Elven illustrations for my Expository speech...

Projects or project ideas in the works

Elven illustrations for my Expository speech...

Postby rii namuras » Wed Dec 28, 2005 3:37 pm

(As some of you know, I participate in the National Christian Forensic and Communicator's Assosiation. Namely, homeschool speech and debate. This year for one of my speeches I'm doing an Expository speech (read: Speech in which you have props) about Elves. It was my original plan to do draw all my props, but with Masters comming up at Jan 18-26, and I don't even have the speech written yet, I realized I'm not getting it done in time. So, my request: I need pictures of elves. Not just Tolkien elves, but elves from Norse, German, and English mythology, ect. I'm afraid I don't have anything specific I need yet, since I just started doing backgroud research, but if I could have some help I'd greatly appreciate it.)
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rii namuras
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