Car Accidents

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Car Accidents

Postby Stephen » Tue Oct 25, 2005 11:28 pm

I found myself driving home on really icy roads tonight. And it hit me. A slight tense feeling in my gut as I drove. As some of you know, last year I decided my car should kiss a few trees right at the end of winter. My question is, those of you who have had you feel weird when your in a simular situation to that of what you wrecked in? IE Driving near the spot where it happend? Just wondering if I am weird.
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Postby starfire » Tue Oct 25, 2005 11:30 pm

My dad was in really bad accident a few years back. He always felt weird driving by that same spot, really cautious. So, I don't think you're the only one. btw I'm sorry about your accident.
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Postby CephasWhite » Tue Oct 25, 2005 11:40 pm

Geez, I'm sorry about your accident last year, Shatterheart. That must have been terrible :( Glad you're still here!

That's never really happened to me, but I've come to close calls. I've never seen or been in a car accident. They always miss me...but I have to thank Yahoshua for that though...

There have been other times actually that I've really injured myself and when I past those certain spots, my stomach cringes too. I believe it's a reminder to make sure we don't make the same mistakes again that could actually kill us the second time.
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Postby ~Natsumi Lam~ » Wed Oct 26, 2005 12:12 am

i do, i try to pray whenever i pass my accident cite....

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Postby Slater » Wed Oct 26, 2005 12:44 am

yeah, like tonight I hit a wall in the parking garage. I can tell that I'm gonna have to take those 90 degree turns slower (and watch for those pesky pedestrians who like running into the street)
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Postby desperado » Wed Oct 26, 2005 4:10 am

There is a really bad light here that I have had a accident at. I felt nervous and jittery at that spot for almost a year, then it passed and i realized I had become a much much better driver then I was then.
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Postby Yumie » Wed Oct 26, 2005 8:34 am

I think it only seems natural that our body would trigger adrenalin and all that other good stuff as we begin feeling nervous around a place where we had a bad experience. So, nah, I don't think you're weird. At least, not in that sense ;)
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Postby Scribs » Wed Oct 26, 2005 10:42 am

wow, the roads are already icy back in Maine? I wouldnt have thought that it would be cold enough yet.

I havnt been in a crash, so I do not know. I just was struck by the ice bit.
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Postby mechana2015 » Wed Oct 26, 2005 10:51 am

I'm a little twitchy in parking lots since I hit a car parking once.

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Postby Ashley » Wed Oct 26, 2005 4:13 pm

Yeah, I do. I was in a pretty bad near-accident last year coming back from Oni-Con (I spun out across 4 lanes of traffic, down past the median and guardrail and halfway into the feeder road and wasn't hit by the grace of God), and ever since I get very tense driving in the rain. In some parts of the downtown, I get so tense I imagine I can feel my car's pretty intense. So yeah...I do, at least.
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Postby Shinja » Wed Oct 26, 2005 4:31 pm

yes and no it bothered me for a while, and left me tense to make left hand turns, but since its somthing you littly have to do everyday i got over it, i dont make that particular turn as often though
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Postby Arnobius » Wed Oct 26, 2005 4:51 pm

Semi related, my place was badly damaged by a fire caused by a neighbor and I was out of the place for 9 months. Even though it will be a year I've been back next week (11/1) I tend to tense up when I see fire trucks or hear fire alarms and for a few days afterwards feel like there is no security anywhere.
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Postby ashfire » Wed Oct 26, 2005 5:23 pm

Most of my accidents I have had were under 10 MPH. I hit a guard rail in a alley way trying to pass a pile of gravel blocking most of it. Punched a corner of my front end in on a old car I had.
Rearranged the right side of a fire dept forestry unit trying to get between two trees to a fire back in the woods.
Backed into the corner of a wall at the fire station with an ambulance messing up the step bumper.
I have had close calls on two head ons. A car crossed a medium and hit a car in front of me. I was able to stop or evaded the cars then stop and start treating the people involve in the accident. In one accident parts of a car flew over my pickup truck.
I pass one spot on the weekends and I always go on the alert looking for any possiblity of another car coming across that spot, acourse I pass a spot before that where 4 people died in a fiery accident involving a dump truck, catering truck and 3 cars.
I also remember places where I ran calls for accidents either on the ambulance, fire engine or the heavy rescue truck. Some of them were deadly.
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Postby shadowblade » Wed Oct 26, 2005 6:28 pm

Yeah, I always feel weird going back to those spots. I remember last year the front bumper of my car got ripped off when I was still in my grandma's driveway. I refused to go back to her house for a few weeks and even now I still refuse to park in the driveway; I park across the street.

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Postby Shinja » Wed Oct 26, 2005 6:53 pm

i can still vividly remmember being hit in my mustang and how violent it was, but the worst part was seeing the car coming and nowing there was nothing i could do but just take it, in my mind all i could think of was Oh crap...

i was also listening to the wizzard need food and was hit right at the lyric of i think a motorcycle....... and when i started up the car after the accident it kept playing.....'s a good way to die,

that kinda freaked me out to^^
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Postby Kiba-kun » Wed Oct 26, 2005 9:00 pm

i've never been in a car accident (three wheeler accident only) but everscence i got my lisence and my near-death experiance in the rain with the three wheeler it seems that all my sense of driving is gone when it rains and i've almost caused a wreck more than once but thankfully no accidents have happened to me or others around me
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Postby Doubleshadow » Thu Oct 27, 2005 9:16 am

I have never felt funny about the places where I have had accidents, but except for flat tires I was never driving. I have been in the car when we or the people we have been travelling with hit deer and I have had to dodge deer, but I never worry about it when a pass a particualr spot. I'm more watchful for deer at night, but that's just common sense. I don't worry when I pass the spot where Mom and I went into the ditch, or anything like that. Maybe if I was in an actual wreck I'd feel different.
While I'm thinking about it, Mom was T-boned by the grocery store last Thursday (she's fine), and there was a major accident this weekend where someone my friends know from church was in a wreck with her family and her father and brother died. I don't know if she is out of the hospital yet. She is in my Cell Biology class. Our ministry group here has been praying for a guy who was runover by a semi. Last time I heard anything they said he seems to still have all neuorological function. I can't imagine what it would be like to recover and have memories of that.
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Postby TurkishMonky » Thu Oct 27, 2005 9:55 am

i once had an acident while turning out of this little ceasars in a horrible location, with two stoplights within 200 yards around it...(but the accident wasn't my fault) i hated picking up pizza from there for a year before i finally got over it, and now i'm just extra cautious in that location, but without the fear. I think it helps if it's somewhere where you drive past every day (like the location of my accident.)

As for rain/snow, i've never really been afraid of them (living in michigan for most of my life) and have never had an accident because of them. (but have had some crazy driving conditions - like just behind a (unknown at the time) tornado in a wave of rain, or through iced-over country roads after i'd been up for 30 hours) I think God had to have been protecting me through hundreds of possible wrecks.
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