Anime origami dolls at AWA...

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Anime origami dolls at AWA...

Postby Android raptor » Sat Mar 04, 2006 11:57 am

As some of you know, I do origami. Well, a couple years back, I found this really nice human model, and I got an idea: I could use this model to make dolls of anime characters. So I did. I make them different outfits that are changeable, give them hair (made out of paper, of course), etc. Now I want to get a table in the artists alley at AWA so I can sell them. But I'm wondering what characters should I make that would sell well? I know that I'll have to make doubles of popular characters, but what do y'all think would sell? I know Inu Yasha, Gundam Wing, Full Metal Alchemist, etc characters would sell, but any other suggestions? I plan to make the canon characters before the con, and only make requests for original characters at the con. Any thoghts?
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Postby soul alive » Sat Mar 04, 2006 11:51 pm

That sounds really neat. It would be cool to see pictures if you have any.


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Postby CreatureArt » Sun Mar 05, 2006 1:07 am

I'd like to see some pictures, too.

Off the top of my head I think characters from the more popular anime would would sell better.. from observation these series seem to be Trigun, Naruto, the Dragonball series, Fruits Basket, the Gundam series... perhaps even the main characters from some of the Studio Ghibli movies?

I suppose your surest method of finding out what is most popular is simply to take some stock and see which characters sell the most. But making characters from popular series may mean that people are more willing to buy them as they recognise the anime and/or manga.

Forgive me if I'm simply stating the obvious, though. :)
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Postby Lynx » Sun Mar 05, 2006 5:46 pm

maybe some trigun or cowboy bebop would do well too
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Postby SP1 » Sun Mar 05, 2006 7:16 pm

If you do Fruits Basket, don't forget to do the animal forms for the Sohma members!

I made several items for a church bazaar a couple of years back. Frankly, most people blew right by. I even made two complete manger scenes (animals, angels and all). I sold one of those and ended up giving the other one away as a Christmas gift (which was very well received). The best selling items were the simple animals (pop-up bunnies) and some table decorations. Of course, that might have been since they were so cheap...

Of course, since you are at an anime venue, all things Japanese will go over quite a bit better. Either way, I hope you are in this for the fellowship that discussing this craft brings with the passers-by, and not the cash. Folks around where I live seem to think that since origami is made out of paper, it should cost, like, nothing. Ahh, I am being too negative.

Don't forget presentation! Having an origami cat won't be near as interesting (or obvious) as a cat and rat with # (anger) marks staring each other down.

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Postby Android raptor » Mon Mar 06, 2006 4:04 pm

As far as Trigun goes, I've made a Legato, but I have yet to make him his proper outfit. For Fruits Basket, I'd do those characters, but I haven't seen it. Cowboy Bebop is a good thought! Same with Ghibi! And I've already made several UC Gundam ones, but I'm too attached to those to part with them (plus no one really likes UC). But no DBZ, I do not like it. Maybe Naruto, though. And pictures, well, my sister's camera (the only digital one I have access to) is very crappy, and for some reason, the pics won't upload onto Photobucket. But I can send pics via AIM.
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Postby Roy Mustang » Mon Mar 06, 2006 4:11 pm

Android raptor wrote:And I've already made several UC Gundam ones, but I'm too attached to those to part with them (plus no one really likes UC)

I would think that UC Gundam would go over well at the anime con. Most of the people that I talk to, are mostly UC fans.

I know that, I would go for a Wingzero from Endless Waltz, but that is just me.

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Postby Android raptor » Mon Mar 06, 2006 4:20 pm

Well, I can't make Mobile Suits (seen pics of them, but no diagrams), but do I plan to make some Wing characters, despite the fact that I don't like Wing. I also might do some animals and dragons too. I just thought that I can do some Wolf's Rain stuff, both humans and wolfs (I PMed Heart of Sword a really nice wolf diagram a while back). Any other ideas? :)
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Postby soul alive » Mon Mar 06, 2006 9:29 pm

I've found diagrams for Pikachu and [my neighbor] Totoro online, they're pretty easy to find via Google if you don't already have the diagrams. Those might be marketable to the younger/cutesier group.

I love origami, I used to do it a lot, haven't been able to spend the time on it since college, though. T_T . ;_;
I have a ginormous file of diagrams that I've printed off, and I hoard origami paper. XDXD


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Postby Android raptor » Tue Mar 07, 2006 10:50 am

Yeah, I've seen (and folded) the Totoro, as well as a Pikachu. I also might sell things like dragons and fantasy models. As far as characters go, the ones with more simple outfits will be easier to make, so I need to think of some that are popular with simple outfits...
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Postby The Last Bard » Tue Mar 07, 2006 1:06 pm

You could do Monkey D. Luffy from One Piece. Or the cat from Trigun. It's sounds really awesome though! I would really like to see pictures!
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Postby Android raptor » Thu Mar 09, 2006 12:18 pm

Hmm, there's a model similar to Kuroneko in the book "Origami for the Connioseur", so if I find some black paper with green backing, I could make that cat. And if anyone wants pics, AIM me at Android raptor.
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