Old Healing Remedies

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Old Healing Remedies

Postby Puguni » Sat Oct 29, 2005 9:14 am

My mom would do those time to time...for example, I had some heartburn for a few days, and I told my mom about it. Then she told me to drink a spoonful of vinegar, and it went away in less than 2 seconds!

Then yesterday, I told my mom that my lips kept cracking, and she told me to put honey on it. This morning, I'm totally fine. Apparently honey helps a lot with mouth sores and the like.

Anyone else?
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Postby Mithrandir » Sat Oct 29, 2005 9:40 am

According to Dogbert, you can get rid of a cold by smearing grape jelly on your torso and slapping your forehead against an over-ripe cantelope.

I've never tried it, to be honest, so I can't say for certain that it doesn't work. ;)
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Postby Technomancer » Sat Oct 29, 2005 10:03 am

A tot of brandy was one of my grandmother's more common prescriptions.

If Touch-Me-Not grows near you, it's very good for misquito bites and rashes and such. Just pick a leaf and rub it on the affected area. I can testify from personal experience that this really does work. Bracken fern is supposed to be good for burns and other irritations too.

Juniper berries are a purgative and will make you sweat and go to the bathroom a lot (just don't mistake them for blueberries!).
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Postby agasfas » Sat Oct 29, 2005 10:11 am

Puguni wrote:My mom would do those time to time...for example, I had some heartburn for a few days, and I told my mom about it. Then she told me to drink a spoonful of vinegar, and it went away in less than 2 seconds!

A lot of heart burn is actually caused my a lack of acid in our stomach rather then too much. So by putting more in, it helps. Less acid in our stomach causes the same symptoms as too much acid. By taking medicines that cleans our system of acid makes the problem reaccure.

Another remedy I've heard, is that a spoonful of sugar or eating a lemon wedge helps hiccups. I should try that next time.
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Postby Nate » Sat Oct 29, 2005 10:21 am

agasfas wrote:Another remedy I've heard, is that a spoonful of sugar or eating a lemon wedge helps hiccups. I should try that next time.

I have tried eating a tablespoon of sugar for hiccups, and can verify that it does indeed work.

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Postby starfire » Sat Oct 29, 2005 10:25 am

Okay. A sure fire way to cure hiccups. Tested and proved. If someone has the hiccups, walk up to them and say "Hiccup again. Do it. Now. hiccup." 'Tis all in the mind. *nods*
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Postby FarmGirl » Sat Oct 29, 2005 11:21 am

Aye, and if you concentrate on your breathing and regulate it, you will have a hard time getting it back to normal.

Tea tree oil is good for skin problems (acne, minor burns, small cuts, etc.). It's an antibiotic. Also, it's good for clearing up your sinuses. Just put some of it under your nose.
Fresh pineapple helps heal cold sores and orthodonture wounds.
Vinegar helps with jellyfish stings.
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Postby Ratrace » Sat Oct 29, 2005 11:40 am

I used to know tones of these. As it is, I can only remember that
1)with plants they either poisin you or are a cure for something and
2)the realy usefull ones that might cure cancer and things like that grow in the Amazon and are realy endangered.
3)thngs made by animals and insects are also usefull for something, if you know what it is
4) hiccps are caused by the diaphram being adjitated and any distraction from them will cure you, usually.

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Postby EireWolf » Sat Oct 29, 2005 3:31 pm

Technomancer wrote:A tot of brandy was one of my grandmother's more common prescriptions.

Well, heck, enough brandy and you'll believe everything's just fine! :lol:

Aloe vera (either the cut-open plant or the gel) is good for minor burns, including the sun variety.
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Postby CreatureArt » Sat Oct 29, 2005 3:43 pm

I've used Aloe Vera too - I second Eirewolf in saying that its very good for minor burns.

