Most embarrassing moments....

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Postby mitsuki lover » Tue Nov 22, 2005 1:17 pm

My most embarrassing moment will come when I meet my future wife for the
first time.I predict that I will end up with my tongue wrapped around my mouth and will probably end up spilling coffee or some other form of drink or food all over
me.Unless I meet her at some place like Borders or Barnes & Nobles in which
case I will be tripping all over myself and knocking several shelves of books
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Postby TurkishMonky » Tue Nov 22, 2005 6:05 pm

mine happened monday... betwee ncalsses,my zipper on my pants randomly decided to break horrifically. Luckily, using my bookbag to sheild me into hte nearest restroom, i was able to .... staple my pants back togtheer in time for the next class.

i duno if anyone saw it at class, but when i walked in my house my mom burst out laughing...
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Postby Shao Feng-Li » Tue Nov 22, 2005 6:37 pm

If it feels like you have to pass wind and you have to push hard to get it out, just stop before it's too late and you go running to change your pants.

I was a horribly spiteful kid. And I was angry with my teachers. Soooooo. I decided to take a dump in my pants just to cause trouble.

I'm so glad I wasn't your teacher.
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Postby Kai Nobuyuki » Tue Nov 22, 2005 7:08 pm

oh dear mine was when I was in 5th grade, a quiet and shy child, except around my friends. My friend and I were walking down the hall at school and I was going into rabid fangirl mode when my favorite little 4' 11" buddy came into school and I glomped him and yelled at the top of my lungs "OOHH!!! ADAM!!! MARRY ME!!!!" to which he stared at me and the whole school seemed to pause as if time itself had stopped and everyone stared at face was so red ^^;
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Postby Sparrowhawk » Wed Nov 23, 2005 7:11 am

I have another embarrassing moment, and its actually worst than my first one, but i did not say because, fortunately, i did this when i was so young i have no memory of it, but my family will never forget or stop telling me about it.

Ok so my aunt, mom's sister, is getting married. She is really a big fan of her little nephews and nieces, even those that are 2nd, 3rd, once removed, twice, etc. Anyway she insist we be there at the wedding. This was my very first wedding and i have been to very few so i dont know what we were, but i was three and one of my cousins (not directly my cousin, my cousin's daughter so second cousin and maybe once removed), i'll just call her Kay, was about 7 or 8.

Well, we go through all the practice runs for a few days you know and then finally its the big day. Everything is going well, the preacher is reading from the Bible or going through the vows, every one is tearing up, you know the usual wedding picture. Well, while the preacher is conducting the ceremony and trying to mary my aunt, i see Kay in her dress and become convinced I am passionately in love with her. So much so, while the preacher is still talking to my aunt and future uncle, i walk across the stage and try to give her a kiss. Of course, she is baffled and manages to push me aside.

But i was not one to be denied. I grabbed her by the shoulders forced her to the ground, knelt down and kissed her. Obviously that made the whole ceremony an upraor of laughter. Like i said, i have no memory of it, and i'm glad i was too young to remember.
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Postby mitsuki lover » Wed Nov 23, 2005 1:22 pm

I predict what will make my yet to be future embarrassing moment so embarrassing is that my future wife(as yet unknown)will be a 18 year old Japanese
exchange student who will be out with her friends when this embarrassing moment
Of course I will have to wait three years before we can get married but the entire
event will be so memorably embarrassing that neither of us will forget it.
Oh and she will end up having a first name that begins with a K.
Ok,so that is mere fantasying on my part,but it could never know!
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Wed Nov 23, 2005 3:22 pm

Heart of Sword wrote:Oh yeah, I did that with a giant beanie baby off the balcony of our stairway.

Once when I was in...3rd grade?

I was a horribly spiteful kid. And I was angry with my teachers. Soooooo. I decided to take a dump in my pants just to cause trouble.

Thinking back now...urrgggh.


TurkishMonky wrote:mine happened monday... betwee ncalsses,my zipper on my pants randomly decided to break horrifically. Luckily, using my bookbag to sheild me into hte nearest restroom, i was able to .... staple my pants back togtheer in time for the next class.

i duno if anyone saw it at class, but when i walked in my house my mom burst out laughing...

