makeup? (guys and girls)

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Postby CreatureArt » Tue Oct 18, 2005 1:24 am

You know, perhaps wearing makeup isn't so much for the guys as for the girls themselves at times. It can help to make us feel pretty and perhaps a little more confident, especially in formal situations.
Knowing how to put on makeup effectively is probably a good skill. If you ever get caught needing to go to a formal dinner or awards night while at school or beyond it might make your life easier.

I hope you enjoy the whole makeup lesson thing, Talame. At least it will hopefully make your life easier if it means you can avoid needing someone else to put makeup on you. Especially if you can avoid other people putting eye makeup on you. I had another person do my makeup for a school ball and everything was fine apart from the eyes. I have a problem, you know: if things, especially long, stick-like things, come close to my eyes and brush my lashes, I blink. It's helped me to instinctively avoid eye damage. However, it was not designed for ease of makeup application. :lol:

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So, to get back on track: I hope it goes well with the makeup lesson, Talame, and I am once again impressed by the guys on the CAA. :thumb:
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Postby Kisa » Tue Oct 18, 2005 9:28 am

I hate it, it makes me break out... lol.. then I have to wear coverup to hide that >< vicious cycle.....
niceley done though, and gentle on the face, not globs of it, are ok and look nice
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Postby Shao Feng-Li » Tue Oct 18, 2005 9:43 am

I like wareing sometimes when my friend comes over. She likes to do my make up. I have my blue mascara and eye shadow but that's it. I don't really care for it. I have other things to waste money on. ;)
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Postby Ashley » Tue Oct 18, 2005 10:43 am

Like most other girls here, I'm not crazy on the stuff, but I'm not militant against it either. I wear foundation regularly, but that's about it.

In high school, I had a big thing about not wanting to wear it much because then I would feel obligated to keep looking that nice if I started dating. I really wanted to find a guy who would look past all of that, and then "reward" him--so to speak--by dressing nicely on occasion and really looking good. I wanted it to be a special thing, not a "OMG I can't leave the house!" thing, and well, it worked. :lol: I found someone who adored me with or without make up--though he does like lip gloss and I can definately give in to wearing that more often-- so I never feel uncomfortable if he sees me with my hair a mess, no makeup on and glasses because I know he doesn't really care about that. And when I *do* put on some eyeshadow or lip stuff, people notice.
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Postby agasfas » Tue Oct 18, 2005 10:53 am

I'm more on the indifferent side. If the girl wants to wear a little bit then why not. But I don't think they need to cake it on. I see it more as highlighting the features they want.

On the other hand, all natural is a-okay with me. Either way is fine with me.
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Postby chibiphonebooth » Tue Oct 18, 2005 11:24 am

um, i said i love make-up, half true.

i put on eyeliner and mascara everyday. but thats about it. and i dont go out make up shopping unless i need it.

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Postby Lunis » Tue Oct 18, 2005 11:51 am

No make up for me. It feels icky and distracting on my face, and it's too much of a hassle. And really, I don't think it's especially pretty when girls cover their faces with make up. A little is okay, I guess, but I think the natural look is pretty.
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Postby christianfriend » Tue Oct 18, 2005 4:08 pm

I've NEVER worn make-up...ever..I dont need make-up to feel good about myself..if people dont like me because of the way I look..and because I don't wear make-up..I could realy care less what they think.
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Postby Silvanis » Tue Oct 18, 2005 4:11 pm

I think makeup at a young age is not necessary. I have never worn makeup, and don't plan to unless I start looking like a bloodhound.
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Postby Eriana » Tue Oct 18, 2005 4:22 pm

I like wearing make-up, I thinks its nice, I don't think make-up should be worn by guys though. That's creepy. O.o;;;
Chapstick or whatever is fine but mascara and lipstick and what not would be very scary! ^^;;;
same for nail polish.
But I don't think any Christian guys do that anyways so it's not all that much of a big deal I suppose. ^^;;;
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Postby CDLviking » Tue Oct 18, 2005 10:13 pm

My opinion on makeup isn't reflected in the poll, but it is closest to the "personality" option. I think makeup is a collective societal lie (that society actually believes to be true) that our culture feeds to women. That for some reason you must have makeup or people will not think you are beautiful. God is a master craftsman, and definer of beauty. To say that you need makeup to make you look more beautiful, is to imply that God has made some mistake and you are going to fix it. Exceptions to this occur when makeup is not being used to try and improve your look but for cultural reasons, such as plays or when a certain affect needs to be achieved.
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Postby shooraijin » Wed Oct 19, 2005 7:17 am

I do find girls attractive who don't need it, but I don't mind a little, applied conservatively. Even on those who are already pretty, smart use adds a little more to their beauty.
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Postby Kisa » Wed Oct 19, 2005 10:51 am

I agree with Ash on this, the guy should like you for who you are and what you look like as God made you instead of how you paint your face. A little lip gloss is good and light on the eyes... other than that I just use coverup for little blemishes ^^''
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Postby That Dude » Wed Oct 19, 2005 12:43 pm

Like I've said before it can be good in moderation but if there's a dependance on it I think that you need to talk to God about it. It's the same way with me and long hair. I hate haircute and having short hair. I need to work on giving my hair to God...So I'm not condemning girls who develop a dependance on it. I just think that they need to realize that they don't need it to be the girl that God wants them to be.

So what's you girls opinions on guys wearing makeup? Say guys with painted nails and things kinda like that? Do you think that it's gross or not something guys should do or do you not really care or like it?
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Postby starfire » Wed Oct 19, 2005 12:51 pm

Not a big fan of man makeup. If you're a newscaster or something, that's understandable. But...I dunno. Just seems kind of strange to me.
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Postby Cap'n Nick » Wed Oct 19, 2005 1:54 pm

Just how far should we go to make ourselves look better? Judging by the existence of this thread, the validity of makeup is certainly debatable, but I don't think it's a matter of being natural. Showering and wearing clothes alter the state of the body dramatically, yet few if any people in this culture raise serious objections to requiring them of everbody. Indeed, there are a host of more trivial and superficial enhancements most people make to themselves that people don't think much of at all.

I think it should be a matter of cost versus benefit. Do what you can to get the level of respect you need or the appearance you want, without being unhealthy or putting yourself out too much. The amount of work involved will be different for everybody, but I think that's alright.
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Postby Puguni » Wed Oct 19, 2005 2:18 pm

I don't wear make up and I'm around that age where girls go crazy over it. First of all, I have no time to do that. Actually, the only make up I'd actually do is like...lip gloss. Even then, it's pretty uncommon for me.

No offense, but to the girls who feel unattractive without make up, don't forget the natural beauty! ;D
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Postby termyt » Wed Oct 19, 2005 2:45 pm

I guess I'm an "appropriate amount for the situation" guy. I don't think make-up is the most important part of your appearance, and too much is definitely worse than not enough.

Make up is generally a part of “dressing upâ€
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