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Postby Yumie » Sat Oct 15, 2005 4:45 pm

Hmmm, I was just thinking about the feeling of being lonely. What makes me feel lonely. It seems illogical that a person in a six-person family with friends constantly available through AIM and CAA (^_^) and all other sorts of things would ever feel lonely. But it happens. So, I was wondering, what makes you guys feel lonely? I think I feel the loneliest when I start thinking about good friends I haven't seen or heard from in a while.
Be Thou my Vision, O Lord of my heart;
Naught be all else to me, save that Thou art
Thou my best Thought, by day or by night,
Waking or sleeping, Thy presence my light.

Be Thou my Wisdom, and Thou my true Word;
I ever with Thee and Thou with me, Lord;
Thou my great Father, I Thy true son;
Thou in me dwelling, and I with Thee one.

Be Thou my battle Shield, Sword for the fight;
Be Thou my Dignity, Thou my Delight;
Thou my soul’s Shelter, Thou my high Tower:
Raise Thou me heavenward, O Power of my power.

Riches I heed not, nor man’s empty praise,
Thou mine Inheritance, now and always:
Thou and Thou only, first in my heart,
High King of Heaven, my Treasure Thou art.

High King of Heaven, my victory won,
May I reach Heaven’s joys, O bright Heaven’s Sun!
Heart of my own heart, whatever befall,
Still be my Vision, O Ruler of all.
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Postby starfire » Sat Oct 15, 2005 5:11 pm

Yeah, I get that way when I think of friends that aren't around anymore.

I kind of enjoy being lonely, though. It's not that I don't like my friends. It's just sometimes I like to go off on my own. I'm more of an independent worker, not big on groups.

So, I guess I feel most lonely when it's raining, or late at night when I'm reading. But, ironically, that's usually when I'm the most content and serene. I know, weird.
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Postby Eriana » Sat Oct 15, 2005 5:15 pm

I agree with Starfire.
Sometimes I feel lonely when I think about how Jesus was treated when he was on the earth, and since I don't have many friends I kind of just go off on my own a lot to spend more time with God. This isn't bad to do but sometimes I do get very lonely and sad by myself. Especially when it's sunset or really dark outside and I only see the moon. I'm not much of a chipper person anyways, not since I was a very little girl so maybe that's the reason.
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Postby Gooseberry » Sat Oct 15, 2005 6:03 pm

Same with me, when I think about the friends I left when I switched highschools, I get kind on sad. Plus, I would consider myself pretty much a loner, and I have a small family which adds to the feeling of loneliness. I try not to think about it too much, though.
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Postby Mangafanatic » Sat Oct 15, 2005 6:35 pm

Edit: Ooops go on to the next post.
Every year in Uganda, innumerable children simply. . . disappear. These children all stolen under the cover of darkness from their homes and impressed into the guerilla armies of the LRA [Lord's Resistance Army]. In the deserts of Uganda, they are forced to witness the mindless slaughter of other children until they themselves can do nothing but kill. Kill. These children, generally ranging from ages 5-12, are brainwashed into murdering in the name of the resistance and into stealing other children from their beds to suffer the same fate.

Because of this genocide of innocence, hundred and hundreds of children live every night sleeping in public places miles from their homes, because they know that if the do not-- they will disappear. They will become just another number in this genocide to which the international community has chosen to turn a blind eye. They will become, in affect, invisible-- Invisible Children.

But there are those who are trying to fight against this slaughter of Uganda's children. They fight to protect these "invisible children." Please, help them help a country full of children who know nothing by fear. Help save the innocence. For more information concerning how you can help and how you can get an incredible video about this horrific reality, visit the Invisible Children home page.
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Postby Yumie » Sat Oct 15, 2005 6:36 pm

Sorry, that last post was supposed to be me, but Osaka was still logged in and I didn't know it.

Yeah, it's funny how there are some times when being alone feels so miserable and other times when it feels so nice. Or how one night, I can listen to the rain on the roof and it makes me feel serene and at peace, and on other nights it makes me feel little and alone. It's strange.
Be Thou my Vision, O Lord of my heart;
Naught be all else to me, save that Thou art
Thou my best Thought, by day or by night,
Waking or sleeping, Thy presence my light.

