Some tips from the asian kid:
1. Don't have the mindset that "Oh, I'll disciple her while we are dating"... just the opposite will probably happen. She will drag you down... slowly by slowly (not as much as an atheist girl would) So Missionary Dating is out of the question.
2. Know that The Watchtower followers are VERY well rounded in their theology, debates can get heavy.
3. RESEARCH as MUCH as you can! Read about cults and other beliefs, listen to apologists and speakers like R.C. Sproul, Ravi Zacharias, Dr. D. James Kennedy. Recently Kennedy had a talk about Jehovahs Witness
infact heres the website for the archies. I insist you listen to what he has to say
Look up "The Do's and Don'ts of Witnessing to the Cults" and "Doctrines of the Jehovah's Witnesses" They were quite helpful (you will need realtime to listen to them online)
5. VERY IMPORTANT when Witnessing. Do NOT Hammer down theology and "reasons your religion is wrong"... part of witnessing is SHOWING through your actions WHY your religion is the best and makes most sense.
heres something I heard. If you ask them "Do you believe in Jesus?" They will say "Yes". If then you ask "Which Jesus?"... They'll be all "whaaaa?"
Point is, their perception of Jesus is quite different than The Christian point of view. They know that its a "religion of love" so SHOW that!.
However the differences between JH and Christianity is mainly doctrine, they both "love people"... Nethertheless, their perception of Jesus is a bit different than ours
so learn much you can, be her friend, get closer and talk about it.
edit: Heres some website about the basic theology of the Watchtower Society
Also understand the JH uses a different Bible Translation, one that Christians find very innaccurate. Such an example is John 1:1
In [the] beginning the Word was, and the Word was with God, and the Word was a god
the words "a god" makes a HUGE difference as to why their theology is much different than theirs. There are also many other things that make theirs different.
knowing this, using a Bible for your backup to your claims could prove not as effective, unless she a) believes in your Bible too (unlikely) or b)she thinks its also in the New World Translation as well, and doesn't question it**. as their scripture is different. What you could try to do (I don't know if this exactally works) is find some scripture in their Bible that contradicts what something says elsewhere. Be prepared for her to probably say "well your Bible contradicts itself too..." Be well rounded in that. Research as to why it does not contradict itself.
**would that be deceitful? to tell her something in a NIV or NKJV and not say the New World says differently?
I wish you good luck soldier, I'll be praying