Warrior 4 Jesus wrote:I don't believe Halloween is a safe thing to celebrate. Its not that big here in Australia, but its still celebrated a bit. I don't have a problem with lollies and dressing up in costume, just the fact that its celebrating a pagan holiday, even if it is more commercial than demonic nowdays. But I still think it gives Satan more of a foothold. Some seemingly innocent things aren't all that innocent.
AnimeHeretic wrote:It was also "All Hallow's Eve" since tomorrow is "All Saints Day" in my tradition.
It has the satanic overtones because people who had no ties to the druids want to do satanic things. I think it more probable that the modern invention of Satanism (Crowley, La Vey, etc) stole Halloween to be satanic, not that it is a Satanic foothold.
~Natsumi Lam~ wrote:The Witches Sabbat:
The choosing of the date for Oct 31 is no coinicdence. October 31 is one of the four major witches' sabbats aka the four " cross-quarters". First is Feb 2 honoring Brigit who is the pagan goddess of healing. Second is May Holiday aka Beltane, was witchcraft time to plant. Third August festival to honor sun god Lugh. These mark the passing of the season - plant, harvest aka planet earth death and rebirth. And last of the four was the Samhain which marked the coming of winter. Druids performed rituals to symbolizes the provisions by the goddess aka "time of betwixt and between" which is a season of supersitions and spirit conjurations. On 31 they returned spirits of the dead.
Occult related:
Costums : Celtic Druids idea that ceremonial participents should wear animal heads and skins to aquire strength of that beast.
Trick or Treat: from Irish traditions when a man led a precession to levy contributions to the farmers... so their crops wont be cursed by demons.
Dunking for Apples: was old practive of divination of the future. romance related
Cats: incarnated humans, malevolent spirits, and opf the "familiar " of witches.
Orange and Black: black was teh cermonial cloth color that covered the caskets, of death and the orange was the orange bee-wax that was lit at the ceremonies...
and so on....
so to me.... i watch what i do around this time.... make sure my heart and spirit is in check.
Also note... around halloween many pets come up missing... i dont think i need to explain why.
So, be careful and "guard you heart and minds" //// i say eat the candy and have fun but be watchful and know what is really going on.
Your kids will wonder about it someday.
~Natsumi Lam~
Mangafanatic wrote:If we're going to say that Halloween is evil because of its pagan roots, we have to throw out Christmas too, since it was a wiccan holiday originally, if I'm not mistaken.
AnimeHeretic wrote:Sources?
agasfas wrote:That aside... trick or treating got old fast. It's just easier to just buy my own candy anyways. *shrugs*
Slater wrote:Truth of the matter is this tho... more people use Halloween as a means to engage in satanic things than Christian things.
Slater wrote:Truth of the matter is this tho... more people use Halloween as a means to engage in satanic things than Christian things.
Slater wrote:Truth of the matter is this tho... more people use Halloween as a means to engage in satanic things than Christian things.
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