Jack's Mannequin

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Jack's Mannequin

Postby Cedahlia » Sat Oct 29, 2005 10:10 pm

All fans of Something Corporate, you should know what I'm talking about! =D

Andrew McMahon's "side project"; he's managed to get this new album out despite fighting leukemia. (I have definitely been praying for him)

I just got it today (last one! Lucky me ^^) and listened through it straight through. The music is definitely...hmm, a lot more rock than SoCo's music was. It is also very intense.

But I really do love it, especially the songs 'The Mixed Tape', 'Bruised', 'La La Lie' and 'Dark Blue'.

Anyone else heard it yet? :dance:
"Not believing is letting each other down, that's how it is."

~Lacus Clyne
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