Be Thou my Wisdom, and Thou my true Word;
I ever with Thee and Thou with me, Lord;
Thou my great Father, I Thy true son;
Thou in me dwelling, and I with Thee one.

Be Thou my battle Shield, Sword for the fight;
Be Thou my Dignity, Thou my Delight;
Thou my soul’s Shelter, Thou my high Tower:
Raise Thou me heavenward, O Power of my power.

Riches I heed not, nor man’s empty praise,
Thou mine Inheritance, now and always:
Thou and Thou only, first in my heart,
High King of Heaven, my Treasure Thou art.

High King of Heaven, my victory won,
May I reach Heaven’s joys, O bright Heaven’s Sun!
Heart of my own heart, whatever befall,
Still be my Vision, O Ruler of all.
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Postby CephasWhite » Sat Oct 15, 2005 6:48 pm

What makes me lonely?

Well...It mostly consists of having a weird and ackward day, one being here in this University.

I sometimes feel that my sister and I are the only ones here in this University who actually obey God's law and keep it in our hearts. The others are either drinking themselves stupid, doing evil, wrong doings, or what have you. There is a Christian group I go to, but through the week I never seem them, only on Friday evenings, and I have no idea what they're up too.

What makes me lonely about this is that the generation of kids or teenagers my age and younger is getting stupider and stupider (the one's who do sinful acts for a living) and that discourages me...greatly...

To tell you the truth, I do actually like being lonely...I don't know how, but it makes me sense my surroundings better, and then realizing that God is with me...that makes me feel better...

Another thing that makes me feel lonely is how a day can be so awkward and then nothing good happens that day...that makes me feel really lonely. Then comes that good cry if I feel so lonely and depressed...and then I know God is comforting me.
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Postby Sonic_13 » Sat Oct 15, 2005 6:56 pm

hmm.... I guess I dont know the feeling of NOT being lonely... which makes me so ackward :P
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Postby animegirl1 » Sat Oct 15, 2005 7:00 pm

hmmmm ... i feel lonely when my friends dont talk to me in awhile *sigh
The Letter from God Dear child, Despite your silence, I have heard your soul weeping. Why have you been so unhappy? Have you forgotten my everlasting love for you? Child, you are mine. Why have you not called my name sooner? If you seek me, I will answer. I am your counselor, ready to instruct you and show you which path to take. When you come to me, I will embrace you and silence all your fears. Just remember that I am here to hold you close and dry your tears. I will always be right beside you. Not only am I your father, but your best friend. Do not be afraid to ask for my mercy and forgiveness. I know that its hard to live on earth, so I understand when you fall down once in awhile, ask me for help, and I will pick you up and carry you. No one loves you more than I do. When you feel alone, remember I am beside you. When you feel helpless, remember I offer myself to you. When you feel lost, remember I will lead you, and when you feel forgotten, remember that you are my child and I will love you unconditionally. It is never too late to come home. I will be here waiting, ready to embrace you. I will leave the light on for you. Forever with you, God


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Postby animegirl1 » Sat Oct 15, 2005 7:03 pm

CephasVII wrote:What makes me lonely?

Well...It mostly consists of having a weird and ackward day, one being here in this University.

I sometimes feel that my sister and I are the only ones here in this University who actually obey God's law and keep it in our hearts. The others are either drinking themselves stupid, doing evil, wrong doings, or what have you. There is a Christian group I go to, but through the week I never seem them, only on Friday evenings, and I have no idea what they're up too.

What makes me lonely about this is that the generation of kids or teenagers my age and younger is getting stupider and stupider (the one's who do sinful acts for a living) and that discourages me...greatly...

To tell you the truth, I do actually like being lonely...I don't know how, but it makes me sense my surroundings better, and then realizing that God is with me...that makes me feel better...