A STAPLER????? my goodness!
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Postby chibiphonebooth » Wed Nov 23, 2005 4:47 pm

i have ..another embarrassing moment that happened recently.

as you know, i have my nose pierced. and the piercing is shaped like an L so it doesnt fall out. well..somehow..i have NO idea how..but it fell out in the middle of the night. and it was straight, like an I... and its really hard to bend, so i have no idea how it fell out. unless i was like..straightening it out in my sleep. >.> anyway, i woke up around.. 1 am to find it out on the bed..and im like ..wth? so im all groggy, and of mind isnt working properly- i just woke up at 1. so i try to put it back in...
(and for some reason whenever i put it in, i get dizzy- is that supposed to happen?)
anyway- so i put it back in, and i try to push it back to its L shape, but its really hard and its like..penetrating my skin in my thumb... so i look for something hard i can push it up against. (remember this is 1 in the morning, give me some slack.) so i find my mechanical pencil, and i kinda..stick it up my nose to try and push the end of the piercing against it so it would bend...and ...well.. it got stuck. XD im trying so hard to get unstuck, but its not working- so i go into my parents room. so i walk in and im like ..'mamma...' (mamma is norwegian for mom- yes, im norwegian) and she turns around, and sees me with a pencil stuck up my nose. shes like 'what the heck???' and i explained to her what happened, and shes too tired and lazy to help me- so she tells me to do it myself. by this time its like ..1:30 now... and im like freaking out cause i cant get this pencil unstuck from my nose- and i keep pictureing going to the hospital and how rediculous i must look right now... and im struggling and struggling...the clock is slowly ticking....

and then i FINALLY get it out!! it was twisted into the eraser- so now the eraser has this hole in it...XD

but the problem is..the piercing is still straight... so i look around the room for something else hard (no, i didnt learn my lesson.) so i find this plastic container that holds lead FOR the mechanical pencil- and i stick this up my nose. XD

im glad it was late at night, so no one saw... except my parents. i finally got it to the L shape though with the container..and went back to bed.

the next day my parents laughed at me.


yeah. XD

moral of the story: dont stick pencils up your nose.

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Postby Heart of Sword » Thu Nov 24, 2005 8:45 am

XDDD That's hilarious!!!

Oo, oo, I've got another one. When I was in fifth grade, I had a major crush on this boy. Well, we were both reeeeeeally shy... So we were standing in line for the school bus on this sidewalk (going home), and this kid comes up and says "Who do you like?" to my crush. I started giggling and he got all flustered and started turning colors. The kid asked again and he stepped back shyly and stepped right off the sidewalk and fell over. I cracked up, and he got really mad at the kid and started yelling, which made me laugh harder, until I realized everyone was staring at us. He didn't realize it yet and hollered that he liked me, and then he stopped and looked around and, seeing everyone was staring, turned this funny shade of purplish red and looked like he was going to be sick. It was hysterical. But I guess it's really his embarrassing
Heart of Sword's Rhapsody

Money, get away
Get a good job with good pay and you're okay
And all and all you're just another brick in the wall
Shoutin’ in the street gonna take on the world some day
But Bismallah will not let me go
Because I'll see you on the dark side of the moon

Tommy used to work on the docks
Union's been on strike
Bright eyes burning like fire
And exposing every weakness
However carefully hidden by the kids

Who will love a little Sparrow
Who's traveled far and cries for rest
Spare him his life from this monstrosity

I've seen a million faces and I've rocked them all
And if the band youre in starts playing different tunes
We will we will rock you
We will we will rock you!

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Postby Shao Feng-Li » Thu Nov 24, 2005 9:31 am

Chibiphonebooth you just gave me another reason not to get my nose- well anything- pierced.
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Postby chibiphonebooth » Thu Nov 24, 2005 10:06 am

ahahaha. XD

thanks. :p

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Postby Azier the Swordsman » Thu Nov 24, 2005 10:06 am

Last night at work my coworker Angela called and asked who was working in the photo lab. Somewhat swamped and not thinking straight, I responded: "That would be Angela." She giggled and was like: "No she's not!" D'oh! :lol:
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Postby ashfire » Thu Nov 24, 2005 1:40 pm

I would guess doing something in front of a crowd is the most embarassing.
We got a call for a injuried football player at a local public park.
I was driving the ambulance so when we arrived I was told to pull out on to the field next to the player to make it easy to work on them.
When I got out of the seat I was looking at the player and slamed the door.
My fingers of my left hand were in the crack of the door and I had never moved so fast to get the door open.
Lucky it was just painful and nothing broken but when you are trying to do something good and next getting the biggest laugh out of the crowd at the game you do feel embarassed.
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Postby Heart of Sword » Thu Nov 24, 2005 2:13 pm

Heart of Sword's Rhapsody

Money, get away
Get a good job with good pay and you're okay
And all and all you're just another brick in the wall
Shoutin’ in the street gonna take on the world some day
But Bismallah will not let me go
Because I'll see you on the dark side of the moon

Tommy used to work on the docks
Union's been on strike
Bright eyes burning like fire
And exposing every weakness
However carefully hidden by the kids

Who will love a little Sparrow
Who's traveled far and cries for rest
Spare him his life from this monstrosity

I've seen a million faces and I've rocked them all
And if the band youre in starts playing different tunes
We will we will rock you
We will we will rock you!

[Pink Floyd fan listening to Queen and hugging trees which is also known as taking care of God's creation with a pair of headphones on listening to Nightwish as loud as possible while writing a novel on a computer in the middle of a field filled with Wolves.]

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