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Postby starfire » Wed Oct 05, 2005 8:29 pm

Oi. I'm doing Geometry now! It is SOOOOO boring. I agree with you, Yumie, the rules aren't as clear. And all the drawing of the planes and shapes! gah! I loved Algebra, it was actually fun in a mindnumbing kind of way. I'd sit and do problems for like three hours. Geometry gives me a headache. :drool:

I like my Biology course. This is the first year I have books that aren't all about rote memorization. You can't just go and copy a definition in bold print. You have to analyze and summarize. Actually using my brain now! hehe. That's a change!

Does anyone else out there study Japanese for their language? Right now I'm trying to do Spanish 2 AND Japanese. oi. The Spanish is with a coop too(which completely rocks).

I'm still floored this many of us do the homeschooling thing.
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Postby Alice » Wed Oct 05, 2005 9:54 pm

I was homeschooled.
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Postby jessie88 » Wed Oct 05, 2005 11:22 pm

umm, I've been homeschooled since 9th grade and right now i'm in 11th. So i never went to a real high school before. Sometimes i kinda wonder how it feels, i like to be around people. but homeschool is alot better for me, that way i can go my own pace. and besides the high school i would be going to is really not good, a lot of bad things happen there, i'm not sure what happeneds but the people i've met that go there say they hate it.
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