Another thing that makes me feel lonely is how a day can be so awkward and then nothing good happens that day...that makes me feel really lonely. Then comes that good cry if I feel so lonely and depressed...and then I know God is comforting me.

i know what you mean ...U.U my whole generation around me or almost whole is getting stupider...*sigh im just glad that i found and accepted god at an early age cause without him id probably be where my generation of people are now
The Letter from God Dear child, Despite your silence, I have heard your soul weeping. Why have you been so unhappy? Have you forgotten my everlasting love for you? Child, you are mine. Why have you not called my name sooner? If you seek me, I will answer. I am your counselor, ready to instruct you and show you which path to take. When you come to me, I will embrace you and silence all your fears. Just remember that I am here to hold you close and dry your tears. I will always be right beside you. Not only am I your father, but your best friend. Do not be afraid to ask for my mercy and forgiveness. I know that its hard to live on earth, so I understand when you fall down once in awhile, ask me for help, and I will pick you up and carry you. No one loves you more than I do. When you feel alone, remember I am beside you. When you feel helpless, remember I offer myself to you. When you feel lost, remember I will lead you, and when you feel forgotten, remember that you are my child and I will love you unconditionally. It is never too late to come home. I will be here waiting, ready to embrace you. I will leave the light on for you. Forever with you, God


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Postby kryptech » Sat Oct 15, 2005 7:06 pm

I find that I tend to get lonely in groups sometimes, like at young people or even family events. I'm not too outgoing (well, I guess I am with family) so if everyone is talking amongst themselves I don't always join in too well. Instead I pull further away. But I like the bittersweetness of loneliness. That apart feeling, of withdrawing to my own thoughts and emotions, of analyzing myself independently of everyone around me.
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Postby Eriana » Sun Oct 16, 2005 12:27 am

CephasVII wrote:What makes me lonely?

Well...It mostly consists of having a weird and ackward day, one being here in this University.

I sometimes feel that my sister and I are the only ones here in this University who actually obey God's law and keep it in our hearts. The others are either drinking themselves stupid, doing evil, wrong doings, or what have you. There is a Christian group I go to, but through the week I never seem them, only on Friday evenings, and I have no idea what they're up too.

What makes me lonely about this is that the generation of kids or teenagers my age and younger is getting stupider and stupider (the one's who do sinful acts for a living) and that discourages me...greatly...

To tell you the truth, I do actually like being lonely...I don't know how, but it makes me sense my surroundings better, and then realizing that God is with me...that makes me feel better...

Another thing that makes me feel lonely is how a day can be so awkward and then nothing good happens that day...that makes me feel really lonely. Then comes that good cry if I feel so lonely and depressed...and then I know God is comforting me.

Totally agreed. Its a wonder that God doesn't go deaf from the sound of Commandments being broken all the time. I see thousands of people I've never known doing stupid things to themselves and others and it makes me pull closer to God and farther away from earth and all of its stupidity. Sometimes I want to be alone and exist freely. Sometimes the only way I can do that is by being lonely. It may sound strange but sometimes that's just my way of seeking more of God and less of earth. As much as I have always wanted friends, I have always wanted to be closer to God than anyone or anything in the whole universe. I love Him to much to let anything get in the way. And though it's very easy to say now, if I were the absolute last person on earth I wouldn't be totally deprived and hurt because God is always there no matter what. Please for people who like me on this forum, please don't take that as an insult because I'm not trying to say that you guys are worthless because you are not but rather that God is my number one lifeline when the lights go out on my feelings...Sorry if that sounded cheezy everyone. ^^;;;
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Postby CephasWhite » Sun Oct 16, 2005 1:25 am

Well...I just had my loneliest experience yet...and I tell you...I'm not happy...not at all.

I just did my big band dance with my jazz band. When we started, it was great, we were just going for it and the people were dancing to beat the band! We play some songs, most of my band had solos and they played them very very well, and everyone cheered and applauded! WHOO! We were goin' for it! We played another song, two guys went before my solo, and it finally came to me, YES! I played my solo like nothing! I finished it! My conductor said my name "ON THE TROMBONE!"...

...nothing......nothing...not a single clap...not a single cheer...nothing...not even from the guests that are complete strangers to me...my body went cold...

We were finished...the other Jazz band in the same class was congradulating every person in my band...but nobody said a word to me...what was wrong? Was it me? what? We sat down at the tables waiting for the other band to play, I said hello to some people, and no response...I sat down...and soon I find everyone's head in the opposite direction...it was as if my existance was their curse.

