it had planned on doing, but whatever it was failed and the demon was driven back by God's power through our prayers. It's comforting to know that God can conquer a demon that strong just through the prayers of two people.

I'm planning on writing up a prayer request for that neighborhood once I look up the name of that section of the city again, but until then I wanted to find out if anyone else has had a similar experience or knows someone who has.

Wow creepy but I'm glad you called on Jesus! ^_^
Last night I had a demonic presence in my room and as soon as I rebuked it the feeling was gone. Not as extreme as your happening, but nevertheless it was still very scary at first. ^^;;;
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Put this in your signature to remember to pray for Israel everyday...
Psalms 147 verse 3:
He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.

[/color]Fly with me dear lover of mine...[/color]
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