identity at your fingertips!

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identity at your fingertips!

Postby Tenshi no Ai » Wed Mar 08, 2006 8:31 pm

Ok, so here's an idea I came up with (thanks to the help of some movies I've watched) and undoubtly, scientists are probably already working on somethign similar :/

Well, one thing I was thinking of one day was "well, with credit cards and everything, soon there will be no need for actual cash money. It'll be... invisable things, but are there". So I was thinking, why use stuff like cash/cheques/credit cards, when you can stick ALL that information onto some kinda profile on your fingerprints! So like, when stores scan your fingerprints, the information of how much "money" you have, your name, license info, and all that would be on there. Therefore, money would be like "points" (not that they aren't already :/) and then maybe, there could be some rule so that no one can pass a certain amount or else they'll be in debt (so save stores and their tabs and stuff like that).

But yeah, so instead of carrying a wallet full of IDs and cards and stuff, everything you need to know and everything can be at your fingertips (which I say more than eyeprints, cause lasers on the eyes might not be good^^) In my mind, this can also solve things like people killing people and stuff over money, because you have it on you at all time (although it can also make a disadvantage). And then say, if a person does get killed for it, the money wouldn't just go away and be "locked in" but... ummm maybe someone goes to the "super computer" or whatever that has everyone's IDs on it and stick in a password or somethign if in the will?

Still some things on this idea to work out, like if one store's scanner scans and changes the money amount on a person's fingerprint, how it's "saved" when you go to another store but whatever^^ I dunno... just wanted to know what other people thought of this alternate idea of having your money/ID like that at all times (so like, if you loose your birth certificate, it's not like you "don't legally exist" or anything).
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Postby Stephen » Wed Mar 08, 2006 8:47 pm

This is totaly going to start an end of the world AntiChrist mark of the beast debate. So sorry, no hard feelings..but thread locked.
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