People were dancin' left and right..."friends" of mine were sitting beside me...not saying a word...but to their other friends close by...they were asking them to dance left and right...of course none of the girls I knew ask me if I wanted to dance...I was sick of asking girls to dance with me...because they wouldn't and if they did...what followed was a look of discernment and disgust as if I was a curse to them...so I stopped and I waited for one of my close friends to ask me to dance...SHE WAS SITTING RIGHT NEXT TO ME!!!! She didn't...

...the last slow song was playing and I was looking at the girl who sang in our band...she was beautiful in her voice as she was on her trumpet...she didn't dance that much either so I decided to go back to my first decision and asked her to dance...she said yes...but with a concerned look in her eye...we danced but she after the song she wanted to stop as soon as possible...I sat back down...

What happened after that hurt me the most. One of the guys I met last year who's in 5th year and I knew for a long time was coming right towards me...but instead went to the other guy sitting behind me who is in the same band I was in...and was only known for half a term...and he gives him a high five...

...I was invisible...I was invisible to everyone...my existance didn't matter to them...my body went so cold I wanted to cry...I just went home...that was all I could handle...

So here I am...cold...hurt...angry...and broken...I never want to dance again...
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Postby animegirl1 » Sun Oct 16, 2005 5:51 am

[quote="Eriana"]Totally agreed. Its a wonder that God doesn't go deaf from the sound of Commandments being broken all the time. I see thousands of people I've never known doing stupid things to themselves and others and it makes me pull closer to God and farther away from earth and all of its stupidity. Sometimes I want to be alone and exist freely. Sometimes the only way I can do that is by being lonely. It may sound strange but sometimes that's just my way of seeking more of God and less of earth. As much as I have always wanted friends, I have always wanted to be closer to God than anyone or anything in the whole universe. I love Him to much to let anything get in the way. And though it's very easy to say now, if I were the absolute last person on earth I wouldn't be totally deprived and hurt because God is always there no matter what. Please for people who like me on this forum, please don't take that as an insult because I'm not trying to say that you guys are worthless because you are not but rather that God is my number one lifeline when the lights go out on my feelings...Sorry if that sounded cheezy everyone. ^^]

i totally agree too sometimes u feel like you want to be the last person on earth to escape from all the worldy things to just praise god and pray to him untill you come running home to him....(sry if that might sound cheesy too)
The Letter from God Dear child, Despite your silence, I have heard your soul weeping. Why have you been so unhappy? Have you forgotten my everlasting love for you? Child, you are mine. Why have you not called my name sooner? If you seek me, I will answer. I am your counselor, ready to instruct you and show you which path to take. When you come to me, I will embrace you and silence all your fears. Just remember that I am here to hold you close and dry your tears. I will always be right beside you. Not only am I your father, but your best friend. Do not be afraid to ask for my mercy and forgiveness. I know that its hard to live on earth, so I understand when you fall down once in awhile, ask me for help, and I will pick you up and carry you. No one loves you more than I do. When you feel alone, remember I am beside you. When you feel helpless, remember I offer myself to you. When you feel lost, remember I will lead you, and when you feel forgotten, remember that you are my child and I will love you unconditionally. It is never too late to come home. I will be here waiting, ready to embrace you. I will leave the light on for you. Forever with you, God


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Postby animegirl1 » Sun Oct 16, 2005 5:56 am

*gasp u arent invisable to us cephas
*hugs cephas its ok ....if that happened to me i really would cry
The Letter from God Dear child, Despite your silence, I have heard your soul weeping. Why have you been so unhappy? Have you forgotten my everlasting love for you? Child, you are mine. Why have you not called my name sooner? If you seek me, I will answer. I am your counselor, ready to instruct you and show you which path to take. When you come to me, I will embrace you and silence all your fears. Just remember that I am here to hold you close and dry your tears. I will always be right beside you. Not only am I your father, but your best friend. Do not be afraid to ask for my mercy and forgiveness. I know that its hard to live on earth, so I understand when you fall down once in awhile, ask me for help, and I will pick you up and carry you. No one loves you more than I do. When you feel alone, remember I am beside you. When you feel helpless, remember I offer myself to you. When you feel lost, remember I will lead you, and when you feel forgotten, remember that you are my child and I will love you unconditionally. It is never too late to come home. I will be here waiting, ready to embrace you. I will leave the light on for you. Forever with you, God


i have proudly adopted:dytae jessie88 and edochick ^_^

98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy & paste this in your signature.