Saline solution (a little salt + some water) is also very good for a lot of things - especially minor skin cuts, infections etc. As far as I can tell it draws out the infection. Whatever the reason, it does clear up any small angry red skin cus and stuff. You just reapply it every so often.

I don't know if you have the plant in the USA - but the leaf of a plantain (sp?) plant is very good for relieving the itch of insect bites when crushed and rubbed against the irritated skin.

Last but not least - if you have a cough that you're having trouble getting rid of, steam is quite good. I've used this and it has helped me avoid having to go to the doctor when I had a bad dose of the flu. We simply got an old frypan thingie (its on legs so it wouldn't burn the carpet), filled it with water, and turned it onto a low heat overnight. You've got to watch the fire-risk for that one, though.

Oooo I've used vinegar - it works great on bee stings and the like, too. :thumb:
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Postby TheMelodyMaker » Sat Oct 29, 2005 3:53 pm

My brother-in-law gave us a recipe involving cola, honey, lemon juice, ginger root, and aromatic bitters that when mixed together, boiled and simmered makes a great-tasting cold remedy. ^__^
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Postby Yeshua-Knight » Sat Oct 29, 2005 4:25 pm

well, according to my grandmother, and her father who was a real doctor back in the day, giving someone a teaspoon of whiskey with some sugar added will help cut the phlegm if your having any kind of breathing problems like that, hot coffee (no, not that kind, u sicko) is good for dealing with asthma and also helps break up stuff in your sinuses and windpipe, one of the more recent tried, tested, and true home remedies that i know of is about a tablespoon and a half of unpurified apple cider vinegar (the kind you get from the health food store) mixed with about a teaspoon of honey, then add enough water to it that it's equal to the amount of vinegar and honey combined, stir the honey well to dillute in the mixture, then let it sit for a couple of minutes, you can gargle with it to help a sore throat, or drink it, you can even mix it with orange juice and it's not too bad, if you mix it with sweet tea, it tastes like peaches with a kick, just to warn you, i also recommend that if you are going to drink this mixture straight, do it all in one shot, it will burn in the back of your throat and make you cough some, but what can i say, your drinking vinegar
well, those are all i got
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Postby Artist4Jesus89 » Sat Oct 29, 2005 5:15 pm

ok i had stepped on a wasp and it hurt so bad but then my dad was over here and he made this stuff with umm bleach and baking soda and it draws the stinger out and it makes it stop hurting and it doents swell!
Also this isnt old but if you put nail polish on your mosquito bites it makes it stop itching.
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Postby Puguni » Sat Oct 29, 2005 5:15 pm

EireWolf wrote:Well, heck, enough brandy and you'll believe everything's just fine! :lol:

Aloe vera (either the cut-open plant or the gel) is good for minor burns, including the sun variety.

Yeah, I remember Aloe Vera. We actually had the plant in our house. So everytime we had anything resembling a burn, she split the plant and put the juices on the injury. But it felt weird, so I didn't like it too much. XD
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Postby Alice » Sat Oct 29, 2005 6:46 pm

My father takes vinegar and honey (the brown, "raw" vinegar) in water. These stop him from getting arthritis-like pains. They came back when he stopped taking it awhile ago, so he started again. (This is supposed to work for arthritis, too.)

Taking cod liver oil helps me to not get sick, or get better from sickness faster. (But I tend to only take it as a last resort, because I don't like the taste.)

CreatureArt: We do have plantains here, and I've read that and other things about them. I've tried it, too. :grin: It's also supposed to be good for wounds.

I know there are more but that's all I can think of at the moment. ^__^
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Postby Yeshua-Knight » Sat Oct 29, 2005 7:07 pm

oh, manga artist's post reminded me of an other remedy i know of, if you are stung by a bee (wasp, hornet, etc.), if you take a small wad of tobacco, about the size of the sting itself, apply that to the sting and it will draw out the stinger poison and also prevent swelling, i only know about it 'cus it was used on me once after i was stung by a bee, yet an other tried and tested home remedy
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