Comic Cover Art...

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Comic Cover Art...

Postby Haibane Shadsie » Sat Dec 20, 2003 9:25 pm

I can't tell you how many hours I worked on this. I did it in Photoshop. I made a sketch, scanned it, and over-painted it using many layers. I also used scanned photographs (that I took) of the desert surrounding my home, and a scan of... my own blood smeared on a sheet of paper. (Don't freak out... I like odd textures and it's a neat way to use otherwise useless cells. If I'm gonna bleed, I might as well use it for something)!

This is a cover image for my webcomic/manga... er...thing, "Paper Eagles", which is convienently linked in my sig for anyone who wants to read it. The comic weird... it's a strange, post-apocalyptic drama. It has a few fans, but I draw it mainly for my own entertainment. It's just... an odd story that didn't want me to put it in novel-form, even though I was thinking of doing that at one point.

The image is linked, rather than attatched, because it's a bit bloody and I fear some people may be sensitive to that.

I draw/computer paint with a mouse. (I lack a tablet). So... some of the line quality might be off. I also don't cell-color like a lot of people do... I have more of a "painterly" style. (Must be all the years of acrylic/canvas painting)... it's just... my style. My comic's style is not a typical comic or manga style, either, and I refuse to make it in such a style. My own "fine-art, somewhere between manga/realism" style is just much more natural to me. Whenever I try to force my art to be in a particular style that is not my own, it doesn't usually turn out well.

So, yeah... enjoy? Comment?
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Postby kaze » Sat Dec 20, 2003 11:52 pm

That is so amazing! I love the colors and shading. ^^ I like how you put a desert background and made red, so it seems like blood.
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Postby Heaven's Cloud » Mon Dec 22, 2003 5:19 am

Pretty cool!
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Postby Michael » Mon Dec 22, 2003 6:05 pm

Nice blood red motif.
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Postby Quiet Hood » Fri Dec 26, 2003 6:59 pm

By looking at your art cover, I can see that you've worked so hard on it. Wish I could see this person's face. I like your style. Bloody, yes, but it's meaningful. :)
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