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Postby Sammy Boy » Sun Oct 16, 2005 6:15 am

I think I haven't felt lonely in a long while.

I used to feel lonely in high school. I didn't have many friends during juniour high, and really wanted some good friends. But eventually I got used to doing things on my own and realised I enjoyed the quietness of that kind of lifestyle.

Now when I do things on my own I no longer feel lonely, I feel quite good actually.
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Postby agasfas » Sun Oct 16, 2005 9:01 am

Never had a girlfriend. Never really having someone make you feel wanted more then just a friend. It may sound kind of vain, but I can't help those feelings.

I guess other people mentioned about being lonely in groups or around people that don't relate, and I think I feel the same at times too.

I'm fine most of the time, but every so often the feelings come back. It just really depends.
"A merry heart doeth good like a medicine.." Prov 17:22

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Postby steelbeliever » Sun Oct 16, 2005 9:27 am

i'm lonely through most of the day...it just won't go away some times...to me...loneliness is more than just being by yourself...i could feel lonely in a group of all my friends...sometimes i feel lonely just because i don't feel connected to anyone, like they can't see me...sometimes its like they don't really know me and it gets lonely cuz i feel like no one's listening to me...
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Postby CephasWhite » Sun Oct 16, 2005 12:48 pm

animegirl1 wrote:*gasp u arent invisable to us cephas
*hugs cephas its ok ....if that happened to me i really would cry

well...at least you care...seems that nobody else does...-_- I poured my heart in that post and you're the only person who didn't ignore it...;_;
Two Steps From Hell - Tristan <--(click)
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Postby Kaori » Sun Oct 16, 2005 2:46 pm

Cephas, I'm also a musician, so I understand what it is like when you think you have played well and other people either don't recognize you or criticize your playing. No one should ever have to go through what you described. Even though I can't say I've had an experience just like yours, you do have my sympathies.
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Postby CephasWhite » Sun Oct 16, 2005 2:49 pm

Thank you Kaori.
Two Steps From Hell - Tristan <--(click)
We have been here long enough to know
That we are all brothers and sisters in Christ,
So if you are in need of help,
We shall give you His advice.

May God add his blessings upon you,
That you will live this day and forever,
And when He comes to the earth again,
We will all go together...

Into Heaven for Eternity...

[SIZE="5"][color="Green"]M[/color][color="Red"]E[/color][color="Green"]R[/color][color="Red"]R[/color][color="Green"]Y[/color] [color="Red"]C[/color][color="Green"]H[/color][color="Red"]R[/color][color="Green"]I[/color][color="Red"]S[/color][color="Green"]T[/color][color="Red"]M[/color][color="Green"]A[/color][color="Red"]S[/color][color="Green"]![/color][color="Red"]![/color][color="Green"]![/color][/SIZE]
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Postby CloudStrife918 » Sun Oct 16, 2005 3:15 pm

CephasVII wrote:..."friends" of mine were sitting beside me...not saying a word...

agasfas wrote:...Never really having someone make you feel wanted more then just a friend. It may sound kind of vain, but I can't help those feelings.
I guess other people mentioned about being lonely in groups or around people that don't relate, and I think I feel the same at times too.
I'm fine most of the time, but every so often the feelings come back...

