Are you a "Neat Freak?"

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Postby Yojimbo » Thu Dec 01, 2005 8:55 pm

Good Lord Kae get a trashbag in there.:lol:

My room is not that messy really. The only thing I really neglect on is dusting and that kind of stuff in my bookshelves. I do kinda have a habit of shoving stuff under my bed too but other than that it's pretty clean in there.

I work at a vet so you bet that's made me more concious of cleaning in general though. I wash my hands 6 or 7 times a day there alone. Murder on your hands but I got Citaphil or whatever it's called lotion...ohhhh.:thumb:
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Postby Azier the Swordsman » Thu Dec 01, 2005 9:04 pm

I'm sort of a half-hearted neat freak. I'm a perfectionist by nature, so I generally put 110% into whatever I do. This means I generally do keep my room as clean as possible. However, if I get caught up with my Japanese studies, gaming, chatting, ect. stuff tends to pile up before I realize it. As a rule of thumb I clean my room first thing in the morning, and that generally keeps it looking good all the time.

Kae... man... wow. O_O
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Postby The Last Bard » Fri Dec 02, 2005 7:32 am

Yes, I'm a neat freak. I usually clean my room completely at least once a week.

I'm not ecentric though. More like...Have you seen "Matchstick Men" with Nicholas Cage? I guess that is the closest person I could compare myself to. But I'm not a COMPLETE neat freak. My room doesn't have to be clean ALL the time.
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Postby Warrior4Christ » Fri Dec 02, 2005 7:50 am

I think I'm a selective neat freak. My room has been um.... neglected.. during the uni semesters and gets cleaned when I get around to it. But when I clean it, it gets done very thoroughly (and unfortunately doesn't stay that way long :( ). But my car is spotless (on the inside anyway :sweat: ) almost all the time (however not as we speak).
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Postby The Doctor » Fri Dec 02, 2005 8:23 am

I'm far from a neat freak. The way I look at it, most of my job is cleaning; the LAST thing I want to be doing when I get back to my place is do what I do at work. At least at work I get paid for it!
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Postby shooraijin » Fri Dec 02, 2005 8:55 am

Certain things I'm very anal about, like CDs and DVDs.

However, on the whole, while I detest dirty and I keep things clean, my desk and apartment do tend towards entropy. :sweat:
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Postby Alice » Sat Dec 03, 2005 1:00 am

Because my room is now half filled with things I'm selling or planning to sell on eBay, as well as a massive book collection without enough shelf space for them right now, I would have to say "no." xD
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