To you both and anyone else who understands (I'm not trying to exclude anyone, I just relate to these two a lot) :
I feel the same way, and I blame it on Culture. It's not our fault that people don't show their true feelings to us. The feelings are probably there, just forced down. I think that society has forced people to put a protective hedge around their feelings, causing them to refrain from being truly open with one another. I have "friends." Whether they are truly my friends or not depends on their hearts. Too many people steryotype others instead of getting to know them for who they really are. I should know - it's easy for me to do. I pray that in the future people will lift the barriers and allow themselves to love one another and really take care of each other, making the concerns and needs of a friend their own. There are many people who do this already, and in my mind's eye I can see a world where this sort of friendship is overwhelming. A place where your personal accomplishments mean so much more to people than a simple stare or casual nod. I don't want to wait till heaven. Let's be a friend to others today.
"Ask, and it shall be given to you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened to you. For everyone who asks recieves, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks, it shall be opened." -Jesus
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Postby CephasWhite » Sun Oct 16, 2005 6:07 pm

*hugs BP-chan with comfort* I know exactly how you feel sweety...it's happened to me too...;-;

*squeezy hug*
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Postby CephasWhite » Sun Oct 16, 2005 6:12 pm

Don't cry little one, I don't like it when little ones cry...they make me cry ;_; *sniff*

*caresses you*
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Postby Yumie » Sun Oct 16, 2005 6:48 pm

Aaah, Cephas that is such a sad story! Sorry I didn't read it 'till just now, I've been busy today. Anyways, yeah, I know how crushing things like that feel. . . man I feel so bad for you! I'm sure you did FANTASTIC and if I were there I would have clapped for you all by my lonesome. Don't feel bad, we all experience horrible stuff like that at some point, so we all know how you're feeling. ;)
Be Thou my Vision, O Lord of my heart;
Naught be all else to me, save that Thou art
Thou my best Thought, by day or by night,
Waking or sleeping, Thy presence my light.

Be Thou my Wisdom, and Thou my true Word;
I ever with Thee and Thou with me, Lord;
Thou my great Father, I Thy true son;
Thou in me dwelling, and I with Thee one.

Be Thou my battle Shield, Sword for the fight;
Be Thou my Dignity, Thou my Delight;
Thou my soul’s Shelter, Thou my high Tower:
Raise Thou me heavenward, O Power of my power.

Riches I heed not, nor man’s empty praise,
Thou mine Inheritance, now and always:
Thou and Thou only, first in my heart,
High King of Heaven, my Treasure Thou art.

High King of Heaven, my victory won,
May I reach Heaven’s joys, O bright Heaven’s Sun!
Heart of my own heart, whatever befall,
Still be my Vision, O Ruler of all.
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Postby CephasWhite » Sun Oct 16, 2005 6:57 pm

-_- *sniff*
Two Steps From Hell - Tristan <--(click)
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We will all go together...

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Postby CephasWhite » Sun Oct 16, 2005 7:09 pm

^_^ yeah.

Thanks Yumie, thanks BP-chan
Two Steps From Hell - Tristan <--(click)
We have been here long enough to know
That we are all brothers and sisters in Christ,
So if you are in need of help,
We shall give you His advice.

May God add his blessings upon you,
That you will live this day and forever,
And when He comes to the earth again,
We will all go together...

Into Heaven for Eternity...

[SIZE="5"][color="Green"]M[/color][color="Red"]E[/color][color="Green"]R[/color][color="Red"]R[/color][color="Green"]Y[/color] [color="Red"]C[/color][color="Green"]H[/color][color="Red"]R[/color][color="Green"]I[/color][color="Red"]S[/color][color="Green"]T[/color][color="Red"]M[/color][color="Green"]A[/color][color="Red"]S[/color][color="Green"]![/color][color="Red"]![/color][color="Green"]![/color][/SIZE]
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Postby Eriana » Sun Oct 16, 2005 8:06 pm

Me? Haha, I kind of describe "lonely" in my own little world. But really I have friends and more over God so I guess I'm not totally alone. There are a lot more people in the world who have it a lot worse than me.
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Postby CloudStrife918 » Mon Oct 17, 2005 6:46 pm

Like 1BalloonPopper said, we sometimes cling to loneliness like a friend. It sounds wierd, but I guess throwing a pity party for myself is what i do best. You're right, Eriana! I forget to go to God sometimes, but in truth He's the only one who can comfort us!
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Postby Tarnish » Mon Oct 17, 2005 7:03 pm

I get lonely whenever I see friends with each other, though I guess it's more sorry for myself, than anything. :sweat:
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